Just Another Kid

Apr 03, 2006 08:24

Summary- Bam's known for a while that Ville has a little.. problem. But what happens when it starts getting out of control?
Rating- Mostly PG-13, but since it's me, there are NC-17 bits thrown in.
Caution- This is a bloody long story.
Right then... onward.

Yeah, yeah I know. I'm a lazy cunt and didn't update this weekend (did I Saturday? Whatever..) It was a weird weekend, and... Whatever. I'm just lazy and I couldn't be arsed to update. And you all lived. See?

Chapter Fifty-Five

“Three jacks,” Tim said, putting his cards face down.

Ville shook his head. “BS.” He had explained Paskahousu to some of the kids, and was informed it was the same as Bull Shit.

“Vittu!” Time muttered with a grin, picking up the pile. “Hey, there’s my mom and dad. Ville, come with me.”

Smiling shyly as he was quickly introduced, Ville tucked his hair behind his ears. “It’s nice to meet you,” he mumbled.

Tim smiled and pointed to the long sleeve of Ville’s shirt. “Show them your arm.”

Ville rolled up his sleeve to the elbow. “It goes up to my shoulder.” He talked with them for a few minutes before seeing Mige walk in. “Excuse me please!”

Tim’s mother hesitated, shrugged, then told her son he could stand to learn some manners from his roommate.

“Mizee!” Ville crashed into Mige, all but jumping into his arms. “I’ve missed you loads.” He suddenly realized he was in a room full of people and pulled away, blushing.

Bam smiled a bit when he realized no one was going to make a snide comment. He watched Mige crush Ville to his broad chest, not letting go.

“Oh, my Ville…” Mige kissed his cheek. “It’s so good to see you. How do you feel?” He finally held Ville at arm’s length to study his face. “Did someone hit you, heila?”

Nodding a bit, Ville shrugged. “But I was good; I didn’t hit him back.” He peered over Mige’s shoulder. “Oi, Bammie.” Holding out his arms, he beamed as Bam hugged him tight.

“Hey, gorgeous.” Bam kissed him lightly, following him to a table. He smiled as Ville wedged himself between he and Mige, smiling happily. “Is it better down here?”

“Oh, yes,” Ville answered immediately, slipping his hand into Mige’s. “The other kids are super nice, even the older ones.” His other hand snaked through Bam’s arm. “Are you going to come on Tuesdays now?”

Bam brought Ville’s hand to his lips. “Tuesdays and Fridays, angel. I can come see you twice a week now.” He couldn’t help but smile at his love’s excited look.

“You, as well?” Ville looked hopefully at Mige.

“I’ll come to see you on Friday, Vilpertti, but then I have to go back to Helsinki.” Mige gave his best friend’s hand a gentle squeeze. “So I can tell your mama and Lily how good you’re doing.”

“I did a trust exercise today,” Ville said proudly. “I closed my eyes and walked across the room and let Tim tell me when to stop so I wouldn’t hit the wall. He didn’t let me walk into anything.” He laid his head on Bam’s shoulder.

Wrapping an arm round Ville’s slender waist, Bam leaned slightly into his warmth. He sighed softly, the long, slim length of his lover’s body pressed to his side at once soothing him and breaking his heart. “I’m really proud of you, baby. That’s a big step.”

Ville nodded, hugging Mige’s arm to himself. “Yeah. And some of the kids know you, Bammie-wammie, from on TV.” He paused, flushing a bit. “Some of them know me, as well, cause of you. It’s kind of weird.”

Mige gently extracted his arm when he began to lose circulation. “Lots of people know you, sweetheart. You should be used to it.” He chuckled when Ville shifted to lean into him, still clinging to Bam’s hand. “I missed you, too.”

“I miss hugs,” Ville murmured. He nodded towards Tim. “That’s the boy I share a room with; he’s cool. That girl over there is Nicole; she hallucinates. But she’s nice. That girl is Gretchen. She’s a sociopath.” He looked round the room. “Tyler’s not here. He’s really little, and his mama and daddy never talk to him or come see him.”

Looking at the children Ville pointed out, Bam frowned a bit. “They just look like normal kids…” But as he looked closely, he realized he was wrong. When he looked closely, he could see scars on wrists, on arms and legs. He could see that their smiles weren’t quite as easy as children’s smiles should be. He could see a weariness around their eyes. Turning to Ville, Bam studied his angelic face, seeing those same signs.

Ville let out a pained squeak as Bam suddenly hugged him tight, putting pressure on the fading bruise on his back. “Ow! That’s my bruise, Bam. You-“ He was cut off by Bam’s lips pressed briefly but fiercely to his own.

Bam took Ville by the chin. “Please talk to the doctors, okay, baby? Let them help you get better. I want- I need you to come home.” Looking deeply into cat green eyes, he searched for some trace of the old Ville.

Still leaning against Mige, Ville smiled a bit at Bam. “You’re gonna take me home? I’ll be so good, Bammie, I promise. I’ll-“

“Ville, baby, you know I can’t take you home yet.” Bam cupped hiss cheek, stroking over soft skin with his thumb. He sighed again. “I’m gonna give you some time with Mige. Okay? Love you.”

Ville looked up as Bam kissed his forehead and shuffled out of the room. “Did I make him be mad at me, Mizee?” He turned troubled green eyes on his friend. “I didn’t mean to.”

“He’s not mad, Ville.” Mige gave him a gentle squeeze. “He just misses you a lot.” When Ville nodded a bit and relaxed in his arms, he began speaking softly in Finnish, telling about everything that was going on in Helsinki.

Happily speaking his native tongue, Ville busied himself tracing the tattoo round Mige’s bicep. “I miss Finnish. And it doesn’t snow here right. It won’t stick.”

Hearing the strange language, Tim gave Ville a grin. “Vittu, oot ruma!” he called.

Ville giggled and blushed as Mige gave him an amused look. “What?” He was the picture of wide eyed innocence.

“You’re a naughty one.” Mige chuckled, carding his fingers through his friend’s hair. “Other than Finnish lessons, are you being good?”

Nodding, Ville cuddled closer, face against Mige’s neck. “Yes. Just, I haven’t talked about stuff yet. But you don’t get in trouble for that, Mikko. They let you be quiet.”

Mige held Ville comfortably, frowning just a bit. “Ville, you know I love you, right?”

“Yeah. I love you as well.”

“Have I ever made you do something that wasn’t worth it?” He waited for Ville to slowly shake his head. “I can’t make you do this, heila… But I would if I could. If I could make you talk, I would.”

Pursing his lips, Ville thought about that for a while. “You mean cause it’ll be good for me?”


Ville sighed, sitting up. “I told Bammie I’d try. But it’s hard! I just don’t want it to have happened.”

Voice gentle, Mige took one of Ville’s hands. “I know. But not talking about it won’t make it go away. It’ll be true whether you say it out loud or not.” He stood, pulling Ville up as well.

Hugging Mige tightly, Ville pouted a bit. “I hate this part. I hate saying goodbye.” He kissed his cheek, letting go reluctantly. “You promise you’ll come on Friday?”

“I promise, Ville.” Mige kissed the corner of his mouth, giving him one last, quick hug before turning to leave the room.

(And before you get excited, no, Mige does not make another appearance in this story. Because as we all know, I suck like that.)
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