A Frozen Heart and a Soul on Fire (Part 10)

Apr 03, 2006 07:06

Finally! An update! Well, I don't have a thing remotely funny or interesting to say, so just enjoy. =)

Title-A Frozen Heart and a Soul on Fire
Author- PlayXDead07
Disclaimer- Don't own, don't know... blah blah blah... you get it. Also, my inspiration was a book by Laurell K. Hamilton called; "Guilty Pleasures". Just thought I'd add that...
Summary- Bam Margera makes a living killing those who do not deserve life. Of course, who he kills is not his choice... His power-hungry boss is the one who chooses who to kill. Most of the time, the victim didn't do a single thing wrong! One day, Bam's boss sets his sights on another victim; Ville Valo, only this time, Ville is a different sort of "victim"... one that Bam has sworn to kill... not for his boss, but for his own revenge. But Bam will soon find out what will happen when the monster you've sworn to kill becomes the man you can't live without.
Rating- Pg-13 to R

~x~x~x~x~x~Ville's POV~x~x~x~x~x~
Ville woke up in his house in the middle of the floor of the living room. He had no memory of returning home, and began to wonder what time he had gotten in. Ville lay on the floor a while longer, not wanting to move. He felt like if he moved, he would be able to feel the shattered pieces of his heart ripping and tearing at his chest. He heard a door creak open, but didn't have to look up to know who it was.
Jesse kneeled down beside Ville, and took his chin in his hand.

"What happened, Vil?" he asked softly.
Ville groaned, not wanting to relive last night's events. Jesse changed the subject.

"Alright then, don't you think you should at least lay down on the couch, if not in your bed?" he asked, and Ville was grateful that Jesse didn't press his previous question.
Ville nodded, then tried to move, but his muscles felt like they were made of lead. Jesse sighed, and lifted Ville into his arms. Jesse carried Ville over to the couch and set him down gently. He pulled a blanket over his older brother, then smoothed back his hair like their mother had once done when one of them was sick. Tears sprang to Ville's eyes, but he blinked them away, not wanting to cry... especially over someone who he would never have a chance with anyways... Missy got to him first...
Jesse sat up on the edge of the couch.

"Do you want to tell me what happened last night?" he asked. Ville sighed. He didn't want to, but there was no reason for Jesse not to know. Starting from the time he reached Castle Bam, and ending with him running from the building onto the main streets, he told his brother everything he could remember. By the time he was done, Jesse's mouth was open in shock.

"I don't remember how or when I got home though..." Ville added. Jesse shrugged.

"I was probably sleeping or something, so I didn't hear you come in." he said.
Ville lifted his hand to his forehead, tears still threatening to spill from his eyes. Jesse smoothed his older brother's hair back again.

"So, does this mean that you DO have feelings for this boy?" he asked.
Ville felt his stomach fall. He bit his lip and looked back up at Jesse.

"I...I don't know, Veli... I don't know him all that well, but he is very beautiful... and quite charming, really..." Ville looked thoughtful for a moment, before tears finally fell freely down his cheekbones.
"I can't believe I'm in love with a man who's sworn up and down to kill me..."
Jesse frowned, thinking hard.

"Doesn't Missy have to go into the office with Mr. Flatly today?" he asked.
Ville nodded.

"Well then, go back to Bam's house! Maybe you can get him alone to explain everything that's happened!"
Ville thought for a moment, before sitting up.

"I'll be back later, then." he said.
~x~x~x~x~x~Bam's POV~x~x~x~x~x~
Bam opened his eyes, and found that Missy was no longer next to him. In her place, there was a note. It simply told Bam that she had gone to work, and that she'll be back later that evening. Bam didn't really care if she'd be back or not... he just wanted to get Ville off of his mind! He had dreams about him the night before, and still well into the morning, he couldn't stop thinking about him!
He had to wonder whether or not Ville was telling him the truth. Missy's side of things did seem convincing, but then there were a few unsettling things about her... Ville seemed convincing as well, but he could just be trying to use his charm to get Bam's defences down... 'FUCK! Why is this so fucking difficult?!' he screamed in his head. Bam pounded a pillow in frustration, then layed back down on his bed, fuming.
A soft knock at the window startled him. He looked up, and Ville's face was visable in the daylight.

"Bammi, I have to talk to you!" he was saying. Bam was torn. Should he open the window, or not? He looked into Ville's eyes, and saw unmistakable urgency reflected in both of the green pools. Finally making up his mind, Bam opened the window and let Ville in.
Ville looked at Bam, looking as though he was lost for words. Bam frowned slightly.

"Bam...you-... Missy... fuck..." was all Ville could get out. He was gasping for air, and was starting to have an asthma attack. Bam knew what was going on, and panicked. He didn't have an inhaler anywhere in his room, and he didn't know if Ville had one either! Ville dropped down on Bam's bed, struggling and fighting for air. Bam looked around frantically, but could find anything that would be sueful. He did know that his mother had an inhaler though...

"Ape!" he yelled. "APE!"
He heard his tired mother's voice answer him from downstair.

"Get me your inhaler, FAST!" he ordered. He looked back at Ville, who's face was beginning to lose any color it may have had. Bam jumped forward next to Ville and rubbed his back gently. Then, without thinking, he pressed his mouth onto Ville's and blew air into his lungs. This seemed to help a bit, so Bam continued. His bedroom door opened and April ran in with her inhaler, Bam stepped back, feeling lightheaded, and watched as April slipped the white tube between his lips and pressed down on the button. Ville inhaled the medicine, and fell backwards on Bam's bed, panting, his original skin color returning to his face.
April softly stroked Ville's face.

"Are you going to be ok, Dear?" she asked. He nodded and muttered a 'thank you'. April turned to Bam.

"You going in to work today?" she asked. Bam shrugged.

"I guess I have no choice--" he began, but April cut him off.

"Call in sick." she said. "Spend a day or two relaxing. You look worn all to hell." she said. Bam smiled softly, and April nodded to both Bam and Ville, then left the room, closing the door behind her.

"Your mother...is an... amazing person..." Ville panted. Bam smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, she is..." he said, then turned to Ville. "Now, why are you here?"
Ville coughed, then sat up, staring straight into Bam's blue eyes.

"Don't trust Missy." he said. "She works for Mr. Flatly along with me. She killed Jennifer Rivell, and now I'll bet she's plotting to kill you too... I can't let her do that!"
Bam frowned. He couldn't let her do that? Why not? Why should Ville care about this whole situation like this?

"Why do you care?" Bam asked, voicing his thoughts.
Ville thought for a moment before answering.

"Honestly, I'm not sure... but..." Ville trailed off. Bam sat forward a bit more, urging him to continue. "I don't know... You're just the only thing I've been thinking about for ages, and the thought of you being murdered by the same woman who murdered your friend... I...I don't know..." Ville's cheeks were tinted red by the time he finished. Bam bit his bottom lip, then opened his mouth to speak...
That was part 10! yay! double digits now! comments are greatly appreciated because they boost my self esteem. =)
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