The Memory will never die Chapter 7

Apr 03, 2006 01:01

Title: The Memory will Never die.
Authors: Amaroqwolf_Inc and Sk8ter_VAM_Girl.
Synopsis: Even the loss of something can’t change how one feels for the other.
Rateing: Pg-13 to NC-17
A/N: This is a Joint fic, I’ll update as I edit. Lol. Read and enjoy. Links to previous chapters behind cut..

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6


Bam whimpered softly. "Ville," He cried softly. "It hurts, make it stop!" He sobbed weakly.

"I wish I could, love." Ville whispered, his heart breaking at the thought of not being able to stop the pain.

Bam just kept his head buried against Ville's chest till the pain faded back away into the recess of his head. He sighed softly wrapping his arms around Ville's stomach. He almost instantly dropped off to sleep.

The sound of the front door opening and closing clicked softly through the quite apartment. "Ville?" Linde called from the hallway. "Manna sent food," He called softly.

Ville turned his head to look behind himself, since the couch was in the middle of the room. Carefully he gripped onto Bam's body before gently placing him to lay upon the couch. He then climbed off the couch to head towards Linde. "Thanks." Ville smiled as he ran a hand through his hair. "What do we got?" he questioned next, eyeing the bag of food.

"One of Manna's casseroles," He said with a laugh. "Its good, Chicken and rice and cheese and broccoli or yeah." He chuckled. "Oh and this was taped to your door." He said holding up a small square manila envelope.

Ville raised a questioning eyebrow as he took the envelope from Linde. "I wonder what this could be." he said aloud as he started to open it.

Linde shrugged. "No clue," He said with a laugh. "I'll put this in the fridge."

Ville shrugged his shoulder lightly. "I see why not." he answered before turning on his heels, slightly still studying the video tape. "Come on." he commanded as he stepped back into the living room. Quietly he worked his way through the room, so he did not disturb Bam, and stepped up to the television. Clearing off the VCR, Ville stuck the tape within it and grabbed the remote. Searching for the right button, he pushed 'play' while he still stood a foot or two from the television.

The footage the came on at first was bouncy, then it focused on Bam who was bouncing around in the middle of the field. "What on earth are you doing Bam?" Came the voice from behind the camera. "Working off excess energy!" Bam yelled back. "Don't you need energy for this?" Came the voice again.

"Yeah, but this is nervous energy!" "Bam! Get over here! I'll give you back rub!" Someone said with a laugh. "Really?" Bam said and stopped bouncing. "Yeah, sure!" The new voice said. "Come on, yer mom's got food!" Bam nodded and jogged over. "Give me the Camera Jess!" He said reaching for the camera. "No," Came the cameraman’s voice, who was obviously Jess. "I'm recording today for all to see!" He laughed. "Well, turn it off till we get to the shoot okay!" "alright alright."

The camera turned off and fuzzed for several moments then turned on again focusing on a halfpipe.

Linde looked at Ville. "Why oh why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

Ville glanced over at Linde. "You're not the only one." Ville stated as he slowly brought his eyes back to the screen.

"You focused on it?" Bam asked from off camera. "Yes, Bam! I've got it!" Jess called back turning the camera back to Bam who was bouncing on his toes. "I'm gonna do it," "Yeah yeah," Said Chad who was standing next to him. "Sure you are!" he said with a loud laugh. Bam glared at him and shoved him tackling him to the ground. "BAM!" Ape screamed somewhere off Camera.

A small smile crept onto Ville's lips as he watched the Bam he once knew on the screen. He then quickly began to wonder if Bam would ever be the same.

Linde looked at him smiling softly. "He's kinda weird,"

"So, Bam.." Jess said sounding amused as the two got up off the ground. "What amazing stunt are you going to do today?" He asked. "Well, I'm gonna fence Jump," He said. "The Element guys don't want me to do it , but I've been practicing at home" He said. "I'm so gonna blow there minds and..." He grinned. "It'll be a great picture."

Ville became nervous as he heard Bam state that the Element guys wanted him to not take any part in this stunt. "Bam," Ville whispered aloud. "What are you about to get yourself into?"

Linde chuckled. "He can't hear you," He said softly.

"If the Element guys don't want you to do it, then why are you?" Jess asked pointing the Camera away from Bam to point at the Halfpipe again. "Cause," Bam said. "I'm Bam Margera and I'll do whatever the fuck I want!" He said laughing as Chad mimicked him. "You still owe me a backrub!" He said shoving Chad.

Ville chuckled softly at the two playing out on the screen. He always thought that the two of them were really brothers separated at one point.

"Alright, get over here ya brat!" Chad said with a laugh. Bam must of moved closer to Chad because he started groaning. "FUCK!" He said rather loudly. "Okay guys..." Jess said pointing the camera at them. "Make out hotly for the Camera!" He said. Bam arched his eyebrows and grinned. "What ya say Chad?" He asked. "Don't even think about it!" Came the response.

Ville found himself shaking his head at Bam's behavior.

Linde laughed. "You know do you think he'd kiss Chad for real?" He asked.

Bam jumped at a loud garbled sound off Camera. "Alright, I'm up! Make sure you don't miss anything asswipe!" He said shoving Jess. "Watch this folks! Its gonna be Fantastic!" He said then was gone. "Your brother is such a weirdo," "yeah I know.." Jess responded.

"I wouldn't be able to answer that Linde. Bam likes to do anything that's outrageous." Ville answered with a shrug of his shoulders.

Linde nodded with a chuckle. "That’s good, then." He said.

In a couple of minutes Bam was on the top of the Halfpipe. He waved his hand. "So you think He'll do it?" Chad asked. "No clue," Jess responded keeping the Camera on Bam as he started doing his stunts. He was doing great Jess kept the Camera focused on him. "You know he could just finish this off, with out a problem." Chad said. "Yeah, but you know Bam, he won't stop till he does it." He responded. "Here he goes," Came Ape's voice from off Camera

Ville remained silent as he kept his eyes focused on the screen.

Bam Shot up the high end of the halfpipe, instead of catching the edge he jumped it and hit the railing which quivered under the sudden assault on it. He slowly started grinding across it and then he suddenly pitched forward and dropped out of site the skateboard still clinging to the railing.

Gasping quickly, Ville's attention stayed focused on the screen.

"OH MY GOD!" April screamed. "Shit," Hissed. "Yeah," Was Jess's only response, and the Camera cut off. The footage started back up again but it was clearer obviously being filmed on a different Camera. Bam was laying on the grass he slowly put his hands into the grass and pushed himself to his feet slowly. "Ow," He chuckled and looked up. "I'm okay," He said softly rubbing his shoulder. He grinned laughing. "That was awesome!" He said. There was a loud snapping sound from above a few people screamed and suddenly the Skateboard and fencing came crashing down slamming into Bam knocking him back to the ground hard.

Ville felt his himself whimper out as he watched Bam's body fall to the ground hard.

Linde tensed. "Shit," He whispered.

People rushed in at that point obscuring Bam. The sound of an Ambulance Siren filled the air and then the screen fuzzed out again.

Ville flinched lightly as the screen went fuzzy. He then slowly brought his gaze to the sleeping figure on the couch. So this is what had happened to him.

Linde looked down at Bam. "Damn, so the skateboard did him in huh?" He asked chuckling softly. "Sorry, not funny."

"The one thing he loved so much and it caused him so much pain." Ville frowned, eyes still fixed on Bam's sleeping figure.

Linde sighed and picked up the Envelope and a piece of paper fell out. "Hey, Ville." He said looking at the white Paper on the floor.

"Huh?" he questioned softly, pulling his eyes away from the brunette and placed them on the blonde. He then followed Linde's gaze to the piece of paper that rested on the carpeted floor. Stepping up to it, he reached down for it. Once in his hands, he studied it.

Scrawled in sloppy handwriting was his name.

Hesitating at first, he sighed softly before opening it.

"Dear Ville,

I thought you would need to see that, So you could understand the nature of the injuries Bam sustained. What the footage doesn’t show is that Bam stopped breathing for about 5 minutes, I spoke with his doctor about it and he said it could of caused the Amnesia he's experiencing, along with the blow to his head. The beginning footage as you can see was taken by Jess, but I never got the name of the man of the footage of the actual accident. It took me this long to hunt it down. Anyways, to the point behind this, sense Bam's Family seemingly has given up on him, I'd like to help in anyway I can. Give me a call if you want,


His number followed.

Ville slowly debated on calling the man right away, but decided against it at the time being. It was good to know that he had someone close to Bam that was still willing to help him get through this point in his life. He then made a mental note that call Chad as soon as he had his hands free.

Linde looked at him. "What does it say?" He asked

"Chad offering help with Bam." Ville answered as he handed the paper over to Linde, so the blonde could read it.

Linde blinked and read over it quickly. "That’s cool," He said softly

"Yeah." Ville replied as he made his way back to the couch. He carefully took a seat on couch before reaching a hand out. He then pushed a few strands of hair off of Bam's face.

Bam shuffled about on the couch yawned and blinked slowly. "Willa?"

"Yes, love?" Ville asked as he looked down at him.

Bam sighed. "I'm hungry! I haven't eaten in a LOOOONG Time." He said.

Linde chuckled. "Want me to put the Casserole in?"

"Yeah, Linde. Could you please?" Ville replied as he glanced up at the blonde.

Linde nodded. "Not a problem," He said heading into the kitchen.

Bam stretched out yawning. "Whatcha watching?" He asked

Ville quickly debated on telling Bam the truth or not, but instantly decided against it. "Nothing important." Ville answered, hoping Bam would not push the topic any further.

"Oh," He smiled softly. "okay," He said leaning in to Kiss Ville. "Love you Willa,"

"Love you too, Bammie." Ville spoke with a smile as he let the skater kiss him.

Bammie giggled softly. "What’s Linde doing here? He asked

"He brought food, then we were having a little conversation." Ville answered as he rested his forehead against Bam's.

Bam grinned giggling rubbing his nose against Ville's. "Oh, okay!" He said smiling.

"How do you feel? Any better?" Ville asked kindly as he kissed the tip of Bam's nose.

Bam nodded. "Yeah, my head doesn’t hurt anymore," He said.

“That's a good thing." Ville said, inwardly sighing in relief.

Bam nodded. "Yeah," He grinned widely. "Did I ever show you the scars on my heads?"

"I don't think so." Ville replied with a soft shake of his head.

"Wanna see em?" He asked smiling brightly

Ville hesitated for a split second. "Sure."

Bam scooted closer and leaned over. "Back here," He said pulling at his hair

Ville stretched his neck a little to get a better view of Bam's
scars. Sure enough, there they were.

"See, aren’t the nasty?" He asked scratching at one.

Ville reacted by smacking Bam's hand away gently. "Don't do that." Ville chuckled.

Bam blinked. "What?" He said looking at Ville

"Scars are not meant to be messed with." Ville answered with a smirk.

"They itch though," He responded

"Please." Ville softly quietly as he looked into Bam's blue eyes.

"Alright, I'll be good," He said smiling

"Thank you." he whispered before carefully placing his lips over Bam's.

Bam leaned into the kiss sighing softly he climbed into Ville's lap wrapping his legs around the singer's waist.

Without meaning too, Ville felt himself moan softly into the kiss.

Bam giggled softly snuggling closer. "Emmm,"

Ville instantly remembered that Linde was in the apartment as well and it instantly killed the mood Bam had put him in. Ville then pulled himself away from Bam a little bit.

Bam blinked. "What?" he asked softly.

"We can't. Not now." Ville answered as he closed his eyes slowly.

"Oh," He said pouting lightly.

"Later maybe?" Ville suggested, pulling open his eyes to stare at the brunette.

Bam chewed on his lip then nodded. "okay," He said softly.

Linde stepped into the room and arched an eyebrow clearing his throat. "Dinner is served," He said chuckling. "That is if you two can pull away from each other."

Bam blushed lightly and wiggled out of Ville's lap.

Ville had no choice but to let Bam go. He soon followed suit and climbed back up to his feet. Being on his feet, he followed behind Bam towards the kitchen. As he stepped past Linde, he quickly raised his hand and let it come in contact with the back of Linde's head.

Linde blinked. "Ow, what?" He said rubbing his head. "What I do?"

Bam giggled softly and flopped down at the table grinning.

"Is all he know how to do is flop? I've never seen him sit!"

"This is Bam you're talking about. The word 'sit' is not in his vocabulary." Ville joked as he took a seat at the table as well, seen that Linde had removed all of the things he was working on.

"There in the cabinet over there," He said smiling.

"Thank you. I had forgotten about all of it for a moment there." Ville said as he looked up at Linde. "Are you going to join us?" he asked politely, motioning towards a seat.

"Actually I should get back...Manna told me to drop this off and come home," he said smiling.

"Oh. Well thanks again Linde. Very appreciated." Ville said with a smile.

Linde nodded. "Not a problem Buddy," He said with a grin.

"I'll talk to you and the guys later then." Ville said before turning his attention back towards the table.

Linde nodded hugged Ville then ruffled Bam's hair. "Bye guys, Hey Ville don't forget we have a recording Session on Friday at 7." He said then hurried out.

”Recording already." Ville mumbled to himself before getting lost in his thoughts.

Bam looked at Ville picking at the food. "Hey," He said. "Can I come to the recording thingy?"

Ville looked over at Bam when he heard his voice. "Yeah sure. I see why not." Ville answered with a light shrug of his shoulders.

Bam grinned. "Cool!" He said taking a bite.

As Bam ate his food, Ville slowly picked away at his plate.

"You not hungry?" He asked.

"Yes and no." Ville replied as he kept his eyes on his plate.

"What’s wrong?" He asked studying him.

"Just a lot of things on my mind, that's all." Ville answered carefully.

"Like what?" Bam asked smiling at him watching him raptly.

"Just some band things." Ville answered, deciding to leave out the tape that he had watched for it continued to play in his head.

"Oh, you need help I can help!" He said bouncing in his seat.

A smile crawled on his lips at Bam's behavior. "I decided to push my work aside for now, but when I do work on it again I'll let you know. How's that?" Ville suggested as he looked over at the brunette.

Bam nodded. "Alright fair enough," He said with a giggle.

Finally getting his mind clear, Ville slowly started to eat the food that was in front of him.

Bam was humming softly to himself as he mowed through the plate of food in front of him. When he finished it he glanced up. "Can I have some more please?"

"Help yourself, love." Ville answered with a gentle smile upon his face at Bam's manners.

Bam grinned and grabbed another heaping helping and started digging in.

As Ville continued to eat in silence, images of the footage popped into his head again; making him flinch slightly as they hit him unexpectedly.

Bam stopped eating starring at him. "Willa?"

"Yes, love?" Ville asked, trying to clear his mind again.

"What’s wrong?" He said staring at him.

"Nothing's wrong.' Ville lied, immediately regretting the fact that he lied to Bam. It was the one thing he hated doing, yet he found himself doing it more then once lately.

Bam narrowed his eyes. "Ville I know when your lying to me! I've had enough of people lying to me over the last few months! Now tell me what’s bugging you."

Sadness quickly washed over him as he quickly looked down at the kitchen table. "I can't." Ville whispered. He did not want to worry Bam or make him relive what had happened to him.

"Fine," Bam said coldly and shoved the plate away climbed to his feet and stalked out of the room.

"Bam!" Ville called after him. Not hearing anything from the skater, Ville quickly dropped his head to the kitchen table; mentally kicking himself for being the way he was being.

Bam slunk into the living room, he studied the TV silently and picked up the Remote. He hit rewind and waited silently. When it finished he hit play. He stood silently watching himself, not realizing what he was watching.

Ville's head popped up when he hear familiar voice's coming from the living room. Quickly jumping out of his chair, he raced to the living room to see something he wished he hadn't.

Bam stood there watching silently as he on the TV Skated the halfpipe.

Ville had come to a complete stop at the entrance to the living room. He wanted nothing more then to turn off the television and stop Bam from seeing the accident, but he couldn't get himself to move. It was like as if he was froze still.

Bam was shaking hard his eyes wide as he stared he didn't move even after the tape went fuzzy the last time. He blinked slowly but still didn't pull away.

"Bam?" Ville question carefully and softly, finally finding himself able to move again.

"Yeah," He said softly.

"Please tell me what you are thinking right now." Ville
whispered as he stepped closer to him.

"I'm not sure," He said softly.

Ville came to a stop only a few feet behind Bam. He then
slowly reached out a hand and placed it onto his shoulder.

Bam jerked slightly but didn't pull away. "How did the fence break?" He asked slowly.

"I can't answer that one, Bam." Ville answered softly as he inched closer to Bam.

"Can we find out?" He asked

"I'm not really sure on how we can." Ville answered truthfully as he pressed the front of his body against Bam's back before gently wrapping his arms around him.

Bam pressed back against him leaning his head on Ville's shoulder. "Can we try?" He asked.

"Sure, love." Ville answered as he rested his chin onto Bam's shoulder.

"Ville?" He said softly.

"Yes?" Ville asked as he closed his eyes, enjoying the comfort he got from just hold Bam within his arms.

He looked up at him. "I feel empty, will you make love to me?" he asked softly.

Ville's eyes snapped open quickly at Bam's words. "Now?" Ville choked out. He wasn't trying to say that he didn't want to, hell he wanted to have his way with Bam the first night he was in West Chester. It's just that he wasn't expecting that question from Bam anytime soon.

He looked up at him silently. "You don't wanna?" He asked softly.

Not bothering to answer Bam's question, Ville quickly turned the younger man around before crashing his lips upon Bam's; kissing him hungrily.

Bam gasped in surprise groaning loudly he kissed him back wrapping his arms around him grinding up against him. "emm, god Willa!"

After kissing Bam passionately and hungrily for a little bit, Ville finally pulled away from the kiss breathing heavily.

Bam stood there breathing heavily starring up at him eyes wide.

"Right here, or the bedroom?" Ville questioned with a smirk as he looked down at Bam's shorter frame.

Bam blinked. "Don't know," He whispered softly.

"Well I do know where." Ville grinned as he gently grabbed onto Bam's wrist before pulling him towards the bedroom.

Bam followed him quickly gasping softly

Reaching the his room, Ville opened the door to his bedroom and pulled Bam in along with him. Closing the door with his foot, he threw Bam into the door before attacking his lips with his own.

Bam gasped then kissed Ville back whimpering softly arching his hips up against Ville's.

As he continued to attack Bam's lips with his own, his right hand found it's way into Bam's hair. Grabbing onto a chunk of hair, he pulled at it making Bam's head jerk back and their kiss break apart. His lips then began to work on Bam's jaw line to his neck.

Bam groaned loudly gasping for air shivering hard. "oh, fuck.." He mumbled softly rocking his hips against Ville's leg. "emm, emm."

Ville stopped his tasting of Bam's skin to bring his lips back to Bam's. Then grabbing the front of Bam's shirt, Ville pulled him away from the door. Not breaking from the kiss, he lead the way to the bed; walking backwards towards it. He knew he had reached it because he's knees gave out on him at the impact of them hitting the edge of the bed. He felt himself start to fall backwards so he quickly wrapped his arms around Bam's body and brought him down with him.

Bam crawled up onto of Ville kissing at Ville Feverishly clinging to him and rocking his hips lightly whimpering into the kiss he nipped lightly at His lips, then pushed his tongue forward to explore the other mans mouth

Ville moaned into the kiss as Bam's tongue continued to explore his mouth. Instantly his hands found the hem of Bam's shirt and he quickly began to tug at it; wanting it off of Bam's body.

Bam wiggled not wanting to break the kiss at all, he squirmed his arms and pulled them out and pushed it upwards pulled away from Ville's lips for merely a second then dove down again kissing him possessively.

Glad to see that the shirt was now gone, Ville's hands quickly began to roam over Bam's skin. From running his nails down Bam's back to along his sides, he just continued stop himself from touching every inch of Bam's skin.

Bam groaned arching his back he whimpered softly. "Emm, fuck," He mumbled against Ville's lips.

Ville found himself smiling at the reaction he was getting out of Bam. Finally removing his hands from Bam's skin, they quickly found their way to the belt buckle of Bam's pants.

Bam gasped softly sitting up watching Ville silently licking his lips lightly as he gazed at him intently

Ville focused his gaze on his hands, as they worked at the belt. Once succeeding in undoing it, he began to work at the button and zipper of the pants.

Bam grinned then gasped softly closing his eyes he bit his lip to keep silent the wonderful feelings burning up and down his spine. He moaned loudly.

With have the pants undone, he removed his attention from Bam's pants and back to his exposed upper half. Since Bam was sitting on top of him, he placed his hands on Bam's hips before leaning towards him. Once close enough he began to leave kisses on his favorite part of Bam's body. Their tattoo.

Bam gasped his blue eyes snapping open wide he groaned loudly shivering. "Emm, Willa feels good," He whined softly still trying desperately to be quite.

Ville smirked against Bam's skin as he listened to him. Since part of Bam's boxers were covering the tattoo, Ville hook his finger onto the waistline of them before pulling on them an inch or two; his lips following as more skin was exposed.

Bam gasped bucking his hips lightly whimpering softly. "Emm..Emm.." He panted lightly.
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