New Fic! Past the Deep End: Chapter One!

Mar 29, 2006 22:50

Title: Past The Deep End
Author: Conjure_Lass (aka Katherine)
Rating: R for now (It'll turn NC-17 later)
Pairing: Bam/Ville
Disclaimer: Oh come on now...this SO didn't happen. I don't own anyone. This is fiction.

Summary: It's adventure on the high seas as a noble man's son is taken prisoner by a mischievous pirate captain! But will their unique relationship turn into something more? Or is a pirate's heart too tough to truly crack? Find out!!

Author's Notes: Whoa...this one is WAY alternate universe guys. And this whole story is dedicated to the lovely Morphine, without whom I could not have written this story as she helped me with the details. Therefore...the character of Michele is based off of her.

If the sun had been shining, the water would have been the most crystal clear blue, the most perfect clear. Ville was sure of it as he dipped his fingers into a bucket that sat on the deck of the ship that carried him across the sea. He’d been sent away due to the war in Finland, a devastating conflict that had prompted his parents to put him on a boat with their most trusted advisors and officers for somewhere more safe. His destination? Hell if he knew…all he knew was that they’d promised him that the seawater would be blue as the most precious sapphire.

So far he’d been disappointed…but then…the only time he was allowed out of his quarters was at night.

“Master Valo,” he heard from behind him, turning his head to gaze upon the first officer of the ship with brilliant green eyes. “You mustn’t stand too close to the railing young master. You could fall…or someone could see you.”

Ville sighed and turned back to his bucket, long black curls trailing into his face. True, he was nearly twenty-one, but apparently that didn’t prevent his family from treating him like a child. It was of their opinion that until he settled down properly with a wife of his own that they were his lords and masters…and he couldn’t really see any reason to deny them that privilege. So far with his life he’d done…pretty much nothing. Hadn’t seen much outside of the manor in which he lived or the school that he’d attended or the social gatherings he’d been forced to dance at. His life, for all intents and purposes, had been blazingly dull.

Pushing the bucket with its pitch-black water directly into the sea, he turned around and walked closer to the main deck. “Of course Nestori,” Ville said, sitting down behind the wheel of the ship. It was so dark that he could barely make out any movement beyond the bow, except for the random rolling wave that rocked The Wayward Orchid back and forth. It was almost enough to put him to sleep, but somehow he managed to keep his eyes open. Glancing up towards the sky, he noticed that it was starting to get a little cloudy, a slow rise of fog coming up from the sea. It wouldn’t be too long and the soft breeze that now blew his hair back from his face would be a full out rainstorm. Sighing inwardly, Ville resigned himself to a long evening and went to the galley to get something to eat.


And somewhere, not too far away, a young man of eighteen stepped out from his cabin and looked around a darkened deck. Blue eyes the color of ocean water grinned out from under the brim of a large hat, a slice of lime sitting between full lips. Sucking delicately, he slowly moved closer to the railing of the ship, leaning his elbows on the wooden expanse, he smiled. Tonight was the night. His ship, The Poison Arrow, had been following the small vessel for days. Apparently they were transporting not goods of any kind…but a person. A very…important person…not to mention rich.

One Captain Brandon “Bam” Margera, wiped at his mouth with the pad of his thumb, imagining all the money the brat’s parents would pay to get him back. Apparently this one, a man about Bam’s age, was something to look at, beloved back in the country that he’d come from. A son of two nobles, high in rank and society…also known as rich beyond belief. It made Bam nearly sigh in contentment, not to mention dizzy at the thought of all the mischief he’d get to cause. True, the gold and jewels were always a nice side benefit, but what really got his blood moving was the thrill. Would he get caught this time? Would he survive? It was…breathtaking in its uncertainty.

“Captain?” he heard from behind him. Slowly looking over is shoulder, he pulled his hat off to reveal the bright red bandana underneath, his curls sticking randomly from below it and behind it. Crooking his finger at his first mate, he pointed out towards the shadow of The Wayward Orchid in the distance. Dunn came forward slowly, hands behind his back, watching carefully out into the darkness.

“That, Dunn, is our objective for the evening,” Bam said, looking up at the sky. “As soon as it starts to rain, we’ll move. You’re to instruct the men NOT to kill anyone. Beat, bruise, maybe a random maiming…but you are NOT to kill them. And see to it that no harm is done to…our guest.”

“Aye Captain,” Dunn said, turning around. Bam could hear Dunn barking out orders to the men, the clatter of cutlass swords being inserted into sheaths, the soft laughter of the men as they readied for a boarding. It was all part of the norm…this was what they did. Bam turned around and walked, his soft brown boots making a soft thumping on the deck as he walked into the middle of his men.

“You have your orders gentleman…” he said, brushing a curl from his eye and putting his hat back on his head. “Let’s all get rich…”


The storm had been raging for nearly an hour, pitching the ship back and forth, making sleep impossible for the green-eyed young man who lay annoyed in his bed. He had been just about to get up and re-light the lantern, perhaps to write a song, when he heard a huge sound and was sent sprawling onto the floor. It wasn’t thunder, that part of the storm had passed long ago to be replaced simply by torrential rain…no…this sounded like something had hit the ship. As Ville scrambled to get up and look through his window he nearly slipped and fell.

Finally making it to the window, he paused to look outside, squinting through the fog and rain. A sudden flash of lightning illuminated a ship…a ship with a black flag blowing recklessly in the wind. Ville’s eyes nearly widened to the size of saucers at the thought of it. Pirates…taking over the ship. At first Ville was confused, racking his brain to try to think of what the hell they could possibly want. The Valo family hadn’t sent any real riches along with Ville…only enough to support him until he came home. It only took a moment for the realization to set in that he, himself, was the intended target.

It didn’t take long for him to get to the door and bolt it shut, rummaging around his desk in a vain attempt to find some sort of weapon. He’d been given the captain’s cabin to stay in throughout the journey…he had to have something! Finally Ville’s eyes settled on a box at the bottom of a drawer, pulling it out and opening it to reveal its contents. A pistol! Perfect. Hands shaking with nerves, he managed to pour the powder into the barrel and stamp it down with the pole, swallowing a few times to try to calm himself.

“He’s in there!” he heard from outside his door, nearly dropping the gun when a loud banging accompanied the voices. It wouldn’t take them long to get into the room, and he only had one shot. Well…at least he’d make it count and take one of them with him. Suddenly more calm in his decision, he trained the barrel of the pistol on the door and waited for the inevitable.

Which came more quickly than he’d originally thought.

A tall skinny man came through the door first, followed by a shorter man with deep-set eyes. Ville glared over the barrel of the gun, pulling the trigger without a moments hesitation. The shorter man fell backwards instantly, holding his shoulder and wailing about being about to die. Ville rolled his eyes at that, throwing the gun to the side and taking a step back from the tall man whom advanced on him.

“Get him Dico!” the wounded man said. “Rough him up a little for me!”

Dico, obviously the taller man, turned to the other one and yelled. “The captain said not to hurt him! Do YOU want to get him angry Raab?”

A look came over Raab’s face that was something akin to terror and shook his head, rising to his feet and glaring at Ville who grit his teeth. Coming forward quickly, he punched Dico in the stomach, coming up to give him a good punch to the jaw. Just because Ville was raised wealthy didn’t mean that he didn’t know how to fight. He had always looked too feminine for his own good…always been too pretty…it had gotten him into his fair share of incidents. He could hold his own.

Ville was just about to go in for another hit when another man and a woman came through the doorway, the woman holding rope and the man holding out his sword. Not knowing what to do next, Ville, glanced over at the two newcomers…which was just enough time for Dico and the wounded Raab to jump him and hold him to the floor. The unnamed man held his feet while his arms were held by the other men, all the while the young Finnish man struggled to get up, to lash out, anything that would keep him from being dragged away.

“Hold him down I say! Some bold pirates you are! Can’t even hold down one skinny lad?” the woman said, her voice laden with a French accent that Ville raised an eyebrow at. Before long he found himself with his hands bound behind his back, two men at either side with long knives poised at his throat. “He is pretty though isn’t he?” the woman said, laughing delicately. Reaching out, she slowly ran her hand along Ville’s cheek and down his chest that was covered only with a large white half-buttoned shirt. “I mean…he’s prettier than a lot of ladies I know…”

“Michele,” Dico said, slapping the woman’s hand away with a scowl, which greatly calmed Ville as he was beginning to feel as though he were about to be taken advantage of. “Captain Margera didn’t say anything about manhandling him…or…womanhandling him…whatever…he didn’t say anything about that…”

“You ruin all my fun,” she said, sticking out her tongue and pulling on the rope that was around Ville’s neck. When he protested, he was violently kicked in the back, sending him sprawling to his knees through the open door of the captain’s cabin. The rain instantly began to soak through his clothes, sticking his hair to his forehead as he looked around and stood up.

The men of the ship seemed to be fine, though they were all trussed up around the main mast, bound and gagged so that they couldn’t call out. Ville tried to struggle again but he was pulled back by his long hair, pushed to his knees and made to look up.

“We have him captain!” Dico called out to the man that Ville could only assume was the captain. Said man slowly turned around, water dripping off the brim of his hat as he walked slowly towards them. Ville’s struggling stopped instantly, green eyes blinking a few times to get the water off his lashes…

Blue breeches clung to his hips, giving him a little room before going into dark chocolate brown boots that made a soft noise as he moved. A billowing white shirt was tucked into the pants, a blue long vest over that, a darker coat that trailed to the middle of his thighs left unbuttoned covering it all. A huge belt was tied tight at the waist, holding a long sash of red and white to him that trailed to his knees. Glimpses of his chest could be seen through the shirt as it was only buttoned twice at the bottom, a red bandana at the top of his head, covered slightly by the pirate hat that sat atop his head. His dark curls stuck to his forehead as well, highlighting eyes that were amazingly blue…even in the dark Ville could tell what color they were.

“Good work men,” Bam said, walking forward and stopping a few feet in front of the other man. Michele coughed loudly at the “men” thing, making Bam roll his eyes and run his hand down his face. “You too Michele…mustn’t forget there are ladies aboard…”

He crouched down in front of the other man, pulling his hat off despite the rain, wet curls flying everywhere. “So this is our guest…” he said, his hand reaching out of its own accord to grab Ville’s chin and tilt his head up to look at him. He was…pretty. Very pretty. Hair that hung around his face, messy and wild to frame brilliant green eyes that had a sort of glow about them. Perhaps that could have been the anger that Bam saw in his gaze, but he had a feeling that the eyes he saw would glow like that in any…pressing situation. The white shirt was wet against the other man’s skin, revealing the lean body beneath, long legs that he was sure were equally as trim as the rest of him. This one was deceivingly fragile…like a snake that is only graceful and frail until it wrapped around your neck and choked the life out of you.

“What’s your name?” Bam said, still holding the man’s chin in his hand. At first the green-eyed man wouldn’t answer, would only glare, but when Bam applied a little more pressure to the chin, digging blunt nails in, he finally piped up.

“Ville Valo,” was all he said, before he looked firmly away.

“Well,” Bam said, letting Ville’s chin go and standing up, putting his hat back on with flourish as he turned away. “we’ll be getting to know one another so well Mr. Valo. I’m Captain Margera…you may call me Bam since I know we’re going to be such good friends. Take him to The Poison Arrow!! Put him in my cabin!!”

Ville made a soft noise as he was drug away by his neck, the woman cackling slightly as a knife was pushed into his back. He risked one glance back at his crew before shaking his head and allowing himself to be lead onto the other ship by a board that they’d spread from one ship to the other. When they had him on deck they began pushing him harder, making him fall nearly twice before they finally threw open the doors to the captain’s quarters and shoved him in.

They could have at least untied him before they did that…

Pulling himself up off his knees with a little difficulty, he sighed and made his way over to a random leather chair that sat in the corner of the room next to a huge desk with so many glittering trinkets on it that Ville’s head nearly swam. On the other side was a bed, encompassed in dark red wood that shown in the emerging moonlight. Two suits of armor sat on either side of the bed, holding swords with rubies and sapphires in the handles. A huge bay window was in the center, with enough pillows of silk in it that Ville was certain that it would be comfortable. It seemed as though every corner was filled to overflowing with some exotic item, from the few tables to the shelves, to the floor covered with expensive looking rugs.

Sighing to himself, Ville had just leaned his head down on the wood when he heard the door to the cabin slowly open.

Head swinging around, he stared wide eyed as Bam came through the door, throwing his hat onto the bed and gracefully arching his back in a long, drawn out stretch.

“Oh,” he said, glancing over his shoulder. “Don’t let me disturb your rest. I’d hate for our guest to go back to his friends and say that I wasn’t a good host…”

And there you have it folks. I have been neglectful in my writing for a while and thought i'd come back with a bang! Hope you like it.

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