Just Another Kid

Mar 29, 2006 22:47

Summary- Bam's known for a while that Ville has a little.. problem. But what happens when it starts getting out of control?
Rating- Mostly PG-13, but since it's me, there are NC-17 bits thrown in.
Caution- This is a bloody long story.
Right then... onward.

I have nothing remotely witty to say.....

Chapter Fifty-Two_

“It’ll be fine, Ville,” Tina reassured him for the fifth time in as many minutes. “Go pack up.”


“Go!” She gave him a smile to take the sting out of her tone. “You wanna stay up here?”

Ville shook his head quickly, finally heading for his room. He carelessly crammed his clothes into the duffel bag he had come with. The journal he took greater care with, tucking it into an outside pocket of the bag.

On both the adult’s and the children’s ward, patients were allowed two personal items. Ville was happy he would be able to keep both his birthday presents. He picked up his shoes, sans laces, and carried them in one hand.

Tina smiled up at him, handing him the bag with the toy dog in. “All set?” When he nodded, she held out a hand. “You’ll be okay, kiddo.”

Following her downstairs, Ville stayed a few steps behind her, looking around from under lowered lashes. “Why can’t you work down here?”

“Because I work up there.” Tina gave his hand a comforting squeeze, waving over a male nurse who was an inch or so taller than Ville, with light hair. “Ville, this is Chris. Chris, this is Ville.”

Letting go of Tina’s hand, Ville held his out shyly. “Hi.”

Chris smiled and shook. “Hi, yourself. Let’s get you settled in, okay?”

Ville glanced at Tina, biting at his lip. He opened his mouth to speak, but she cut him off.

“Everything is okay, Ville. I’ll stop by tomorrow and bring that guitar for you, if you like.” At his slow nod, she reached up to pat his cheek. “Relax. They’ll take good care of you.”

Letting Chris steer him down the hall, Ville looked over his shoulder to wave at her. He put his things down in a room nearly identical to the one he had upstairs. “Does another boy sleep here, as well?”

“Yup; Tim. You’ll like him.” Chris peered at his face. “Looks like someone caught you a good one.”


“Won’t happen down here.” Chris waited for Ville to get organized. “PM meeting is almost done, so let’s take you to meet your group.”

Six children sat at one table in the dining room, talking quietly to a counselor. They all looked up when Chris brought Ville over. Each child told their name as Ville sat down. Then the questions started.

“How old are you?”



“Yes. Yesterday, I was.”

One boy squinted at Ville. “Then how come you’re so big?”

“Cause I am.”

“You got a funny name,” a girl informed him.

“It’s Finnish.”

“Cool. Her name is Marquelle, so she shouldn’t talk about funny names,” another boy said. “What’s on your arm?”

Ville followed his gaze to his left arm. “It’s a tattoo. I have eight,” he said, a bit proudly.

“Wow, cool! Show us.”

Pointing out the heart on his wrist, the cosmic pope and Greek symbol for fire on his calves, the heartagram on the back of his neck, Ville paused. “And I got one here and here,” he finished, pointing to his chest and stomach.

“That’s only seven.”

Ville blushed. “The other’s a secret.”

“Did they hurt?”

“What do they mean?”

“What’s Finnish?”

The counselor let them talk, giving Chris an incredulous look. “They absolutely don’t care. They aren’t even batting an eyelash.”

“Kids,” Chris said. “Gotta love ‘em.”

Once it was time for bed, Ville glanced over at Tim, hesitant to open the bag Tina had given him. He was in the process of trying to surreptitiously slide the dog under the covers when his new roommate spoke up.

“You know, if you’re scared of the dark, we can leave the bathroom light on.” Tim pushed thick blond curls out of his eyes.

“I’m not-“

The boy shrugged. “I used to be. Then my mom got me this.” He held up a teddy bear. “I know he doesn’t really keep bad guys away, but it’s cool to have. Hey, you’re not gonna make fun of me, are you?”

Ville shook his head, holding up his new dog. “Not if you don’t make fun of me.” He grinned, sitting Indian style on his bed. “You like cards?”

Tim shrugged again. “Some. I like sports more. But in here, we play a lot of cards.” He kicked his way under the covers. “Hey, can I see your other tattoos?”

Glancing at the divided door, Ville quickly lifted his shirt up and rolled down that waist of his pajama pants.

“They look really cool. I want one. But my mom would probably ground me.”

Ville hesitated again. “How come you’re here? You don’t seem sick.”

“I got depression,” Tim said simply. “See here?” He lifted his chin, showing two long, ghoulish scars down his throat. “I swallowed drain cleaner. They had to rebuild my throat. That’s why I can’t talk loud.” He peered at his roommate. “Why’re you here?”

“Bam says I’m sick.” Ville was about to say more, but cut off, hugging his dog tightly. “He says I’m here to get better.”

Nodding, Tim shoved a fist under his pillow. “Tomorrow we’re supposed to go out to play basketball, if it’s nice. You wanna be on my team?”

Quickly nodding, Ville smiled. “Yeah.” He fell asleep with the smile still tugging at his lips.
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