
Mar 28, 2006 18:07

Chapter 10!!!!!
Author: Jordan
Pairing: Novak/ random slut... hehe kidding, VAM
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Look at the past chaps plzkthnx
Notes: Sorry this took so long, and that it's so short. Only 800 words or so. Ive been pissed off the past 2 days because I got a fucking 80 on my research paper, because my english teacher says that my writing sucks, and im too "Comma happy" so Im proud to be a Comma Whore... oh well, and Ive got a story pertaining to Vam, before this chapter.

So I'm watching Family Guy last night on TBS, and sipping Black Cherry Vanilla Coke, when yet anotehr commercial comes on, and I dribble coke down my PJ tee, because BAM IS ON MY TELEVISION... I resisted the urge to fangirl squee, when he says "Bam Margera here for Right Guard" so my jaw is dropped, becuase he looks damn cute, except for that damned mustache... anywho, so of course they put Don Vito in the commercial for some god awful reason, and he's in a half shirt and skirt, so I say, "Why do they just put Don Vito in?" and my dad looks at me strange, because Im basically drooling. So at the very end, Bam puts his arms around two girls, and I again resist temptation to say, "Willa's not gunna like that!" But of course I screamed it in my head. [/end fangirlish rant]

Links to Chapters 1-9= http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1587109.html

“Waiting” Chapter 10

Breakfast that next morning was the most awkward one yet. When Bam walked into the kitchen, Ville was sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal and drinking coffee. Bam grabbed a bowl from a cupboard, a spoon from the silverware drawer, and then sat at the table across from Ville.

“Good morning Bam.” Ville said, looking up from his morning coffee.

“Morning.” Bam grumbled, picking up the box of cereal from the middle of the table.

Bam filled his bowl full of Frosted Flakes, and poured the milk over his cereal. He immediately started gulping down spoonful after spoonful, not wanting the cereal to become soggy.

When the phone started to ring, Ville got up and picked it up from its cradle, “Hello?” “Ahh, hello Jussi, haven’t talked to you in a while.” Bam’s head perked up at the name Jussi, “Yes as a matter a fact, he’s right here.”

Ville handed the phone to Bam, “Here Jussi wants to talk to you.”

Bam took the cordless phone, “Jussi what’s up?” “Video, sure, just give me the time and place.” “Oulu, tomorrow, got it, see ya tomorrow.” Bam hit the ‘end’ button then handed the phone back to Ville, so he could put it back on its cradle.

“I’ve gotta go to Oulu for a week. Jussi and Jyrki wanna shoot a video for ‘Christina Death’ and they want me to direct it. I’m leaving tomorrow.” Bam said.

Ville looked as if his heart was being ripped out and stomped on, “Oh, okay. I’ll be here in case you need anything.”

“Thanks Willa.”

Bam finished his cereal, got up and put his bowl in the sink, “Well I better go get packed.”

“Oh, okay.” Ville said staring at his empty bowl.

Bam left the kitchen; Ville just sat there, his empty cereal bowl now being filled with tears.

It was about one o’clock when Bam returned to the kitchen, looking for something to eat for lunch. He found Ville sitting exactly where he was at breakfast, his bowl full of clear liquid, and his coffee stone cold and half gone.

“Ville?” Bam poked his shoulder.

The Finn woke up from his nearly comatose state, “Huh?”

“It’s one o’clock, you’ve been sitting here for almost three hours.”

“Really? I must’ve zoned out.” Ville lied.

What he’d really been doing was thinking how he was going to survive the next week without Bam. How he’d fucked up majorly the night before, and hadn’t had a chance to explain what happened, to Bam.

“What the hell’s that in your bowl?” Bam asked, seeing the liquid.

“I’m thinking drool.” Ville lied again.


Bam went over to the fridge and found something for himself to eat, and Ville got up and cleaned the dishes from earlier that morning.

Bam sat down at the table with his newly made turkey sandwich, and found some chips in the cupboard.

“So what happened last night?” Bam asked.

“What do you mean Bammie?”

“Last night, I saw you staring at me.”

“I wasn’t staring. I heard voices, so I looked outside my door, and just as I was about to put my head back in my room, you started wailing like a madman.” Explained Ville.

“Was not.”

“Were too.” Argued Ville.

Bam playfully shoved Ville, after walking over to him.

“So that’s how you’re going to be, eh.” Ville said, flicking water at Bam off his wet fingers, which had been cleaning dishes moments earlier.

“Oh no you didn’t!” Yelled Bam.

“You bet your ass I did.” Said Ville, picking up the sink’s hose attachment, and pointing it at Bam.

Bam opened the fridge door and ducked behind it. Ville turned on the water full blast and pulled the trigger, sending a stream of water hurtling towards Bam’s shield.

“You can’t hide forever Brandon!”

“You bet your ass I can,” Said Bam before chucking an egg over his fortress, “take that Willa!”

The egg landed on the middle of Ville’s head, and he used his fingers to smear the yolk around his hair.

Bam’s eyes appeared, “What the hell are you doing?”

“It’s a good moisturizer for your hair I’ve heard.” He quickly pulled the trigger again, catching Bam off guard, hitting the skater on his nose.

“Hoebag!” Said Bam wiping the liquid off his face.

The fight continued on, both of them getting very wet. Ville having the most fun he’d had in a long time, and Bam who was still crouched behind the fridge, was having fun too, but worries still filled his mind.

The most surprising thing about the afternoon was Linde, who walked in at the wrong time, and got an egg in the face, and his dreads dowsed by water.

“What the fuck is going on, and why am I covered in… EGG?!?!”

Both Bam and Ville bursting into fits of laughter, falling to the floor laughing so hard, not minding now laying on the wet linoleum.

A/N: Yeah, it's like 820 words. Dont kill me.
And in regards to the awesome plot bunny that Morphine had, about the Bam= Harry & Ville= Draco, I'm so gunna attempt a story of that when I have a little time... after I finish that fluff for the contest, which Ive barely started. MY MUSE HAS LEFT!!!
Anyways, here's some more fluff before Bammie goes off to Oulu.
Also, Oulu started off as Oslo, but then I found out that Oslo is the capital of Norway :gonk:
Jordan signing off ♥
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