
Mar 25, 2006 22:22

Chapter 9
Author: insane pyro girl
Pairing: Vam
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Oh please just read the past chapters, and yes, this one has links!
Notes: BRUAHAHAHA! I popped out a new story and another chapter. Damn Im good. So Im now hooked to a Panic! At the Disco song... damn their catchy beats.

Ultra special Author Note: If anyone remembers that ficlet I wrote a little while back, called "And Love Said No" well, it might not just be a ficlet. There might be a second part coming soon to a --vam post near you *insert dramatic music here, and dancing Ville and Bam to a speeded up version of The Sacrament*

Chapter 1-6: http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1543166.html
Chapter 7: http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1561312.html
Chapter 8: http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1575885.html

“Waiting” Chapter 9

Ville felt a sigh of relief when April answered the phone.

“Hello?” She answered.

“Oh April, I’m so glad you’re home.”

April recognized Ville’s voice immediately, “Ville honey, what’s the matter, I can sense something’s wrong just by the tone of your voice.” Her maternal instincts working immediately.

“He kissed me.” Sighed Ville.

“Who did? Bam?” She asked, anxiety overcoming her.

“Bam did.”

“Tell me what happened Ville.”

“Well, we were on the couch watching ‘The Amityville Horror’ and Bam was getting a little frightened, so I held him, and told him nothing would happen as long as I was there. Then he looked up at me, and he kissed me. I pulled away, told him it wasn’t right, and then I left, came into my room and called you. I figured you’d be the only one who could help in a situation like this.”

Her anxiety subsided, maybe after this happened they would let their feelings come out, finally.

“Ville I think you should just talk to him, tell him how you feel.”

“Tell him how I feel?!? I already did that! I told him that I loved him, and you know what he did?!?! He ran out of the fucking room April!!” Ville’s voice getting louder with every word.

“Calm down, breathe honey. Now does Bam have his cell phone on him?”

“What kind of question is that?!?” Ville roared, his breathing becoming ragged.

“Don’t make yourself have an attack. Now just answer me, does he have his cell?”

Ville took a few deep breaths, “Yes he does.”

“Is it on?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Because I want to talk to him. I’m gonna let you go, to call him, but I’ll call you back, you go get your inhaler and take a few shots, you hear me?”

“Yes April, I’ll talk to you in a bit.”

“Bye hon.”

“Talk to you later.”

Thirty seconds after he hung up with April he heard Bam’s cell phone play “Funeral of Hearts” from, right outside his door?

Ville got up from his bed, went over to his bags, and retrieved his inhaler from his carry on bag. He took two puffs of the medicated oxygen, just like April had advised, she knew him too well. After calming himself for a few seconds he went over to the door, and opened it a crack, revealing Bam sitting on the floor, his back against the wall next to his door.

- - - - - -

Bam’s cell phone rang; Bam fetched the phone out of his pocket and answered it.


“Bam, what’s the matter, you seem mad.” Said April.

“Mom, I kissed him.”

“Kissed who?”


“Tell me what happened Bam.”

“Well I brought some DVDs with me just incase I got bored, and we became really bored, so I brought them out. We started to watch ‘The Amityville Horror’ and I got a little jumpy, so Ville started to hold me. He told me that I’d be fine, and nothing would happen to me while he was around. I stared up at him, and he stared down at me and… and… and…”

“And what honey?”

“I kissed him, and you know what he did?”

“What did he do sweetheart?”

“He told me it wasn’t right, and then he dumped me on the floor and ran. He ran mom! He locked himself in his room again.” Hot tears started rolling down Bam’s cheeks.

“Sweetie, calm down, stop crying.”

“I’m not - crying!” Bam’s voice hitched.

“Yes you are, I’m your mother, I know these things.”

April was a bit relieved, both their stories matched. But on the other hand, she had an angry asthmatic, and a son who couldn’t admit to crying. She sighed, this was going to be a very long six months.

“And you know why it hurts so much?” Bam said.


“Because I… I… I… hold on.” Bam turned around to look at the door, and saw it cracked open, with a kohl rimmed green eye staring at him

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Bam screamed, dropping his phone.

You could barely hear April screaming from the phone, “BAM! WHAT THE HELL’S GOING ON?!?!?!” Then the phone cut off, and Bam scrambled and ran.

The cordless phone in Ville’s room started to ring. He shut the door and answered it.



Ville held the phone away from his ear and rubbed it from the sheer volume of April’s voice.

“April, calm down, what are you talking about?”

“I was on the phone with Bam, then he yelled and we got disconnected.”

“I think that’s partially my fault April.”

“Oh God, what did you do?” April asked.

“After you hung up with me, I took my meds, and heard Bam’s phone ring right outside my door, so I opened it and saw him. Then I watched him talk to you, and then he looked back, saw that I was watching him, dropped his phone and ran.”

“So he’s alright?”

“Physically, but I think we’re both pretty emotionally damaged. I think he hates me now April, and I don’t want him to hate me. I don’t want to feel that pain. What the fuck am I going to do?”

“I think you should talk to him.” Said April.

“Didn’t we already go through this, I’m afraid to talk to him.”

“Then have it your way. I’ve gotta go, it’s like 4 AM here, and I can’t think anymore. Call me if you need anything else.”

“Thanks April, good night.”

“Night Ville.”

Ville clicked off the phone, and threw it across the room, it landing in a chair.

This is going to be a long six months.

A/N: Expect chapter 10 up Tuesday. Sorry this one's so short, but I thought it wa an appropriate place to end it. I've got the first part of Chapter 10 worked out... and since Im nice, I'll give a bit of a spoiler.

Bammie goes away.

That's all. I know Im evil, but *raises eyebrow* you'll just have to wait till Tuesday for the rest.
Jordan- out ♥♥♥
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