
Mar 23, 2006 15:30

Chapter 8
Author: moi
Pairing: Voldemort and Hagrid... it's Vam, and Im just making witty anecdotes!
Rating: PG-13
Summary: *calls to her kidnappers, also known as her betas* No...not another summary...just read past chaps...please?
A/N: Well I said this would be up two days ago, and it would have been if it wasnt for my stupid DSL dying every four minutes, not even letting me online. Damn you Verizon...damn you!

“Waiting” Chapter 8

As they sat down to eat on the couch, Ville turned on the TV and started to flip through the channels.

“Hey, turn it back!” Bam said after seeing something he liked.

Ville turned it back, and found himself… and Bam…

“What is this?” Ville asked seeing himself with his short locks again, pointing at something.

“Bam presents HIM, you don’t remember this?”

“Vaguely, was this basically the making of the last album?”

“Basically.” Bam said in reply.

They watched this for a bit, while they ate their chicken in silence. Ville finished eating with a swig of beer, then sat back and flipped through the stations again, receiving a “Hey, I was watching that!” and death glare from Bam.

“Two bottles of vodka says that you have that on your laptop and could watch it anytime you wish.” Ville said, still surfing the channels.

“Asshole.” Bam murmured, knowing Ville was right.

“What was that Bam Bam? Couldn’t understand you.”

Ville turned it to MTV in hopes something would be on, and found yet again himself, the “Rip Out the Wings of a Butterfly” wideo.

“What the hell was I thinking cutting my hair that short?!? And that vest… it should be burned! I look hideous! That lighting just doesn’t accentuate my features at all. Why did we even pay that director, I could have gotten you to do it for almost nothing at all.” Ranted Ville.

“You sound like such a girl Willa.” Laughed Bam.

“But how did the fangirls put up with me looking like that?!?!?!!?”

“I don’t have a clue how I even put up with you.”

“But you’re basically a fangirl anyways Bam.”

“I guess you’re right about that one.”

Bam finished his food, and then sat back with his knees to his chest, his arms shivering around his legs. He reached over and grabbed the blanket from earlier, which was on the armrest, and snuggled to it, wrapping it around his shivering body.

Ville saw the blue eyed boy shivering and asked, “You cold Bammie?”

“Yeah, it’s freezing in here.”

“I told you Finland would be cold, but no, don’t listen to me, I’ve only lived here my whole life.” Ville said, sarcasm evident in his voice.

Ville began to take off the hoodie he was wearing to give to Bam, who was only in a t-shirt. His shirt rode up while he was bringing the hoodie off his shoulders, and Bam’s eyes immediately wandered to the heartagram on Ville’s lower abdomen, and stayed there until Ville tapped his shoulder lightly.

“Here Bammie.” Ville said handing the warm garment to the younger man.

“Thanks Willa.”

“No need for thanks, you’d do the same for me. I’ll go turn the thermostat up a bit.”

Ville got up from the couch as Bam put on the hoodie.

“You know that hoodie is actually yours.” Ville said, coming back from turning up the heat from down the hall.

“Really, I wondered why something you wore actually fits me.”

“I stole it from you last winter when I came to your house for Christmas. Remember on Boxing Day, we were still plastered from Christmas the night before, and we made snow angels in t-shirts and shorts. Then April caught us, said that we were going to catch pneumonia, and then ushered us back in the house to hot showers. Then when we were done she made us hot cocoa, and since I was still cold, she grabbed me one of your hoodies to wear.”

“Oh yeah, I remember now.”

“I just kept your hoodie, you never said anything about wanting it back, so I kept it for when I was cold.”

“You can keep it. I get tons of hoodies from my sponsors.”

“Thanks Bammie.”

Ville flipped through the stations again, still finding nothing to watch. So he turned off the television.

“There’s nothing on. What do you wanna do?” Sighed Ville

“Get drunk off our asses.”

“Here, or at a bar?”

“Here.” Bam answered willingly..

They both got up and headed into the kitchen. Ville opened the cupboard two over from the left of the sink, and low and behold… alcohol! Bam took a bottle of vodka, and Ville grabbed two bottles of Jack Daniels. Then Bam grabbed a six pack of beer out of the fridge, and Ville took a carton of fags.

They headed back into the living room, and got back on the black leather couch.

Ville cracked open a beer and took a few gulps, letting the cold alcohol flow through his system. He finished the beer seconds later, and twisted open another one after lighting a cigarette.

“Nothing like beer and fags to occupy a Saturday night. Now if we only had something to watch.” Ville said.

“I think I’ve got that covered.” Bam said getting up and walking out of the living room, towards the hallway where the bedrooms and Ville’s office were.

Bam returned a few minutes later with DVD’s in his left hand.

“Do I even want to know what DVD’s you brought?” Asked Ville.

“The first three seasons of Viva La Bam!” Bam said.

The look of horror on Ville’s face was priceless.

“Just kidding, I brought Sin City, Saw, and Amityville Horror.”

“Nice, horror movies, my fav.” Said Ville.

Bam popped in “The Amityville Horror” in the DVD player and hit play.

They watched the movie, drinking all the alcohol they had brought out and Ville had smoked half the carton of fags, by only halfway through “The Amityville Horror.” At the scary moments, Bam jumped a little, and soon he was nestled in Ville’s arms.

“Oh Bammie, you’ll be fine. Nothing will happen to you when I’m around.” Ville said rubbing Bam’s back.

Bam looked up at Ville with those big blue eyes and Ville looked down at him with his jade green ones no one even caring what happened on the television screen. Their faces becoming closer and closer to each other, threatening contact, their eyes locked into one another’s. It was like something out of a movie, the two pairs of lips becoming closer and closer, then finally locking in a passionate kiss. Ville pulled away reluctantly.

“No this isn’t right. I still don’t know how you feel.”

Ville got up from the couch, dumping Bam on the floor, and briskly walking towards his room.

“Ville wait! Please!” Bam called to the retreating figure.

Ville ignored Bam’s protests and went to his room, locking the door behind him. He went over to his bed and sat down, grabbing the cordless phone off the bedside table and calling the only person he could talk to about the situation that had arose.

A/N: The whole Vest from the ROTWOAB burning thing actually came from a coversation that I had with my beta, Maggie, online.
And yeah, it's kinda a cliffie... like who's Ville calling, could it be Linde, Migè, Dunn, Don Vito....wait did I just type Don Vito...what am I talking about. Anyways, find out in the next chapter of "Waiting" *cue dramatic music*
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