Until You're Mine, Chapter Three

Mar 25, 2006 20:37

Title: Until You’re Mine (Yes, I realize now I had a few errors with the title.)
Paring: VAM (YAY!)
Rating: PG (fro now of course)
Dedication: Emoxomegax (She knows why, and I ask kindly of her not to mention it! :D )
Description: Helsinki...It's a place where love can or can't be found
A/N: Previous Chapters behind the cut!

Chapter One: http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1580067.html#cutid1
Chapter Two: http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1583160.html?view=18883640#t18883640

It got be late in the day and Bam had wandered all over Helsinki with Dunn. They finally found the hotel again and their limo was there. A brief note was handed to Dunn and he let a grin dance across his lips. Shortly after Bam was thrown into the limo and it sped off towards a destination unknown to Bam. They arrived at a small club and Bam was hurried into the back.

“Dunn, what the fuck? I can’t see with this damn blindfold!” He heard suppressed giggles and the blindfold was removed. A tall, slim, brunette, green eyed, male stood before him. Bam gasped and a hand was offered. He shook it still in complete shock.

“Hi, I’m Ville Valo.” A thick Finnish accent was laced over the words.

“H-H-H-H-Hi. I’m-I’m B-Bam.” He was blushing madly and Ville shot him a smile. He let go of Ville’s hand and took in a deep breath of beer, sweat, and cigarette air.

“Nice to meet you Bam.” He walked with Bam to the couches in the back and sat down. Bam sat beside him and gulped.

“I love your music.” Ville smiled and looked at the door as the rest of the band came in.


Bam snapped out of his memory and looked at Ville.

“Bammie?” Bam looked at the green eyed male as they sat in a very dimly lit restaurant. He sighed and looked down at the red cloth draped over the table.

“I can’t stop thinking about the day we met and how far we’ve come.” Ville looked at him and gave him that same smile from the day they first met.

“You think I’d ever forget that cute little stuttering Bam I met?” Bam looked at him and smiled before letting out a sigh.

“I guess not. I was pretty stoked to meet you. I seriously didn’t know what to do.” Green eyes looked into Pure Icy blue, and in that moment were caught like a deer in headlights unable to look away or look anywhere else.

“You’re so damn beautiful Ville. This light just adds to it. I mean I’m sure people say that to you all the time. But, I mean it from like deep inside. Like more than someone else might.” Ville nodded and finally managed to peel his eyes away from Bam’s.

“I’m still not ready Bam. I can’t make that sort of commitment easily. The last time I did it resulted in a horrible break-up and the loss of a band mate.” He nodded still feeling his heart break behind a fake smile. One Ville knew all to well. A hand brushed over his and was left there.

“You have to give me a little more time. I know it hurts and all, but I’m still bruised and broken from the last time.” Bam nodded and looked into Ville’s eyes. He sighed and looked down at his knees.

“Can you excuse me a moment?” Ville nodded and removed his hand from Bam’s. He watched Bam run off towards the bathroom. The red tablecloth was darker in a few spots from his friend’s tears.

“Bam…you are special to me, that’s why I’m protecting you from me.”

Comments= More posting sooner. Sorry it's so F**king short, but I had to do it that way or else I woulda given away the whole story...and wouldn't want that now would we?
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