Would You Be the One to Save Me? (Part 23)

Mar 05, 2006 18:41

Hey everyone. Sorry it took so long to update. The computer at my mom's house wasn't working. (we disconected it from the network... i honestly don't know why... *sighs heavily and shakes head*) I do hope this chapter doesn't suck as much as I think it will. ahhh.... ENJOY! i hope.

Title- Would You Be the One to Save Me?
Author- PlayXDead07
Disclaimer- Never happened. Don't know anyone, don't own anyone... Maybe in my dreams, but not in reality. "/ Sucks to be me.
Summary- Ville is the new foreign exchanged student in highschool. Just when he thinks that he'll never fit in at a place like West Chester, he meets Bam Margera. The two immeadiately become friends... maybe even closer! But what Ville doesn't know is that behind that sexy smile of Bam's, there's a small secret... a secret that could kill him eventually! Can Ville be the one to save Bam? (Revised summary, do you like it? lol)
Rating- Pg-13 to R

The rest of the weekend was very similar to the past few days. Ville and Bam would wake up each morning, then go to some random place in town to meet Linde, Mige, Burton, and Gas. They'd hang out for the rest of the day, until night fell, then Ville and Bam would bid their friends good bye. Ville's parents would be home by the time they got back to the house, so they'd all sit down and eat dinner. After at least three helpings of Ville's mother's excellent cooking, they'd be off to bed. Ville hardly got to spend any time with Bam alone, so there was really no way he could tell Bam his true feelings... even if he did have time, he didn't have any courage. until one night...

'You never know. Maybe he feels the same.' Linde's words echoed in Ville's head as he lay in his bed waiting for Bam to finish his conversation on the phone with someone back in West Chester. When Bam had answered his phone and recognized whoever was on the other line, he excused himself and went into the other room. Ville stretched out and yawned, thinking about what he was going to say to Bam.
He thought about Linde yet again. He and Bam had seemed to be growing awfully close... The other day, they had linked arms and skipped down the street, singing something that Ville couldn't understand. At first he had just laughed, shaking it off as nothing. But then when they went for lunch, since Bam was having a hard time deciding what he wanted to eat, Linde had ordered for him. This started to make Ville uneasy, but once again, he brushed it off. Linde...and Bam? No, they would never work out... never. Ville kept on repeating that in his mind, but deep down, he knew he was just jealous. Of course, the real jealousy didn't start until earlier that day, when Linde had gotten overexcited about something he saw in a store, and grabbed Bam's hand, pulling him to look at the item with him. Ville wasn't interested in what Linde wanted to show Bam... he was too busy staring at their clasped hands...
Ville shook his head. 'Linde doesn't love Bam. At least not like that... Hell, he's the one who keeps telling me I should ask him out! I'm acting crazy... Linde would never do that to me...' He sighed heavily, praying that thought was true... it seemed logical enough...
Ville's door slowly opened, and Bam walked in, looking down at his feet. Ville jumped up.

"B-Bammi, I-I need to talk to y-... what's wrong, Bam?" Ville stopped short when he saw that Bam looked a little worried. He sat down on Ville's bed, and Ville sat up next to him.

"That was Ryan. He said that Jess is a little... out of it." Bam sighed. Ville frowned, not understanding. Bam saw this look, and continued. "He's extremely depressed... and...I'm just kinda worried... I know he probably won't try to kill himself again, but Jess isn't normally a depressed guy. When it comes to him and me, he's the laid-back one... the one who always seemed to love life..." Bam stared down at his feet, before continuing once more. "Ape always used to joke about that... she'd say that Jess was the angel brother, and I was pure hell."
Ville watched a small smile spread across Bam's face. He turned Bam's face so that he was looking into his eyes, and a shiver ran down his spine as he gazed into the crystal blue orbs.

"Are you ok? Do we need to go back to West Chester?" he asked. Bam shook his head.

"Not now... but would it be alright if we went back tomorrow?" Bam bit his lip, and Ville had the impression that Bam thought he would hurt Ville's feelings by asking to leave.

"Of course, Love. Now why don't we try and get some sleep." 'Damn! Now I'll probably never get my chance! The nerve is gone anyways... Fuck...' Ville hissed in his mind. Bam nodded and lied down next to Ville, who was now pulling the covers around them both.
Ville sat and listened to Bam breathing for a moment. His breath was coming in ragged sharp gasps... as if he were preparing himself for something...

"Hey Vil?" Bam's voice called out softly in the darkness.

"What is it, Darling?" Ville asked. Bam took a deep breath and held it for a moment, as if contimplating whether or not to say what he was going to say.

"Erm...Never...nevermind." Bam said hastily. Ville sighed.

"Ok Bam..." he whispered, before falling into a light doze...
Ville woke the next morning, and found himself laying on Bam's arm, which was circled around his waist. Ville frowned, not remembering moving at all last night, but of course, he wasn't complaining.
A yawn next to him told him that Bam was awake now. Ville sat up, blushing slightly, but trying to smile through it.

"Good morning, Bammie." he said. Bam smiled and held his arms out to him. At first Ville didn't understand. Bam sighed.

"Why'd you move? Lay back down!" he ordered. Ville smiled, trying not to look too happy, and layed back down. Bam's arms circled its way around Ville's waist again, and he sighed, content.
They lied there for a while in silence, before Bam spoke again.

"What time should we leave?" he asked.

"Any time you'd like." Ville shrugged. Bam yawned again.

"Then we had better get up and get our stuff packed."

"Yes, and we have to tell the guys we're leaving." Ville added.
Bam made a face.

"Nah. Let them figure it out by themselves." he joked, before pulling his arm out from under Ville and sitting up. Ville chuckled a little, then got up as well.
~x~x~x~x~x~5 Hours later~x~x~x~x~x~
Bam and Ville had gotten their stuff packed, and they said good bye to Ville's parents, before leaving with Linde, Mige, Burton, and Gas in their rental cars. Ville, Bam, and Linde took one car, while Burton, Mige, and Gas took the other. Ville pouted as he sat in the back seat, watching Linde and Bam laugh and joke about something in the front seats. Bam had tried to let Ville join their conversation the entire trip back to the airport, but Ville, still being upset that Linde and Bam were so close, would only give simple answers.
When they arrived at the airport, they all got out of their cars, and walked into the building. They reached Ville and Bam's flight, and stood in silence, lost for words. They finally all said their good byes. Bam shook hands with each other them, except Linde. Ville scowled as Bam and Linde pulled each other into what seemed to be the world's longest embrace... at least that's what it seemed to Ville. Mige saw Ville's face and frowned. Ville just shook his head, but Mige took his arm and led him out of earshot.

"What's that look for?" Mige asked. "You're giving Linde and Bam death glares or something! It's freaking me out..."
Ville sighed and launched into his explanation. He told Mige everything, from his feelings for Bam to his jealousy for Bam and Linde's relationship.

"I don't know why, but I keep having these thoughts of them being together... and it kills me. Linde's one of my best friends, and I keep trying to convince myself that he wouldn't do that to me, even if he did like Bam... but... oh, I don't know..." Ville put his face in his hand, and Mige put his hand on his shoulder.

"It's ok Ville. I'm honestly not sure if Linde does like Bam or not, but if you'd like, I can find out for you. You know, just so you don't have to worry." he offered. Ville smiled.

"Thank you, Mizee. You're the best." Ville said. Mige laughed.

"Anytime." he said, before pulling Ville into an embrace similar to Bam's and Linde's.
~x~x~x~x~x~Bam's POV~x~x~x~x~x~
Bam tapped his foot impatiently.

"What could they be talking about that would take this long?" he pouted. Burton shrugged.

"Uhm... guy stuff?" he suggested lamely. Gas nudged him.
Linde stepped next to Bam.

"Don't worry about it. It's not like they're plotting your murder or something." he pointed out.

"Oh yes they are! They're plotting to murder you in your sleep with your own skateboard!" Gas joked. Bam's eyes widened.

"They wouldn't!" he exclaimed. Linde sighed heavily and shook his head.

"Ville wouldn't do that! He loves you to death!" he said. Bam coughed, then looked back at Linde, who was covering his mouth.

"Whoa, he what?" Bam asked. Burton looked confused as well, but Gas sighed knowingly. Linde shook his head. Bam was about to speak again, but then Ville and Mige came walking back over to him. Ville looked a little relived, but Bam noticed that he still gave Linde a few weird looks.
A voice over the intercom announced that their flight would be leaving in 5 minutes. Bam and Ville said their final good byes to everyone, then got on the plane.
They both sat down, and Bam recognized the same flight attendant who had freaked out when he had kissed Ville. He laughed, then pointed this out to Ville, who laughed too. Just for show, Bam grabbed Ville's hand, making sure the flight attendant had seen them. She made a noise of disgust, then walked towards the back of the plane. Bam didn't want to let go of Ville's hand... it just felt so right to be holding his hand like that... He made it look like it was only for show to Ville, but he really knew that all he wanted to do was feel Ville's touch...
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