(no subject)

Mar 04, 2006 12:26

Title: Do I really know you?
Author: Me
Paring: Vammy
Disclaimer: I don’t won shit so :p
Summary: Ville and Bam experience life threw the other ones eyes

Chapter 2

Chapter 1 http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1466112.html#cutid1
*Please note* I know I suck at grammar so please please please stop pointing it out. Ok… only you can make the pain stop.

Bam could feel someone poking him in the arm. He tried to shrug it off expecting it to be Ape getting him to do some housework. Opening his eyes he was mistaken. Before him was an older woman dressed as a stewardess.

“Sir were here you must depart the plane now.”

“Plane?” Checking out his surroundings he was indeed on a plane. Standing up the woman handed him a bag and Bam left the plane walking into the terminal. He couldn’t quite place why he was here and not in his own bed. Further more where was here?

Around him he could hear people whispering and giggling. Checking out the signs he realized he was in Finland. Did he come here to get Ville back and not remember even doing so?

A timid brunette approached him. “Umm Ville?” She giggled holding out a napkin and pen. “Could I get your autograph? You’re my favorite singer.”

Confused and trying not to laugh he just shook his head.

Her smile went into a frown. “Oh umm” She looked back at her friends and then to him once more. “All you had to say was no!”

Was she nuts?! Leaving the airport he searched for his phone. It was then that he realized he wasn’t wearing his clothes. Looking up Bam went into a panic. The reflection showed a face that was not his.

“Holy fuck!” Bam touched his face while looking at his reflection. He saw the face of Ville looking back at him. When he spoke it even sounded like Ville. He was freaking out. Thinking quickly he told himself it was a dream, yes this is all just a dream. But he had to prove it. Looking at his reflection he slapped himself hard. “Ouch!” This was no dream.


Stretching out Ville sat up on the bed. His eyes took a while to focus on his surroundings. Getting up he headed towards the bathroom as he passed a mirror.

“Good Morning Bammi.”

Walking into the bathroom he stopped dead in his tracks. Running back he looked at his reflection he was looking at the image of Bam. “No, no no no no this is not right.” He grabbed his throat as his voice even sounded like Bam’s.

He tore at the shirt he was wearing yanking it off of his torso. Tracing over the tattoos that lied beneath were not his. His pulse quickened as he started to hyperventilate. “Calm yourself Ville there has to be a logical explanation for this.”

Sitting on the bed he took deep breaths. “Ok if I’m Bam then Bam must be me?” As he said this out loud he felt like he might lose his sanity. It even sounded unbelievable.


Bam rubbed his cheek with one hand and went threw the numbers on the cell phone with the other. So I call myself? He wasn’t sure what he was doing but he did it anyways. Dialing his home phone he waited for someone to answer.

Jumping slightly when he heard the phone ring in his pocket Ville fished it out and answered. “Hello?” He voice was small and uneasy.

Waiting a few moments Bam was thrown off by his voice on the other end. It wasn’t the real Bam, he was! “Ville?”

“Bam!” His voice regained a new strength as he shot off the bed and started to pace. “Oh thank god it is you Bammi. What is going on? I woke up today and I’m you? Have I lost my mind?”

“Whoa calm down.” Bam noticed he was started to get more unwanted attention being out in public. Hailing a cab he got in and headed towards Ville’s house thinking it was the safest place to be at the moment. “I have no clue what’s going on but we better figure it out quick.”

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