Running Away Into Your Eyes Blue-Chapter 7

Mar 04, 2006 10:53

Your comments in the last chapter made me so happy I just had to get the next chapter done! And due to several requests, I also give you more Jussi/Jyrki goodness...Yum.

Title-Running Away Into Your Eyes Blue

Author- Kashoku_Yoshiko

Rating- NC-17 This one, baby!

Pairing- Ville/Bam and Jussi/Jyrki

Disclaimer: Don't own Bam/Ville/Jussi/Jyrki ect. ect...none of it's mine except story line, okay? NOT A PENNY OFF OF THIS!

Summary- Bam loses something dear to him when performing a stunt for Viva La Bam. Can Ville help Bam deal with his loss...and maybe find a lost love?

Previous Chapters behind the cut!

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Bam could feel himself being lifted as he reached the top side of the ramp. He bent his knees low, ready to do his trick. As he felt his board start to take off the ramp he lifted himself up and began to turn. As he descended back to the earth he realized his board was no longer beneath him. Knees hit hard against the surface with a painful jolt. Face slid across smoothed and painted wood and then his body skidded to a halt.

“God DAMMIT!” Bam pushed himself up and growled with clenched fists.

“Bammie, getting frustrated isn’t going to help.” Ville said, his tall lean body leaning against the side of the ramp and smoking a cigarette.

“Like hell it won’t!” Bam began to walk around trying to find his board.

“Bam! Watch-“

“WHAT!?” He took a step forward and landed on his board. The board slid forward and his body hit backwards on the ramp with a loud thud.

“Out for the board…” Ville finished his sentence with a frown and a look of pity. With a sigh he walked over to Bam and picked up his board so that the American wouldn’t run into it and lose the fight again.

Bam had his face covered with his hands that were hidden beneath his hoodie sleeves. At first Ville just though he was frustrated and was counting to ten mentally but then realized Bam was crying as he let out a sob. Ville put down the board and took his crying lover in his arms.

“Bammie, it’s going to be okay. The more you practice the more you’ll learn what you need to do and how to judge distance without your sight. You can’t expect to be able to do the big tricks right off. Start off smaller like you have been doing. Those have turned out just fine.” Ville rubbed Bam’s back with his right hand and ran his left through brown curls.

“You don’t understand!” Bam cried. “Someone signed me up for a skate demo next week and I have to be there! I can’t show up like this! I can’t disappoint them!”

Ville frowned. “Who signed you up?”

“I don’t know!”

“I did.”

Ville turned his head to see Jenn off the edge of the ramp, arms crossed. He gave her a deadly look. “Why the hell did you do that?”

“Because I want to make a deal with you, Bam.” Jenn said.

Bam didn’t bother turning his head to even try and ‘look’ at her. He wasn’t about to acknowledge her. “Get off my fucking property, bitch, before I put a restraining order on you!”

“Don’t get so hasty. Look, I’ll cancel your demo for you if you let me take you back.”

Bam laughed. That was a funny joke. “What, did you run out of money already? Why don’t you go sell yourself as a whore? God knows you’d be good at it.”

Jenn glared. “You need me, Bam. You can’t function without me.”

“Yeah, well that was the old pathetic me. I have someone else, thank you very much.” Bam could almost see Jenn’s eyes growing wide in shock.

Jenn was about to ask who but then it came together. The way Ville was holding him, stroking his back and hair. She had always suspected. “Fine, but don’t take me back and I’ll tell the entire world that Bam Margera is blind and gay with lead singer Ville Valo of HIM. The both of you would be ruined in nothing flat.” She turned her back. “Think about it.” And walked away.

Once Jenn was out of sight, Ville turned his attention back to Bam who had started crying again. “Bam, don’t let her bother you. People are going to find out eventually.”

“Are you fucking kidding me!? My entire life would be ruined if people knew I was blind! Skate companies would no longer want me, my show would be cancelled, and all my fans would turn on me for being gay!”

Ville knew that gays were not looked well upon in America and sighed. “Well, in Finland no body really gives a shit. You’ll have all the support of HIM fans.”

Bam shook his head. “This can’t be happening, it can’t!”

Ville grabbed Bam’s shoulders firmly and looked at him. “Bam, we’ll just beat Jenn at her own game. You’ve got a week to keep practicing. If you can get in one or two more tricks then I’m sure no one will even notice or care that you’re blind. Prove to that bitch that you can skate just as well blind as you can with sight.”

Bam took in a shuddered breath and let out a sigh. “But what about the gay thing? Not even Ape and Phil know…”

“Then I suggest we tell them now before they hear from someone else.” Ville said.

Bam bit his lower lip and nodded. “Fine…”

“Come on, we’ll do it together.”
Bam sighed and traipsed behind Ville as they made their way towards Castle Bam. With his hands in his hoodie pocket he began thinking how he would tell April and Phil. As they reached the entrance to the castle he had made his decision. Just come right out and fucking tell them.

Phil and April were down in the Pirate Bar, April making her husband a sandwich. Bam let Ville take his hand and lead him to the countertop where Bam lifted his chin and looked confident.

“Oh god I know that look, what have you done now?” April asked, eyes looking at her son suspiciously.

“Ape, Phil, I’m gay!”

Ville wanted to slap Bam but settled for a shake of his head. Way to be discreet about it.

“Oh, well that’s nice, Bam. Hope you find a good boyfriend, then. Ape, where’s my sandwich?” Phil said, obviously getting impatient.

April looked wideeyed at Phil. “Phil! Your son just told you he is gay and you are worried about food?”

“So what? Let the kid be gay if he wants! He’s Bam Margera and he can do whatever the fuck he wants!”

Bam nodded and waited for April’s response.

April eyed her son for a while and then shrugged. “Well, if that’s what you want, then who am I to stop you? I still remember last time I tried to stop you doing something.”

Bam sighed heavily inwards. Thank god. “And for your information, Phil, I’ve already got a boyfriend!”

“Who!?” April asked.

Bam pointed back towards Ville who smiled awkwardly.

“Oh I so should have seen this coming.” April said. “Well, then I suppose I’ll have to agree because Ville, I think you are a sweetheart. Maybe you can keep his stupid ass in line.”

“I shall try.” Ville said.

Bam laughed. “Yeah, right. You tried that for years and it never worked.”

April rolled her eyes.

“Hey, has Jyrki shown up yet?”

“Dunn said he saw him earlier but he and Jussi have disappeared somewhere.” April shrugged.

“Alright, well I’m off to wreck something of Vito’s to vent some air. I’ll be back later."


Jussi did everything he could try and free himself from the restraints Jyrki had placed on him but there was no breaking free. Jyrki owned every part of him: body, soul, heart. “Ah, Jumala, Jyrki! Enää, miellyttää!”

Jyrki smirked. “Kärsivällisyys, pieni eräs.” He took Jussi into his mouth and slowly began to suck on his member. Moans escaped from Jussi’s mouth as he rolled his tongue over the flesh and hips bucked upwards. Jyrki placed his hands on Jussi’s hips and held them down firmly to restrain him even more then he already was.

Jussi came inside Jyrki’s mouth with a cry and finally gave up trying to break free from the restraints, panting heavily. His dark skin was glazed in sweat and Jyrki ran his tongue across it from his groin all the way up to his lips where he planted a kiss firmly on his lips. He knew that Jussi liked the pain so he gave it to him, biting hard on his lower lip enough to make it bleed. He lapped at the coppery liquid furiously, sucking every bit of it out as he could. More. He needed more of his lover’s blood, his soul.

Trailing hot kisses down Jussi’s neck, Jyrki reached the dip in his shoulder and bit down hard making Jussi scream out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. He ran his tongue across the open wound and sucked at the blood. When he finished he kissed Jussi’s lips once more and let him taste his own blood and he raked his tongue across his teeth and tongue.

Jussi took in a gasping breath when Jyrki finally let him breathe. “Haluta sinä…”

“Ja sinä tahto syödä minä.” With one swift motion and no preparation what so ever, Jyrki thrust himself inside of Jussi.

Jussi shut his eyes tightly and screamed out. His body was feeling so many mixed emotions. Jyrki’s penetration hurt him greatly, but at the same time it was bliss and ecstasy. Jyrki pushed his legs to his chest and buried himself deeper and deeper into him. He pulled himself out completely and thrust back in hard into Jussi’s body. He did this several more times until he got tired of it and began pumping violently into Jussi’s body causing the bed frame to shake.

“Enää, enää, enää!” Jussi cried out.

Jryki gave his lover all he had, rocking back and forth as fast and hard as was humanly possible. Jyrki finally came within Jussi but stayed within him for several minutes, breathing heavily. When he finally opened his eyes he removed himself from the limp body before him and kissed his forehead. He removed the bonds from his wrists and licked the blood away gently from where Jussi had struggled to break free.

“Minä rakastan sinua, Jyrki…” Jussi panted.

“Minä rakastan sinua, liiaksi, pieni eräs.” Jyrki responded and kissed him once more.


A/N: In a lot of stories people make April and Phil react in a negative way towards Bam's gayness and I always thought that they really wouldn't care...Might be like 'well that's new...and odd...' at first but that they'd just get over it, like everything with Bam. But who am I to know fully, right? Also, I apologize if any of the Finnish is wrong...there is only so much one can do with an online dictionary.

Ah, Jumala, Jyrki! Enää, miellyttää!-Ah, God, Jyrki! More, please!
Kärsivällisyys, pieni eräs-Patience, little one
Haluta sinä-Want you
Ja sinä tahto syödä minä-And you will have me
Enää, enää, enää!-more, more, more
Minä rakastan sinua, Jyrki…-I love you, Jyrki
Minä rakastan sinua, liiaksi, pieni eräs-I love you, too, little one.

Comments=...Blow up VAM dolls!
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