Title: Even Your Shadow I Miss
Part Seven
Rating: PG-13
Author: Myself
Genre: Dramatic romance
Summary: Snapshots of Ville and Bam's life. This chapter starts the flashbacks.
Disclaimer: I don't own shit and you don't either. Angel Faith owns the song.
Previous chapters in cut.
http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1437448.html#cutid1 <---Chapter 1
http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1442367.html#cutid1 <---Chapter 2
http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1446017.html#cutid1 <---Chapter 3
http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1456728.html#cutid1 <---Chapter 4
http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1459449.html#cutid1 <---Chapter 5
http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1464357.html#cutid1 <---Chapter 6
(I can't remember how to make the lj-cuts with customized text. Can someone help? Thanks in advance.)
Even Your Shadow I Miss
Part Seven
Once upon my time, once upon your time
Once upon our time, this ain’t no fairytale
It was harder with Ville, Bam decided as he watched the sleeping man next to him, because he wanted Ville more. He thought he'd been in love once before he met Ville. But it had been easier. He hadn't felt . . . the pain of being able to feel.
Bam pressed a kiss to his lover's temple before shutting his eyes. A smile played on the corners of his mouth as his dream faded to a memory he could still taste, despite four years having passed.
* * * FLASHBACK * * *
He was bouncing around like a five year old tripping on Pixie sticks and Mountain Dew as he flashed his backstage pass and slipped past a crowd of girls offering peepshows to meet the band.
And then . . . Bam saw him, lighting a cigarette and laughing at a joke that had missed his own ears. Pale artistic fingers pressing a cigarette to slightly parted adrogynous lips. Two green eyes caught his.
Bam seemed to wake from a dream when one of this artistic hands grasped his own. "I'm Ville. You're Bam, then?"
"Yeah." He didn't know how he was able to speak that first night. "I'm Bam Margera." And I just fell in love with you.
* * * END FLASHBACK * * *
He woke up to warm lips pressing against his cheek. Smiling, Bam opened his blue eyes, then frowned. "What time is it?" he asked, noting the lack of light coming from the open window.
"Four in the mourning." Ville said impishly, nipping at Bam's ear.
"Why the hell'd you wake me up at four in the morning?" Bam groaned, pushing away from the man whose smile was too scary for this time of day.
But Ville just quickly rolled on top of the younger boy, smirking. "I don't know. But it was a very, very bad thing to do. You should punish me."
"God, Ville." Bam said, maneuvering until he was the one lying on top of the other. He bit Ville's neck and giggled when his boyfriend moaned. "Now go to sleep." he said, rolling back onto his side of the bed.
"Cocktease." Ville said, sitting up and throwing the sheets off himself dramatically. "You owe me, Brandon Margera."
Bam gave a tired laugh as his boyfriend disappeared into the bathroom. He was asleep when Ville slipped under the heartagram comforter fifteen minutes later.
Two pale fingers gently stroked Bam's dark curls. "I love you. Don't worry, Bammie. We'll figure it out. We lasted three years, didn't we?"
* * * FLASHBACK * * *
It was ridiculous for Ville to be fretting over his wardrobe like a teenage girl, or worse, like the man he was packing to go see in the first place. He'd never worried about what others would think about his clothes, just wore whatever he wanted, but Bam . . .
He shook his head to clear it of unwelcome thoughts. You can't think things like that about your best friend. Especially when he happens to be straight. Things like that ruin a friendship. And Ville would have rather had Bam as a friend than as a reminder of what happened when he couldn't keep his mouth shut.
His phone rang and he picked up the cordless next to be his bed. "Hello?"
"Hi, Bam." Ville said. His hands were trembling which was completely ridiculous. He wanted to scream 'I'm not in love with you' to the boy barely old enough to legally drink--in the US--but he knew it would be a lie. "Get into the airport?"
"Yeah. Plane just landed. Only two fucking hours late. I hate layovers. So, anyway, I'm going to catch a cab and I'll be at your place in about a half hour. You packed?"
"Of course I am." Ville lied. "Unlike you, I don't take as much time to dress as a teenage girl."
"Only because you're too busy putting on eyeliner." Bam teased.
"Oh, fuck off." Ville said, laughing.
"Cab's here." Bam said. "Hang on for a sec, will you?"
"Why don't I just let you go?" Ville said, his breath hitching as he realized the double implications of that question. More like why can't I just let you go in my case, though.
"You okay? Asthma attack?"
". . . okay. And you can't let me go because I want to talk to you in the cab. Plus, I need a translator."
"I-I have something I need to finish up, Bam. I'll call you back in fifteen. I have to--"
"Pack?" Bam asked slyly.
"Shut up." Ville said, hanging up his phone. Laughing, he shook his head and starting randomly throwing things into his suitcase. Being in love with Bam was just as easy as it was hard sometimes.
Bam made life a riot, but one that you didn't have to worry about. One where second guessing yourself was out of the question and mistakes didn't exist.
And the fact that Ville second guessed himself and made mistakes constantly was what made being in love with Bam so hard.
* * * FLASHBACK * * *
"It's four in the afternoon." April said, knocking on the door and cautiously opening it, relaxing when she realized the scene wasn't NC-17. "So get up. You weren't even up that late last night."
"Ville woke me up at four in the morning." Bam complained, pulling a pillow over his face to block out the daylight.
"I don't even want to know." his mother said.
"We didn't do anything." Ville said, glancing up at her. He had been up since nine, his mental clock still being set to Finnish time. He was reading the book he had abandoned last night.
"I still don't want to know." she said, snapping her fingers at her son. "Up!"
"Ape!" he whined when she pulled the pillow away from his face.
"Honestly, Bam, you're not twelve. Now get up because you still have a crapload of stuff to do before you go do whatever illegal thing you're planning on doing tonight."
Ville laughed as April left and Bam rolled his eyes. "I can see the family resemblance so well." he teased, just laughing harder when Bam punched him in the side.
"Oh, please. You're both stubborn as hell. It's like watching the Clash of the Titans."
"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" Bam asked, after he mentally went through the list of things he was supposed to cram in before the day was over.
"Because the first time I woke you up and I had to wank in the bathroom because somebody was being a little dicktease."
"I meant after four in the fucking morning, Ville. Nocturnal freak."
"I'm still on Finnish time, sweetheart."
"Well, you're in my country now, so it's my rules."
"Darlin'," Ville said, slowly bringing his fingers to Bam's chest and tracing them to the waistband of his boxers, "haven't you learned by now? I make the rules."
I want your love, love me right now
Now is the time, I need you