(no subject)

Feb 18, 2006 21:42

Title: Choices
Author: Me
Pairing: Vammy
Disclainer: I don’t won shit so :p
Info: Its choose your own adventure time again. I had fun last time so I’m starting a new one. It will last as long as there is interest. I’m always open for suggestions. To vote put a comment on which way you want the story to go. The one with the most votes wins. If there is a tie I will flip a coin. Have fun!

Chapter 9

Chapter 8 http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1407531.html#cutid1
Thanks for the comments!

“Fine book it and I’ll be there.”

“That’s great news and we could like to say….”

Bam hung up the phone. He didn’t care what other drabble they had to spew out. They were taking him far away from the one place, the one person he truly wanted to be with. He acted like a kid on the very of a major temper tantrum. Throwing clothes into his backpack getting ready to leave. When he was ready to go he looked at Ville’s sleeping form. His chest gently rose with each intake of breath. He looked beautiful.

“Ville?” Bam nudge him trying to get his to wake. “Ville come on man wake the fuck up.” He shook him a bit harder.

“No mum I don’t want to go to school today.”

Laughing Bam got up and decided to just leave Ville a note. Sure it wasn’t personal enough but he had a plane to catch. Finding paper and a pen in the drawer he started to scribble down a note. Feeling satisfied he placed it on the table and left the room. Once in the lobby he ran into the hotel concierge.

“Are you leaving us early Mr. Margera?”

“Afraid so. Just bill anything to my card.” Bam said as he headed for the doors.

The concierge walked up to the font desk and picked up the phone and pressed nine. “Yes, please send a maid up to suite four.”

An older woman received the order to clean up suite four. It was nothing new to her. She had been working in the hotel for almost three years now. Using the master key she entered and started her routine. Picking us random bits of trash she noticed a piece of paper on the table. She couldn’t read it thinking it was rubbish it too was thrown away. Entering the bedroom the sight of Ville startled her and she let out a little yipe.

Hearing the noise Ville jumped. He was dazed and confused forgetting momentarily where he was. He saw a blur move quickly out of the room and then heard the front door open and shut. “Bam?” Getting up he moved about the room. His senses slowly returning. But where was Bam. The more he looked the more he noticed not only was Bam gone but also was all his belongs. There was nothing left.

Ville left the room and went to the front desk. “Umm excuse me.”

A middle aged woman smiled brightly at him. “Can I help you sir?”

“Yes can you tell me if a Bam Margera is still in this hotel?”

“One moment please.” She started tying away on her keyboard. “It shows he checked out about thirty minutes ago.”

“Did he leave any messages before he left?”

She looked on her screen again. “No there is nothing listed. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

“No that’s it. Thank you.” Ville left the hotel. Why would Bam just take off like that? Then it dawned on him. Bam must have had second thoughts about starting a relationship.

At the airport the plane was boarding a bit early. They got the clearance and they were going to take it. While in his seat Bam pulled out his phone. He figured maybe Ville was moving about by now and nothing would have made him happier then to hear Ville’s voice before they took off.

The steward tapped Bam on his shoulder. “I’m sorry sir but were getting ready to leave and all electronic devices need to be turned off. That includes cell phones.”

Nodding Bam turned off his phone and tossed it into his pocket. Great not only did he have to leave Ville and not even officially get to say good bye the in flight movie was a Disney flick!

Hailing a cab Ville was making his way back home. It was getting dark and he had hoped Jonna would be long gone by now. He dialed Bam’s number on his cell phone. If nothing else he wanted to make sure Bam was alright. When the answering machine picked up he didn’t leave a message. Why talk to someone who obviously didn’t want to talk to you back.

The drive was short and sweet. Ville paid the cabbie and walked to his house. Opening the door he didn’t find Jonna but he did find the mess she left behind. The floor was covered in broken glass and smashed records. The sheets were shredded and what looked like jam was dripping down the kitchen wall.

Walking over to the couch each step was followed by a crunch. The place resembled how he felt inside torn and abused. Tears rolled down his cheek. He didn’t even realize he was crying until he heard the pat of one hit his leg. What’s done is done Ville thought. Standing back up he grabbed the garbage can and started to throw the little pieces of his life away.

As soon as Bam hear the announcement that passengers could use there phone again he started to dial Ville. He had to be away and moving by now.

One room clean and so much more to go. Just as he entered the bedroom he heard his phone ring. Checking it he saw it was Bam. So now he wanted to talk. Anger filled his veins.

Should Ville pick up the phone?

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