(no subject)

Feb 18, 2006 17:23

Title: Choices
Author: Me
Pairing: Vammy
Disclainer: I don’t won shit so :p
Info: Its choose your own adventure time again. I had fun last time so I’m starting a new one. It will last as long as there is interest. I’m always open for suggestions. To vote put a comment on which way you want the story to go. The one with the most votes wins. If there is a tie I will flip a coin. Have fun!

Chapter 8

Chapter 7 http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1405202.html#cutid1
Turns to page 211

Ville did not want to go home. The thought of having to deal with Jonna again made his skin crawl. Looking around the area to get his bearings he remembered a quaint little pub just two blocks away. Lighting a cig he starting walking.

Stepping inside he found the place nearly deserted. This came as a much needed relief. He ordered a Sahti and took a seat at a booth in the back. The TV above the bar was playing some sports game but he wasn’t paying much attention to it. The door opened and a couple walked in.

The young woman was going on and on about something. Her voice a constant buzzing in Ville’s ears.

“Look baby, in the corner over there. Is that who I think it is?”

Ville looked up just in time to lock eyes with the girl. Oh shit, she knows who I am.

“It’s Ville Valo!” She raced over to the booth dragging her boyfriend along by the wrist. Wasting no time she sat down next to Ville cozying up like the two were best friends. “They were talking about you on the Television today.”

“You don’t say.” Ville finished off his beer and signaled to the bartender for another.

The boyfriend looked bored as hell watching his girl shamelessly flirt with another guy. The waitress brought over Ville’s beer. The boyfriend looked at it and scoffed. “Why are you drinking that pussy stuff? How around a round of vodka? Hell just bring the bottle.”

Ville didn’t argue, why would he when he would be receiving free drinks. So he down one after another. Time seemed to blur by and the gabbing girl next to him made less and less sense.

“Hey Ville.” The girl poked at his side. “You’re ringing.”

“Ringing?” He looked at her with the utter most confusion. “I’m not a phone!” Ville cracked up laughing spilling the shot he had in his hands. But indeed he was ringing. Patting his pockets he found his phone and answered it. “Hello?”

“Ville, are you drunk?”

“Bammi Bam Bam I am indeedy drunk.” Ville slurred his words as he refilled his shot glass and downed another.

“So where are you? I’ve been dealing with this boner for almost two hours. “

Ville giggled, actually giggled at the thought of Bam having to deal with his predicament for so long. “Hold on.” He hiccupped a few times and then continued. “I’m leaving now.” He hung up the phone and saluted the couple he had been drinking with. Though they were to busy making out and didn’t notice him leave.

He made it to the hotel though Ville could not remember how. Going up the elevator he made his way to Bam’s door and knocked.

“Get your ass in here already!”

He opened the door and found Bam lying on the bed wearing only his pants. “This is where we left off isn’t it?”

“Bammi!” Ville said as he walked over to him. Moving slightly sideways he tripped on a chair and landed face first onto the floor.

“You drunken fuck.” Bam helped his lover up and over to the bed. “How much did you have?” Though it really didn’t matter he could smell the alcohol on his breath. “Ville?” Seemed it was lights out for his friend as Ville was passed out.

Bam shook his head. He heard a phone ring and discovered it was his. What a busy day it was for phone calls. Checking the caller id he found it to be a representative from Element.

“Hey Bam sorry to call you on such short notice but we need you back here to the states ASAP.”

Signing Bam slightly rolled his eyes. “I’ll be back in five days.”

“Yes we know but well were in a bind here. Two skaters had to drop out of the promotional shoot so we really need you to make up for there absence. Were willing to pay for your flight back and reimburse the flight you already had but we need you on the flight that leaves in only a few hours there.”

What will Bam do?
Will he leave?
Will he stay and risk losing his job

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