Would You Be the One to Save Me? (Part 14)

Feb 13, 2006 21:34

ok, so maybe I'm not posting as many as i thought... oh well. be happy. =) ENJOY!!

Title- Would You Be the One to Save Me?
Author- PlayXDead07
Disclaimer- Never happened. Don't know anyone, don't own anyone... Maybe in my dreams, but not in reality. "/ Sucks to be me.
Summary- Ville is the new foreign exchanged student in highschool. Just when he thinks that he'll never fit in at a place like West Chester, he meets Bam Margera. The two immeadiately become friends... maybe even closer! But what Ville doesn't know is that behind that sexy smile of Bam's, there's a small secret... a secret that could kill him eventually! Can Ville be the one to save Bam? (Revised summary, do you like it? lol)
Rating- Pg-13 to R

~x~x~x~x~x~Ville's P.O.V~x~x~x~x~x~
Ville kept his head down low. Bam had just heard him sing! Normally he didn't care who heard him sing... why was it so different with Bam? His breathing was becoming ragged, and to avoid having an asthma attack, he got up and walked towards the door. He knew Ms. Kinder would understand.
He pushed the door open and walked swiftly out, and tried to breathe. He jumped when he saw Bam still sitting outside the door, his back facing Ville.

"Why can't you see that?" Ville heard Bam say. Bam turned around, and gasped in surprise when he saw Ville standing there. Ville was still breathing heavily, but he could still speak.

"See what, Bammi?" he asked in the coolest voice he could muster. Bam looked lost for words.

"How long were you there?" he asked.
Ville shrugged.

"Just in enough time to hear you say 'Why can't you see that?'"

Bam breathed a small sigh of relief. Then, the bell rang signalling the end of class.

"I'll go back and get my stuff. I'll meet you at the front of the school." Bam said. Ville nodded, and watched Bam walk away. Ville watched every detail of the steps he took... his curly dark hair bouncing lightly against his cheekbones... his hips swaying ever so slightly... of course, no one else but Ville noticed the slight sway in his hips... he couldn't help but notice things like that about Bam...
Ville snapped out of his trance when Bam turned a corner. Feeling a bit disappointed, he walked back into the now empty music room to grab his backpack. Ms. Kinder, who was still in the room, looked up and smiled when she saw him.

"Ville Valo, I think you just may have gotten yourself the solo part in the song."
~x~x~x~x~x~10 minutes later~x~x~x~x~x~
"Seriously? You got the part?"

"Yeah! I just walked in to get my stuff and she told me I got the part!" Ville was ecstatic! He was bouncing down the sidewalk the entire way back to Castle Bam. Bam smiled and shook his head.

"I'm happy for you, Ville. Even though you can't sing a note." he teased. Ville gasped and shoved Bam off the dining room chair he was sitting on.

"I'd like to see you do better!" he challenged. Bam yawned.

"Nah, I don't think I will..." he said with a small giggle. Ville was about to shoot another comeback towards Bam, but his cell phone rang in his pocket. Ville grabbed it and answered it.

"Hello?" he said after picking up the phone.

"Ville! It's Linde!" the voice on the other end announced. Ville grinned.

"Linde! Holy shit! How's everyone doing?" Ville asked eagerly.
Ville and Linde talked for about 15 minutes, just making plans about him coming to Finland. When Ville mentioned he'd be taking Bam along with him, Linde wolf-whistled as a joke to Ville. After Ville had hung up, he turned to Bam.

"That was my friend back in Finland, Linde. He says he and the other guys can't wait to meet you."
Bam laughed.

"I guess you didn't tell them much about me then, did you?"
Both Ville and Bam laughed and joked their way through their geography homework. Afterwards, they both went upstairs to Bam's room.

"I need to take a shower... the smell of school work is making me feel like I'm gonna puke my guts out." Bam mused. Ville laughed, then pushed him into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. When Ville heard the lock turn, he layed back on Bam's bed.

"You had better hurry the hell up, Margera!" Ville called. As he heard the shower water turn on in the other room, he couldn't help but wish he was there with Bam... Ville's eyes became heavier and heavier to hold up, until finally, they shut completely, throwing Ville into a gentle sleep...
~x~x~x~x~x~Bam's P.O.V~x~x~x~x~x~
Bam heard the door open slowly, and saw a shadowy figure walk in and shut and lock the door behind them. Bam bit his bottom lip.

"Ville?" he asked. There was no reply. Bam poked his head out of the shower curtain, and sure enough, saw Ville standing there, a seductive grin on his face.

"Do you mind if I join you, Bammi?" he asked, his voice so cool and slick... Bam felt shivers run up and down his body. He shook his head, and watched in amazement as Ville stripped naked in front of him. He gave Bam his seductive smile again, before slinking over to him, his hips swaying irresistibly. Bam gazed into Ville's green eyes, that were clouded with a mixture of love and lust... Then, he felt Ville's lips collide with his own. Once again, he felt as though everything around him were melting away... like he and Ville were the only ones who mattered...
Bam shivered and moaned as he felt Ville's fingertips lightly explore the flesh before him. He felt burning fingertips up and down his sides and across his back... before moving downwards...slowly...slowly... slowly...

"BAM!!!" Bam snapped awake at the sound of Ville's voice crying out his name. He quickly turned off the water and draped a towel around his slender waist. He ran out to see Ville, who was tossing and turning on his bed, obviously having a bad dream. Bam touched Ville's forehead, and his green eyes snapped open.

"Bam, there were slashes across your wrists... and they were bleeding through your shirt... you didn't want me to see them... but I did, and..." Ville broke down in Bam's arms, sobbing. He wasn't exactly crying... just sobbing. Bam gently stroked his hair back, and looked at his wrist. It was true... there were new cuts... and they did bleeding through his shirt... Bam went to pull his wrist out of sight before Ville saw it, but it was too late. Ville had broken away from Bam, and was now staring at his wrists, a mixture of hurt, sadness, and anger in his eyes that completely shattered Bam's heart.
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