One shot

Feb 13, 2006 23:51

Hello SweetheartS!
Alright, this is an 'early' Valentine's Day story. Something away from the fic I'm working on now. Just a short, one shot. Hope you all enjoy it!

Title: Do This Anymore
Pairing: Vam (of course)
Disclaimer: Don't own. Don't know. Never happened.

Do This Anymore

Darkness had claimed the sky only a few hours ago, making the night still young. Still young and yet he found himself sitting in the back of a cab. Usually he’d be out drinking by now. Getting smashed with a small handful of friends to make the night somewhat interesting or fun. However, he wasn’t. In fact, he was nowhere near his handful of friends. Instead, he was in the backseat of a cab and had his head leaning against the cool glass of the door. His warm breaths were slowly fogging a small area of the window as it left his body.

His eyes gazed out the window as he watched slightly familiar scenery passed on by. Even with his gaze focused on the world outside of the cab, it still took him a few seconds to realize that the cab had pulled to a complete stop at the destination he had called for. Then slowly removing himself from the door, he leaned forward a bit to reach into his back pocket. With his wallet out, he was able to pay the driver before he opened the door and climbed out of the cab. Before he could even close the door, the cold winter air quickly rushed at his once warm body. Quickly closing the door, he pulled his jacket closer to his body.

Not bothering to look back at the cab, he heard its engine roar as the driver continued on his way. Instead, his eyes were locked on the building in front of him. Honestly, what had brought him here? Sure it was too late to turn back now, but he could not really answer himself on why he was there. As he tried to find himself a reason, he noticed small clouds of fog lingering in front of his face as he continued to stand out in the cold weather.

Taking a deep breath, he finally inched his way up to the buildings front door. Had he really come out all this way? He did not even have one personal belonging with him for his little trip he took. Only his usual attire and small miscellaneous items he had on him was all that he brought. He knew he must have not been thinking at the time of this spontaneous decision. While he had been lost in his own thoughts, he soon realized that he was only inches from the front door.

His feet had brought him this far, there was no need to turn back now. Raising his hand, he slowly brought it up to the small button that was placed nest to the door. As his pointer finger pressed the button, he softly could hear a noise from the other side of the door. As he waited for an answer, he sniffed through his now runny nose. Damn weather. He always was one to hate the cold weather. However, hearing a soft click interrupted any action he had.

He watched as the large door was pulled opened and a familiar figure finally stepped into view. “Bammie?” his deep accented voice quickly reached his ears and instantly he remembered why he wanted to be here. “What are you doing here?” he questioned softly.

Standing in front of him was a gorgeous man, although he was only dress in a pair of black slacks and a partially buttoned up white shirt. “I can’t do this anymore.” Bam answered in a soft whisper, but Ville was able to hear him perfectly.

“Do what?” Ville questioned, slightly confused at his best friends words. “Come inside, Bam Bam. It’s cold out there.” Ville added as he reached for Bam’s right hand. Once his long, thin hand had a hold of Bam’s, he gently pulled the younger man in the warm confides of his home. Bam continued to remain silent as Ville closed the door behind them. “Do what, Bam?” Ville asked for a second time, hoping to receive an answer.

Bam, who’s eyes were staring at the carpeted floor, slowly brought them up to stare into Ville’s green ones. “I can’t live a lie.” he finally answered, voice still as soft as it was when he first spoke to the man that was standing only inches in front of him.

“What lie?” Ville asked as confusion continued to race through his mind. He had no clue what his friend was trying to tell him.

“Ville, I-” However, Bam had stopped himself as he gently reached both hands to Ville’s face. With no word or action being able to be put to use, Bam pulled the taller man closer to his body before he placed his lips on top of Ville’s.

Ville was taken back slightly by Bam’s actions, but soon he was returning to simple kiss. Making it mean more then what Bam could ever think of. For the years the two of them had known one another, neither would confess the true feelings that lingered in the air when they were together. Yes, Ville was shocked that Bam was the first to react on them, but he was also glad that he could now confess his feelings as well. Yet, what touched him the most was just finding this delicate man standing at the foot of his front door, just for him. And him only.


There you have it. Whatcha think? Just something I’ve had in my head all day. Feedback please.

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