Internal Devistation CH.10

Jan 16, 2006 01:08

Title: Internal Devistation CH.10
Pairing: VAAMM
Rating: G to NC-17 ( In ze later chaps )
Summary: Hm- I was never good at this. NEVER. Well, lovely Ville has a daughter from a previous, destructive relationship. An old friend takes him out for a round of drinks, and introduces him to someone that was to click him out of his depressive funk.
POV: Ville's
Disclaimer: Though we wish, it never happened. I know, depressing. But I own Ava. Oh yes do I own her. And Christina too.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

After our few minute long morning kiss, we parted because breakfast wasn't going to make itself. And Ava reminded us of this, for if she hadn't appeared in the doorway, I think there'd be yet another monster let loose that had to be taken care of. But she had closed her eyes, reminded us of how ew we were, and announced she was hungry.

So I went and made her some french toast. I myself dislike french toast, but my daughter here, loves it. Bam followed suit, sitting next to her and eating some too. I had cereal. After breakfast, we all cleared the table to play Sorry!

Like a few weeks ago, Ava kicked both our asses again. She squealed everytime she won, clapping and immedietly re arranging things so we could play again. To keep myself entertained, my hand was under the table, rubbing Bam's thigh gently and hooking my ankle behind his. I don't know why running my hand up and down his thigh was so entertaining, but it was. Yet, the game still got a little boring after a few rounds, and I told her it was time to stop. Time to watch a movie or something.

Ava wanted to watch Bambi. In Spanish. That was a no when suggested. Eventually everyone agreed on Nightmare Before Christmas. The two of us, Bam and I, cuddled on the couch with Ava at the foot of the couch on the floor. We could sneak silent kisses and touches. Until the doorbell rang. Sighing, I pulled back and got up.

I felt someone pinch my butt when I stood.

That made me jump and giggle, walking to the door. I opened and saw a UPS lady, handing me a clipboard. I read over everything and signed it. I was getting a package. Yay. Thing is, I didn't remember ordering anything. To be on the safe side, I took it to the kitchen to open it. God only knows what I could have gotten if I was drunk

Bam followed, standing behind me as I opened the box. A few small boxes fell out. One by one, we opened them and lined them up. Inside everything, there was an ink pen, a contract, a letter, a camera, and batteries. It was a Jackass contract from MTV. Bam didn't catch onto that, I had to point out the title on the contract, "MTV wants you all. They want Jackass." I smiled. It made me happy.

Not only did it make me happy, it made Bam ECSTATIC, he jumped on me, putting me to the floor. He sat on my hips and clung to my torso, giggling and squealing, "We gotta get this to the guys. It needs to be signed, like, now." On the contract there were quite a number of lines. One for each person who appeared on Jackass. Since I told him I'd wait for proof before we went, I nodded.

"Yes. Yes, you all need this. It's great," I smiled widely, sitting up, but keeping him on my hips.

"Of COURSE it's great! M fucking T V!" My shoulders and neck were showered with joyous kisses. Figuring it'd be best to get to his friends as soon as possible, I stood up, putting him on the ground gently.

"Aavvaaa," I called out for her, and she came to me, "get your things for Sami's. Bam and I have to go to his friend's house for a while."

The little girl pouted and crossed her arms, "But you were there yesterday," two days ago actually, but hey, she's 4.

"Well, we have to give them something."

"Do I get something?"

"You get a surprise if you be good at Sami's." She smiled.

"Okay!" And unfolded her arms, "I don't need anything to go there. I left my toys there. How long will you and Bam be gone, Daddy?"

Bam had put everything back in their boxes, and back in the main container. I picked up Ava and walked out to the living room, "Ohh.. We'll come get you tomorrow."

"But tomorrow is a long time. I don't like it when you go away," She sounded so cute and innocent. I sat her down on the floor, handing her her shoes and jacket.

"Well.. There's nothing I can do.. I'm sorry.. " That made me feel bad about leaving her a lot now that Bam was here. Ava put on her shoes and jacket, while I did the same. Bam slipped on his shoes and grabbed his jacket, folding it over his empty arm. And the three of us got into the car, dropped Ava off, and was off to Johnny's. Johnny's house because he was the starter of this whole thing.

When we arrived, we got out of the car. To my surprise, Bam grabbed my hand. For some reason he always made me think that he wasn't comfortable being gay or having a boyfriend around his friends. But oh well, it was his life. Bam was a good boy, and didn't just tell Mr. Knoxville right off the bat what was going on. Instead he carried the box inside, pulling me along and over to the couch, where the two of us sat.

Johnny came and joined, "Hey, move over, fattie." He was talking to me. Now let me tell you, I am very, VERY into my weight.

"Fattie?" I looked at him and slid over.


"Am I fat?"

Johnny laughed and made a hand gesture, "Of course. Anyway-- what's in the box, Bam?"

Bam held the box to his chest, "A surprise."

"A surprise?" His friend raised an eyebrow.

"Yep. And you know what?"


"You're going to open the surprise... When you get everyone out here."

"Bam, they're all asleep."

"Wake 'em up. It's fucking IMPORTANT. Majorly." Johnny shrugged and got up. I don't want to know how-- but he got everyone up in a loud way. My hearing was muffled because, like before, I was hiding against Bam. Not only did they make me feel uncomfortable, but fat now too, "Alright. Hey, jackasses. I got something for you all." He set the box on the coffee table, "I'll open it piece by piece." So he went on to take out all the little boxes.

All before opening the little boxes and arranging out their contents.

"What is it?" A tired Party Boy, Chris Pontius, rubbed his eyes.

"It's a contract. From MTV." Bam answered.

"MTV? Contract?" It was someone... @-@;;

"Yeah. They want Jackass on MTV," Again, Bam lit up. Everyone in the room seemed to wake immedietly. They all moved and crowded around the piece of paper. Someone screamed, letting out a victory yell.

"DUDE! I can't fucking believe it! When do we start??"

"It's all in the contract, all the info's there. I just gotta get it signed by everyone here, and then send it off. And we're on the fall lineup." Bam pointed it all out.

Steve-O was the first to grab the pen provided, "Where?" Shrugging, he just signed on a line. Soon, before even thoroughly reading the contract, everyone signed. I guess they really were stupid. I would have analyzed that stupid piece of paper before even writing the first V.

"There. DONE." Wee Man finished it, setting the pen down with a thump, "Now send it out! I want to see us on TV!" The room buzzed, all with talk of Jackass on MTV. I put my hands on my stomach, picking at my skin.

"Hey! Bam Bam, nice bandaid!" Ryan shrieked, "I just noticed it. OH! On you too!" He pointed at me now.

"There was a monster last night that came in and spat hot coals at us and scratched us and wouldn't die so we had to hit him against the wall alot while I was yelling at Ville to do it harder." Bam let that out in one long sentence, a single breath. His friends stared and I blushed.

"What the fuck? You in kindergarten?"

"It's what Ava was told. And she decided to make us better," I spoke up, "She came in this morning saying there was a monster in our room because she heard it trying to eat us last night."

"Ooooo! Bam SCORED!" Chris laughed and clapped. Soon the rest of them were clapping. I don't know why they made me feel embarrassed. My boyfriend laughed nervously.

"Yeah.. I scored," He nodded too.

"Ya'll are staying the night right?" Johnny asked, looking at us after silence. Bam shrugged and looked down at me, clarifying before he answered that it was alright. I nodded.

"Mhmm. We'll stay. Gotta get Ava tomorrow, though," He answered him.

"Ahh-- playin' family man, now, eh?" It seemed they liked to tease him. And what you heard, the teasing and pointless conversations, continued on. They talked more of Jackass. I didn't really say anything, or pay much attention. I just clung to Bam's arm. Till it was time to go to bed, where we were actually given a bed, which is unusual. Before getting in it, the owner of the home warned us, "And no monsters." With a snigger and walked away.

That made me laugh. Before stripping down the little boxers and getting under the covers. Bam did the same, scooting against me for warmth. With a quick kiss, "I love you. Thank you. So much."

"Welcome..I love you, too, Bam," We fell asleep soundly. Surprisingly. Though the rest of the house was going to bed at the same time, which was a shock.

And we woke together, no makeup added, no organs missing, no traps set up, no nothing. Might be because the rest were still asleep. That would be a good reason, actually. It was weird how we woke up at around the same exact time. We got out of bed and got dressed too. Grabbing the contents of the box and putting them all back in the original container, we left.

First thing we did was pick up Ava. She was delighted to see us. Then went to get some breakfast at a drive thru. They ordered nice breakfasts, and I didn't get anything. Said I wasn't hungry. I said to not eat in the car. Do you think they listened? Of course they did. And they ate at home. Like good children. And boyfriends.

I told Bam I was going outside to run, to help my lungs to help my asthma. I just wanted to run. So I went outside and ran around the apartment complex for hours.
You know what. It sucks because it's late, I'm sick, and I'm tired.
Comments showered with love or hate are much appreciated, no matter what's in them.

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