Rendition of Love Metal: Chapter 9

Jan 16, 2006 00:00

Title: The Pain of Love: A Rendition of Love Metal - Chapter Nine
Rating: Anywhere from PG to R
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not know or own any of these lovely men nor, (obviously,) did I write the lyrics to Love Metal, however the odd story is all from my head.
Summery: Using the lyrics from Love Metal, I arranged them in an order that created a story that involves the Bam/Ville pairing and a love that could turn out to be the best time of their lives, or the worst. Who knows ;)

NOTE: With each chapter, consider the lyrics of the particular song used from Love Metal, but note that it is only related perspective to the lyrics, not necessarily what the song is truly about, (hey, when it all comes down to it, I'm sorry to say that there's no way to get inside Ville's head and truly know what he was thinking with each song.)

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter Nine

Circle of Fear

Heartache's knocking on her door
Shadows dance outside her window
Tears keep falling on the floor
As the world around her crumbles

If you wanna save her
Then first you'll have to save yourself
If you wanna free her from the hurt
Don't do it with your pain
If you wanna see her smile again
Don't show her you're afraid
'Cause your circle of fear is the same

Love can be as cold as grave
A one way ticket to endless sorrow
An empire of gentle hate
Today without tomorrow

If you wanna save her
Then first you'll have to save yourself
If you wanna free her from the hurt
Don't do it with your pain
If you wanna see her smile again
Don't show her you're afraid
'Cause your circle of fear is the same

It's the circle of regret
The circle of hate
The circle of death
Your circle of fear is the same
Your circle of fear is the same

If you wanna save her
Then first you'll have to save yourself
If you wanna free her from the hurt
Don't do it with your pain
If you wanna see her smile again
Don't show her you're afraid
'Cause your circle of fear is the same

Your circle of fear is the same

--- Bam --- Same night, Bam's House

I saw the driveway motion-sensor light turn on through my window. It was dark and rainy. I hadn't heard a car drive up, so this slightly perked my interest.

I'd remained in bed all day long, still, as Dico put it, 'wallowing in my self pity'. I forced myself to get up and walk over to the window. As I peered out, I noticed a body lying in my driveway and a shattered glass next to it. What the Hell?

As I looked closer, I saw that it was Ville.

Suddenly, I let go of all self pity, of all pathetic self-loathing emotions that I had and ran downstairs. I threw open the door and ran barefoot out into the driveway. Ville was soaked and covered in mud. I knelt down next to him, "Ville! Ville! Are you okay?" I asked.

His eyes fluttered open, "Hmmm…?" he mumbled. He put one hand up to head as if to try and soothe a pounding headache. "Where on Earth am I?" he drunkenly spat out.

"Um… you're in my driveway… in the rain… in the mud… in the night."

"Oh… well I suppose that makes a little sense," Ville said.

I couldn't help but laugh because honestly, it made no sense.

I helped pull him up and swung his arm around me. I shouted towards the house for someone to come out and help me. Dico came running and grabbed Ville's other arm and we walked him inside. When we got in there, we walked him into the downstairs bathroom and Dico and I set him in the bathtub with all of his muddy clothes still on. Dico left and now it was just the muddy Ville and I.

"What's going on Vil… why are you here?" I asked.

"I… I don't know. Bam, I just wanted to see you… and you didn't answer your phone. I had to talk to you. I had to tell you how I felt."

"Well shit Ville! This is a little extreme!"

Ville lay there shivering and filthy. I couldn't let him stay like this.

"Ville, this is going to really suck, but just stay there," I said, then reached over and turned on the shower head and pointed it downwards towards him.

"Agh! What the fuck?" He yelled.

"Stop it, stop moving around. Just sit still, you're covered in dirt!"

After a few seconds, Ville quit flailing his arms and gave into the warm water that poured over him. I let it run for a few minutes and then turned it off. Now, he was wet, but at least he was clean. His wet clothes clung tightly to his body. He was only wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. I found myself gawking at his perfectly sculpted figure that I knew all too well, hiding behind the thin layer of clothing.

My moment of fantasy was interrupted when Ville tried to stand up and fell backwards into the tub again.

"Oh fuck me! Why am I this goddamn drunk?" Ville slurred out.

"Look… just stay there. Not that you really can go anywhere anyway… but stay there!" I said while walking out of the room. I went into my bedroom and grabbed a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt and went back into the bathroom. Ville was slumped over the side of the tub with one arm hanging over the edge, resting his head on it.

"Alright big boy, sit up," I said sarcastically.

"Mmm. Shut up. I'm getting there," Ville mumbled.

"Right," I said, my lips forming a slight smile.

As he stood up, I pulled off his shirt and dropped it on the floor. Small beads of water dripped down his torso. I reached out one hand and ran my fingers across his smooth, pale skin. Remembering how drunk he was, and our recent situation, I pulled my hand away and finished undressing him and putting on the dry clothes. When I was done I lead him down the hall into my bedroom and helped him into bed.

I crawled in next to him. I was still angry about what had happened, but he'd proven his love tonight. I couldn't blame him for what he did. He was afraid of exposure, just as I had been. He didn't want to come to terms with the fact that he was in love me anymore than I had wanted to.

I rested my head on the soft pillow and stared at his resting body until I drifted into sleep.

--- Next morning --- Ville


I jumped out of bed and turned to face the door. Where was I? What had happened. And for God's sake, whose clothes was I in?

After a few seconds, I recognized that Bam was in the doorway. He stood there, shirtless with a pair of black pants hanging off of his hips.

He grinned, "Hung over?"

I placed my hand over my forehead, "Yeah… thanks for the wakeup call."

"No problem."

"Bam… what happened last night?"

"Alright, well I'm not surprised you don't remember. I found you drunk, passed out in my driveway and brought you inside and ravished you," he said smiling.

"You did not! Wait… so then what part of that was true?"

"Okay, okay," he said laughing, "You just passed out in the mud and I took you inside, threw you in the shower and then put you into bed. You've got my word that I didn't… take 'advantage' of you," he said.

I lifted the corner of my lips into a smirk, "Not that I would've minded…"

"Enough of that. We've got to talk," Bam said, motioning for me to sit down on the bed. He walked over and sat next to me, sitting up straight and confidently, as if he was completely sure of what he was about to say.

"Ville - I love you. I love you with all of my heart, soul and every other essence of my being, but…"

"But what?" I said anxiously.

"But, I can't do this thing with you and Jonna. It's me, or her. I don’t usually put someone in that position. But this is different. This has to be an 'us' thing, ya know? Vil - you lied to me and that hurt me more than anything in my life ever has. More than any girl, more than any injury I've gotten from a stupid stunt - it was the worst pain I've ever felt. The thing is, I can move past it. I just need to know that you'll be there, by my side," he said, tears starting to form in his eyes.

I felt a sharp pain shoot through my chest, as if it was piercing my soul. I felt so ashamed of how I had handled the situation. The most that I could do now was make amends and show him that I was here now.

"Of course. You have my word… my heart… you have me," I said, reaching my hand out and placing it on his leg.

He smiled, "Good. Now that that's taken care of, I should let you know something. My family knows… my friends know… everybody knows. Now you need to go tell your band mates and Jonna."

I nodded my head nervously. Hey, a deal was a deal.

Okay, okay. I suck I know. It didn't take me two months to write that. However, it did take me two months to get around to writing it! I've had a lot going on with my family. I should really just sit down and write this all out somtime granted that there are only two more chapters! Ahhh... well... I'm getting there. Comment, lemme know what you think, <3
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