Well...I promised a fic eventually....

Nov 13, 2005 21:18

And here it is!!

The general plot is pretty straightforward. The boys are making the video for Vampire Heart and hijinks ensue. Now, for those who would like to see the video layout I did for Vampire Heart, go to my journal and see it. I basically plotted out how *I* would make a video for the song if one were to be made. That is the video they're making in my fic. If enough people want to see it I'll post it here...

Title: Down the Middle
Pairing: Vam (Oh come on now...what did you think?)
Rating: R for now. It will become NC-17.
Summary: What happens when you put a video shoot, Ville, and Bam in the same room? Hijinks, mayhem, and a secret revealed that has been hiding in the shadows for way too long.
Disclaimer: I don't either know, own, or have any influence on the person's involved in this story. Never happened. Don't I wish it did.

**Ville POV**

The smell of blood is unmistakable, like a twisted mix of copper pennies and salt that makes your head turn and your stomach wretch. You can smell it, whether you realize what it is or not, from a mile away. It pushes aside other smells, and yet mingles with them at the same time so that you can only taste it on the breeze. Only smell it if you’re at the right place at the right time. It’s a primal force…something that everyone possesses. Something pure in a world that most certainly isn’t.

It was this smell that invaded my dreams…and I somehow knew that this was a dream. The walls were too white, the marks from the ‘strike anywhere’ matches that I’d run along the ceiling were absent. The wallpaper, cream with deep burgandy stripes, was so crisp that it looked as though it had been put up the previous day. And the floor…gone were the stains of the parties that had been had in the room before to be replaced by shining red carpeting the color of blood. Brilliant red. I had loved when it had been put in…I hated it now. If it hadn’t been for this absolute perfection, I would have never known I was dreaming. Never known that the soft bed that my body rested upon was in fact a dream, never known that this time and place were simply a memory and not the reality my mind was painting for me.

I rose from the bed slowly, unsure of my footing in this dream world. Much to my surprise however I found that it was very similar to walking in any other setting, except that no matter how many times I looked down…I never saw my feet. Outside the covers the world was cold, and instantly my bare legs were assaulted with goosebumps that made the hair on my thighs stand out. The door to my right was shut, as it had always been. I had learned to keep that door shut at night so that people who were less than sober didn't come bothering you. Not that I often wasn't amongst them, only that when I finally wanted to go to sleep...it was time to be left alone.

Fingertips ran along the wall as I walked towards the door, marveling at the fact that I could feel the bumps on the walls, the slightly damp feeling that beaded up upon them. Amazing what the human mind can recreate for you, amazing what it can make you believe is totally real when it wants to show you something. Only I wasn’t interested in what my mind had to tell me, and I was tired of it constantly trying to work out its issues on my time. I wanted to be rid of all of it, my memories, my feelings, my responsibilities, everything that reminded me of the lie that had once been my life. Besides, what was left that I hadn’t thought about? What was left that I hadn’t cried for?

Apparently my mind wasn’t ready to forgive and forget, though I begged it to almost every night before I went to sleep.

The doorknob was like ice, but warmed up almost instantly as I pulled the door open and looked out the hallway. All was quiet. It was almost as though time had frozen in a place that I was familiar with but didn't want to be. I walked down the winding stairs that I had wanted to slide down upon first viewing them. My mother had told me not to do it as a child in our own house, told me I would hurt myself, but I still slid down that set of halfmoon stairs until my butt was so sore that I could barely sit down anymore. But i'd had fun. A rare moment of pure joy set apart from the angstiness that had followed it.

Finally, as though i'd been walking for hours, I reached the bottom of the stairs. All was quiet again...and i was suspicious. Nothing was ever this quiet, nothing was ever quite what it seemed, as though this were the eye of the storm. I didn't necessarily know the house, but I could feel the seeping, disgusting feeling of a house that had seen a lot of pain...it would never sell if they tried to do it. People are able to sense that sort of shit...they know when abuse, sickness, death has permeated a place. That's what this place smelled like...what it felt like. I shivered, reaching up to pull my dark hair from my eyes as I took a calming breath. I didn't like this at all...wished with everything I had that I would simply wake up.

It was in this moment, as I decended the hallway towards the kitchen, that I felt it. The feeling that something was slithering down my legs, that I was warm in an unnatural way. As though in slow motion, my eyes finally found my feet, only to discover them covered with blood...so much blood that it couldn't have come from me. My feet, bare and pale, were now a vile shade of brownish red, like clay unearthed from the ground. My legs dripped with it, as though i had been shot in the stomach. And a trail of bloody footprints trailed behind me like children to the pide piper.

A twisted mix of copper pennies and salt that makes your head turn and your stomach wretch...

I woke up sweating, shaking all over and looking down at myself. Nothing there. I was clean except for the lingering traces of sweat that clung to my pale skin and the blush that had come over me in my sleep. Bringing my knees up to my chest, I reached for the bedside table and grabbed my cigarettes, lighting the first fag of the day and inhaling deeply. I hardly even wanted to look at myself feeling how I felt, but I leaned over to the mirror anyway, grimacing at myself. What exactly did the female population find attractive about me again? I shook my head and pushed my cigarette out, crawling out of bed and into the bathroom.

Pausing on the way, I picked up my cellphone and looked at the missed calls. Bam...Bam...and Bam. What the hell did he want? Pressing a few buttons, I eventually found out that he'd sent me a picture...making my eyebrow raise at the thought. Bam had a fascination with sending me very random pictures...things that you wouldn't normally send another person. Turning my head away enough that I couldn't see the screen, I pressed the button and waited for the picture to load...turning only my green eyes when it finally did. Hand going to my mouth, I nearly laughed so hard that I passed out at the picture of Bam's white ass, with his hand pointing to his left ass cheek. What an idiot...strange how I hadn't gotten tired of him though.

I'd eventually gotten tired of nearly everyone in my life...other than the band...and Bam. All the women that i'd dated had basically fallen off the map, I still talked to my family but not as much as I probably should have...it was strange how very few people persisted long enough to stay with me. Must have been my sparkling personality. Dialing the number without even having to look, I put the phone up to my ear while I walked into the bathroom and positioned myself at the toliet. Yawning loudly, I was barely even able to get out a "hello" before Bam answered the phone in his usual excitable tone.

*Ville...* he was barely able to get out through his laughter. *Did you get my...picture?*

I rolled my eyes, nodding at the phone for a moment before realizing he couldn't see it and finally spoke. "Yeah. I'm not sure that's what I wanted to see first thing in the morning, but somehow I don't think you care..."

*Not really...* he said, his voice lowering a bit. *What are you doing...are you in the bathroom?*

I smiled at that, holding the phone to my ear while I washed my hands. "Nooo Bammie." He made a disbelieving sound on the other end of the phone. "Fine...yes. After getting a picture of your pale ass on my phone I think i'm entitled to some bad manners..."

*I'm just not sure I like the idea of you holding your dick...so are you ready to shoot the new video?* he asked, sounding like he was getting into the car. I nodded again, laughing at myself and then answering 'yes'.

After Wings of a Butterfly, i'd wanted to have a more relaxed atmosphere for the next video. And relaxation at a video shoot generally meant that I had Bam around. Strange but true. His antics and general unrulyness was like a smell of home in most cases, making me feel more at ease and less like I had to put on some sort of show. The next single Vampire Heart was already starting to get radio play and we needed to get a video out before the record company started throwing fits like a two year old with a complex. Bam had been all for it...he was always all for it.

"I'm looking at my plane ticket right now," I said, shoving said plane ticket into my bag. "Missed me Bam?"

A silence, and if i'd been paying more attention I would have been able to tell if I heard a quick intake of breath. Shaking my head, I pushed it away as my overactive imagination, and waited for my answer. Of course Bam missed me...he always missed me...right? Or at least...I suppose I wanted him to miss me. That thought alone was enough to make me take a quick look in the mirror and glare at myself , shaking my head enough that my hair fell out over my eyes. No, no...Bam equals friend. There was no more to it than that.

*Yeah I guess I missed you. I've been...really busy though. Not much time to pine away for you...*

My eyebrows came together at that, not liking the tone of voice that Bam used. He sounded strained, like he'd been thinking something else and that was the only response he wanted to give me. I made a face into the phone and sighed. "Hey...I mean if this is taking up too much time just let me know and I can find someone else..."

*NO!* came the quick reply, his voice suddenly panicked. I pulled the phone away from my ear to keep from getting my other eardrum blown out. Wouldn't do to be holding both my ears at shows. *No...I'm just tired. I'm really looking forward to...um...doing the video.*

I smiled, locking my front door and getting into the cab that would take me to the airport. I didn't have much with me really, knowing that i'd probably be up all night every night of the shoot anyway. It didn't leave much room for me to change. Not a problem though as I rather enjoyed sitting up all night smoking and drinking with Bam...of course...it did get a little crazy when we quit drinking at six and started back up at ten. Eh...who cared?

"Well...i'll see you there darling," I said leaning my throbbing head on the back of the seat. The nightmare had given me such a headache when I woke up. I closed my eyes and waited for the car to stop...


*Well...i'll see you there darling* I heard through the phone, swallowing so hard that I was sure that Ville heard it. Why so nervous you ask? Because only a few days ago I had finally made a decision. I wasn't going to sit back and watch Ville go through any more women...nope...I was finally going to tell him that I had a serious infatuation with him that went way beyond the tattoos and the random stalking. I wasn't sure how far the feelings went really, I only knew that I didn't like being away from him for too long...only knew that I could sleep better knowing that he was at least in the same timezone. I sighed and glanced out the driver's side window.

Traffic sucked.

"Yeah...can't wait..." I said, forcing my voice to be cheerful. I knew I was pushing it, and I knew Ville could hear it. I didn't have time to really think about how he might being interpretting the tone of my voice as I finally pulled into the set, a huge church that we'd booked for the shooting of Vampire Heart. Getting out of the car, I found myself blissfully alone for the moment and walked through the front doors of the church. A man greeted me, the caretaker of the old building, and shook my hand. Leaving me alone for the moment, I was allowed to really get a good look.

Smiling a bit, I walked backwards down the middle of the pews, imaginging Ville walking towards me, the music playing behind him. It would look gorgeous. It would be like he was some sort of spirit figure, perfect, pale, green eyes glittering as he came towards the screen. I kept walking, lost in my own fantasy, until my back hit the alter and I slid down it. I let myself stare out the still open doors of the church, wishing for a moment that I wasn't there alone. I had a problem with that...not having attention...not having someone around me. It was a wonder that Ville wasn't sick of me...it was a wonder he put up with me at all.

It was a question I was going to get answered...

And there you have it. Now, I write longer chapters. This one is pretty damn short. But I hope you all enjoy. I *like* reviews. So please be kind as this is my FIRST Vam fic EVER.

With my Love
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