
Jul 10, 2006 16:52

Wow. Just wow ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

iloveseekers July 11 2006, 03:05:06 UTC
You could stay over here! I'm sure you could! Be right back...

Alright. You can stay at my house for the summer if you like. My parents said it was fine. Please come? I'd love it if you did. I'm having the absolute worst summer in existance right about now.


__hannah_abbott July 11 2006, 21:20:56 UTC
I would really love to, Romilda, but I'm afraid I can't. Seamus and Susan just picked me up and I'm currently staying at Susan's. Thanks so much for offering, though, and I'm sorry your summer isn't very fun for you at the moment.

Hmm. Maybe we could plan an 2-night all-girls sleepover with all of the girls in this LiveJournal lot? Just an idea.


_indian_goddess July 13 2006, 14:55:44 UTC
That would be so fun. We should do that.

So you're okay now, Hannah? I'm so sorry about what's happened. A good night in with the girls is a great idea. Something to get the spirits up.


cards_n_badgers July 11 2006, 03:53:33 UTC
I hope you got my owl. I heard what happened through a workmate in the Ministry. Oh Han. That's terrible! Is there anyway I could help you?

Us Hufflepuffs have got to stick together so I've got a spare room...that is to say...I'm inviting you...I mean...Hannah, you can come stay at my place if you want. There's only my parents and me so another face would be great. That is only if you want. Don't go wasting your galleons on a dark and dank room in The Leaky when there's a warm and welcoming (and Hufflepuff friendly :) I might add) room for you here. My parents love you, you know that. They'd be pleased...That is to say we'd be pleased to have you.


__hannah_abbott July 11 2006, 21:25:52 UTC
I got the owl. I'll be sending a reply soon.

It's ok, Ernie, really. I feel really guilty for turning down your invitation, but I'm staying at Susan's now. The thing is, I know she would find a way to get me to stay at your place instead. So that makes me feel less guilty.Thanks so much for offering, too, I really, really appreciate it. You're such a great friend.


cards_n_badgers July 13 2006, 15:05:14 UTC
Don't feel guilty. If you're safe and sound, especially if you're happy, then it's all okay and I won't worry. Whomever's house your staying at.

You're very welcome, Hannah. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't care about you ...and your well being?


__prefectgirl July 11 2006, 04:10:49 UTC
Oh, Hannah.

If you need someone to talk to, you can always owl me. It's so horrible that people discriminate on what house you're in. Why is it so horrible that you're loyal and just?


__hannah_abbott July 11 2006, 21:36:53 UTC
I'll probably go start on a letter right now. Thank you, Hermione.

It is horrible. My aunt says that Hufflepuff is "a weak House" and that we have nothing to be proud about. I don't know how my mom was able to put up with having her as a sister...


_susie_bones_ July 11 2006, 05:09:57 UTC
Hannah Abbott! The Leaky Cauldron?! The Leaky Cauldron?! I refuse to let my best friend stay at the bloody Leaky Cauldron. I can't believe you would even think to stay there. My house, my room, my family. They're yours. They have been since first year. My mum and dad would throw a fit if they knew where you were. I know Ernie's might be more appealing for obvious reasons, but...You're more than welcome to stay at my place. I think Ichabod and Sassy miss you quite a bit. I know that I do.


__hannah_abbott July 11 2006, 21:39:36 UTC
I'm sorry, Susan - but it was a sudden thing and I couldn't think of anywhere else to stay without disturbing someone from their sleep.

Thank you, Susan. I really appreciate this. Ernie's? More appealing? Obvious reasons? What are you trying to say? You're not going to try to have me stay at Ernie's now that I'm at your place, right???


theworldofvain July 11 2006, 10:11:29 UTC
Wow. Abbott. That's completely--wow.

I'm really sorry. Hope you get sorted out soon, yeah?


__hannah_abbott July 11 2006, 21:41:41 UTC
Yes, Pansy, I know. I finally found something I have in common with you. But I'm alright, really.

Thanks, I hope so too. And sorry about that, you know, letter. I'll be giving Lee a talking to when I see him.


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