Curled up

Oct 01, 2009 05:58

Title: Curled up
Author: 9_of_Clubs
Rating: PG
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Theme: Table 1: Elemental
Prompt: #25, Yearn
Spoilers: none
Genre: drabble
Warning: none
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I own noooothing!
Summary: Written for spn_30snapshots. A 100 word perfect drabble *dances*

He wishes things were simpler, wishes that nights like these - where he can simply lie in bed, Cas curled up against his chest, content and comfortable - weren't the exception, but the rule. Someday...he thinks. Someday - this will be permanent. And he'll be able to just grab the angel and kiss him whenever he wants - heaven and hell be damned. Fuck, he wants it, yearns for it. But thankfully, every time he thinks he can't take it anymore, the life they've been dealt - Cas shifts sleepily closer to him. And somehow that makes everything easier..
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