Weird, but in a good way.

Sep 29, 2009 20:57

Title: Weird, but in a good way.
Pairing: House/Chase
Rating: PG
Warnings: I've only seen 6.01 - so blanket spoilers up till there - takes place somewhere around the time after 6.01
Disclaimer: Not mine, blah
Summery: You've always been good at just...doing what I need you to do.

He turns around when he hears the familiar thumping of a cane meeting with stone floor, because keeping your back turned on House is a dangerous thing to do. And waits expectantly for the older man to speak, but the other only limps over and leans next to him on the railing, eyes trained on the sun that's setting slowly behind the roofs of all the other buildings.

After some silence, hey if House isn't gonna talk - neither is he - sarcastic words fill the air, "You know, I know blondes are stupid and all, but in case you haven't noticed this is the roof of my building."

There are lots of things he could say as an answer to that but he just lets it go in favor an eyeroll and a quiet, 'So you're back?"

Blue eyes fixate on him with that look, the one that makes him feel like a puzzle waiting to be solved and House nods, "Yeah, I am." Then another pause.

"So you're married?"

Chase plays with the ring on his finger and watches lazy rays of light glint off the metal, "Yeah, I am."

"Are you happy?" And it's such an off guard question for House to be asking, but the other is still staring out at the darkening skies, no indication he's anything but serious.

"I'm..." He trails off, "She's..."

A raise of an eyebrow is all he gets as silence fills the space between them once more. Before he speaks again as the minutes tick by, "So why aren't you with Wilson? or Cuddy?"

"Because Wilson would mother hen and Cuddy would be worse, you..." He squints at Chase trying to figure out what he's trying to say, "You've always just been good at doing what I need you to." The taller man looks contemplative for a moment before giving a small satisfied nod at his answer. And then adds,"So did'ya miss me when I was off at the funhouse learning how to be a better human." The twinkle is back in blue eyes and so is the smirk, but something about the stillness of the night and maybe the fact that he's tired, or doesn't want to go home yet - drives him to answer honestly.

"House, I've missed you everyday since you said you were done with me." And it's such a stupid thing to say, because he's told himself that he's moved on. That walking past the diagnostic department doesn't send an aching pang of nostalgia coursing through him, that he is grown up and settled. But it's too late to take the words back.

"Aww you've missed me? Is that why you've adopted a surly attitude and stopped shaving?" House reaches out and teasingly rubs his stubbly chin and Chase bats his fingers away, but there's something about him that feels a faint thrill at the touch.

He doesn't know how the hell House sees it, but he does, because the man sees everything and then suddenly they are much closer than they were before.

"Well this is certainly an interesting turn of events." House sounds normal, but he's not moving away either, "Do you think they would have let me out, if they knew the first night I'd be sexually harassed by a scary wombat? The world is much to frightening for delicate souls lik-"

"House." Chase says determinedly, "Shut. Up."

And then somehow, they are kissing. Inexplicably, House leans forward and Chase leans up and their lips meet in the middle, and it's a little strange.

But in a good way.
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