Terra Scelta Update

Oct 07, 2010 12:08


Who is the top or the man in relationship?
-Sorry but it is Minho. I can't really write Top!Jonghyun especially when Minho is going to do something to Jonghyun in the future

Will Jonghyun got pregnant? or will this fic is MPREG?
Nope. Yes, they will have sex but Jonghyun will not get pregnant. How will that happen? just think of Thumbelina

Why i don't see the other Gods?
They will slowly introduce in chapter 3.

Why Jonghyun have two loyal servant?
Well as you see Jonghyun is also the God Of Underworld but he can't stay there for long time since he is needed in Terra Scelta so Heechul is that one who help him rule the underworld while Kibum is more of Jonghyun's trusted person. Kibum know all of Jonghyun's secret. Kibum is more powerful that Heechul

When will you update?
I am writing the chapter 3 now and will sent it to my beta reader then post it so maybe i will post it by sunday or monday


Minor Pairing:

Some rules in Terra Scelta:
1. Gods can't love a human
2. Gods can't love another God
3. Gods can't love a God's loyal servant

will write now

title: terra scelta

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