
Nov 10, 2010 21:17

Time (drabble)
Chapter: Oneshot
Pairing: OnKey!broken, JongKey
Rating: G
Genre: Angst
Summary: What will you do if the God of Time is in front of you?
NOTE: Will be locked within 72 hours and thank you to acrosstherug for helping me with this fic.


Jinki had so many regrets in his life. Regrets that were a result of a small mistake that worsened. Every time he looked at the younger man, he couldn’t help but feel pain so when the God of Time offered the chance to change one thing in his life, he didn’t hesitate in wanting to go back to the day he met his wife

The God asked him to close his eyes and he did. He felt the wind blow stronger and memories of the past played like a movie in his mind. The day his wife left him, the day of their first fight, the day when their son was born, the day they got married, the day his wife said yes to him then suddenly the God asked him to open his eyes and once again he did. He saw himself and his wife 30 years ago. They were 5 years old that time, innocently playing on the playground.

“Go on, Son” the God softly said. Jinki felt changed in his body. The 35 year old man was turned into a 5 year old boy. He saw his wife running to him.

“Jin” he breaths out. “Come on! Let’s play again” he smiled brightly.

“Kibum, I really hate you. I don’t want to be your friend anymore.”

“Jin, it’s not fun to talk like that to me.” Kibum pouted and punched Jinki’s lightly

“I am not joking, Kibum. Being close to you make me feel sick.” Jinki saw Kibum start to cry and then he ran away. Onew dropped to his knees, crying helplessly.

“Why? Why did you do that, son?” the God of time asked him. “Aren’t you supposed to choose your happiness?”

“No” Jinki shake his head. “I chose his happiness over mine. He will only suffer when he’s with me”

When Jinki woke up the next morning, he felt that everything was different. The picture on his bedside table of his family was gone, replaced by a picture of him and his mother. He walk around the house and noticed that the room that belonged to his son before was now an office. Whatever memorabilia they had collected as a family had disappeared. After an hour of silence, he smiled bitterly and started to prepared for school.

When he arrived at the school gate, he saw a familiar face.

“Taemin, be good and always listen to your teachers.” The beautiful man said while patting his son’s head.

“Yes, mommy” Taemin smiled brightly

“Show them what a Kim is capable to do. Fighting Taemin”

“Fighting, Appa Jonghyun” Taemin said while running inside the school.

“Are you happy?” Jinki asked out of the blue

“Yes, sir. Why did ask?” Kibum said as he looked at his husband, Jonghyun.


“Wait have we met before? You look familiar?” Kibum asked.

“Maybe we met by chance in the past,” Jinki said as he walked away with a smile on his face. Moving further and further away he whispered “I am happy for you, my love”


Note a:
I can’t believe I write this fic…*hides in the corner crying*…my otp

Note b:
To the silent readers please do comment. I want to know what you think about my fic

title: time, pairing: onkey

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