Terra Scelta

Nov 10, 2010 22:05

Title: Terra Scelta
Pairing: JongHo, OnKey
Genre: Romance, Supernatural, Drama
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Chapter: 3/?
Summary: One is a Human and the other is a God. What will happen? Will they find love with each other or will past hunt them and broke them apart?
NOTE: Will be locked within 72 hours and thank you to acrosstherug for helping me with this fic.

Chapter 3: Life of the Rose

Please read this first before reading this Prologue, Character Profile , Chapter 1 A, Chapter 1 B, 2, Important Updates

[no. - term to remember]

Two days before the Holy Year

Onew quietly sat under the tree that shielded him from the bright sun, the tree that was the home of his faithful pet, Poseidon; a blue feather phoenix that protects every rose that was planted in Terre des Roses. He looked to his side and whispered “Another child is born”. He smiled as he lightly patted the blue rose. As if on cue, the blue rose bloomed and a baby, the size of his palm was revealed, sleeping soundly in the middle of the rose. He lifted his arm, and like the wind, Poseidon landed on his arm with a basket between his beaks. Carefully putting the tiny baby in the basket, Onew smiled again as the baby grew to a normal size.

“Poseidon, go back immediately” Onew said watching gladly as the phoenix responded by flying away. “I hope your parents will welcome you with love”. He closed his eyes and smiled when he felt someone watching over him. “Key, I know you’re there”

A sweet voice rang on Key’s ears making him pout as he came out of his hiding place. This is the nth times that the God caught him watching him. “I know when someone besides me is in Terre de Roses,” Onew said, smiling brightly at Kibum.

“It’s not fair. How come God Jonghyun never noticed me when I am hiding while you can” Key pouted even more but his sadness faded away when he heard the beautiful laugh of the God. Onew patted the place beside him, telling Key to sit beside him. “You really like spending your time here”

“Of course! This is the place where children were born” Onew explained calmly. Terre de Roses was his scared place, a place where life was given to a child. Each rose corresponded one life of a child whether he/she was mortal, God or loyal servant. As the parents made love, a rose bloomed in the Terre de Roses. Each color of the rose distinguishes the new born child. Blue roses for the mortals- because the first thing they would see was the blue sky when the God of Life’s blue phoenix brought them down to their parents. White roses for God’s loyal servant because white can suit any color and lastly Red roses for the Gods, symbolize the royalty of their blood.

“I like it here too” Kibum simply said as he hugged his knees. Onew laughed again and patted Key’s hair. “Jonghyun won’t like what you’re saying now”

“But I hate staying underground. That place is scary and I like here better.” Because you are here

Key had admired Onew ever since he first met him. It happened here in Terre de Roses when Key was new to Terra Scelta and he found the God lying on the ground. He thought he saw an angel. He first fell in love with his smile then his voice, then his laugh and little by little he realized how much he loved the God. But Key could never confess it to the God since it was against the rule. The only person he could fall in love with is Jonghyun or else he would die.

“Where is Jonghyun?” Key was brought back to reality when he heard Onew’s sweet voice. “He is in the underworld with that no good Heechul.”

Onew laughed at Key’s childish attitude. “I really envy Jonghyun for having a friend like you”. Key looked at Onew and said “I am his servant, not his friend.”

“Jonghyun treats you more than a servant Key, you know that. You are special to him. You are his best friend.”

“I know that, my God but I am just being realistic. The world sees me as a servant not his friend.”

Onew smiled and lean closed to Key and whispered to his ear. “I envy Jonghyun for having you, Key. You are a great person”. Key blushed at the closeness of the God. “There’s no need to envy God Jonghyun when you have Kyuhyun.”

“But he is not fun to be with, unlike you.” They shared a meaningful look when suddenly the skull necklace of Key’s lighted up like fire. “I think he needs you now”

Key sighed. He didn’t want to leave Onew but he knew that Jonghyun would kill him if he didn’t follow orders. With one last look, he bow down and walked away

Present - Holy Year

“Hi Minho” Jonghyun smiled nervously. The young boy from before had grown into a man now. His long shoulder length hair had been cut short, he developed some muscles and grew taller, even taller than Jonghyun

“Who are you, young man?” Minho’s husky voice asked

Young Man?

Terms to remember:
  • Terre des roses - A garden beside Terra Scelta, roses are planted everywhere and God of Life’s Zeus was the one protecting the garden.
    New Characters:
    • Onew, the God of Life - He is the total opposite of Jonghyun. He is gentle and patience. If Jonghyun is the Soul Taker, Onew is the ‘Soul Giver’. He gives life to the new born children whether they are God, loyal servant or mortal. Beside from being the God of Life, he is also God of plants and animals or any living creatures in Earth. He also has the power to talk to any kind of animals
    • Key, the bubbly one - The loyal servant of Jonghyun, Key is very important to Jonghyun because he is also Jonghyun’s best friend. He is very loyal to Jonghyun that if the other Gods betray Jonghyun, he will betray them just for his best friend. Key was opposite of Jonghyun’s attitude and sometimes other Gods often tease him as the clown of Jonghyun
    • Zeus, the red phoenix - Zeus is always with Onew. This red phoenix is the one who give soul to the new born mortals.
    • Poseidon, the blue phoenix - Unlike Zeus, Poseidon is not always with Onew. He stay in Terre des roses and protect the every rose that is planted their because every rose has it meaning


      Note a:
      sorry if i am late..i went for vacations...i promise to update really soon
      no spots for now

      Note b:
      wanna be friends with me? Or read my fics..comments HERE

      Note c:

      To the silent readers please do comment. I want to know what you think about my fic

pairing: jongho, pairing: onkey, title: terra scelta

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