Title: Dressed Up
itswhatidoesClaim: Claudia Donovan
Theme: Dream
Theme Set: #8 - Fantasy
Rating: PG
Warnings: Weapons, implied violence
Disclaimer: Claudia Donovan belongs to Syfy - Rikku belongs to Square-Enix
“This can’t be real!” Claudia said incredulously, looking at the barely-there sphere she was holding. It felt solid, but all she could see was orange fog. “Are you sure?” The blonde girl that gave her the thing asked, sounding anxious. Claudia looked at her strangely, then back to the sphere. “Go on, try it!” The girl, Rikku, urged. Claudia sighed and closed her eyes, gripping the sphere. For a moment, nothing happened, but then, heat began to flow into her hand and up her arm. She saw images of some blonde people in goggles operating a crane, pulling up machines. She heard them speak in some strange language, and the heat felt like it was covering her, then sinking in. Then everything stopped.
“Oh wow!” She heard Rikku exclaim. Claudia knitted her eyebrows and opened her eyes. Rikku was hunched down a bit with her fists at her mouth. Claudia looked down at herself. Her outfit was pretty much the same as before, but her jacket was a little tighter, he had gloves on her hands, and she had a tool belt and a half-skirt around her waist. Putting her hand to her head, she found that she was wearing a pair of goggles. “Wh-what…?” She asked, totally confused. This was why it was called a dresspheres, she guessed.
“Hehe! It worked!” Rikku squealed, jumping up and down. Claudia stumbled back a bit, not wanting to be hit. Regaining her balance, Claudia noticed that her bag was somehow heavier. Reaching in, she grabbed what felt like her Tesla’s handle. What she pulled out, though, was certainly not a little stun gun. “Okay. This has got to be a dream!” She blurted, staring wide-eyed at the fairly large sub-machine gun she now needed two hands to hold. Rikku looked at her a moment, but then looked up as a shrill noise sounded from above. Claudia turned and looked in the same direction. “That real enough for ya?!” The thief called, scowling, and pulled a pair of red blades from her waist. Claudia scowled and raised her new toy at the freakish bird that was hovering towards them.