Supernatural - Keeping Cover - Claudia Donovan

Aug 07, 2010 01:22

Title: Keeping Cover
Author/Artist: itswhatidoes
Claim: Claudia Donovan
Theme: Supernatural
Theme Set: #8 Fantasy
Rating: PG
Warnings: n/a
Disclaimer: Claudia Donovan belongs to Jane Espenson and Syfy - Sam and Dean Winchester belong to Eric Kripke and The CW

Coveralls, gloves, hat, hair back. Claudia was kneeling, looking at some scary-looking scorch marks on the ground. There was blood scattered around, but not nearly enough to account for a dead person. Whatever this artifact did, it was bad. She traced the marks in midair, trying to figure out the shape and possible direction of the array. It looked like a fan, or whatever was burning was spinning, like a firework. This was no firework, though. It had to be something that spits flames out of nowhere.

“Okay, thanks.” She heard a deep voice call behind her as a pair of footsteps approached. Looking up, she saw a couple of guys in suits. “Hello, I’m Agent Kennedy, this is Agent White.” The darker-haired guy stated, motioning towards his friend before reaching into his coat. “We’re with the FBI.” Both of them showed their badges and IDs. Claudia stood and looked them over a moment, then nodded. They looked like they couldn’t be much older than she was, but, well, she was relying on that. “Claudia Blake, Crime Scene Investigator. What can I do for you?”

“Those marks look pretty bad.” Kennedy said, motioning towards the scorched pavement. “That caused by an explosion? Like something just…blew up?” His expression was a bit puzzled. Naturally. Things that explode don’t normally walk off. Normally. “Actually,” Claudia began, pointing out the fan-like overlapping, “From the pattern in the scorch marks, it looks like the source of the flames was spinning.” Both agents gave her a strange look. “So, it’s like the guy got burned with something, then dropped it?” White spoke up. Claudia nodded. “That’s what I’m thinking.” She thought for a moment and looked at the two. “Do you know something about this?” The men didn’t hesitate refusal. “Ah, well. Is there anything else you need?” Kennedy looked down a moment. “Ah…nope! That’s it.” He said, looking back up. “Thank you for your time.” He put his hand out, but retracted it when Claudia just looked at her gloves and shrugged. As they turned away, she crouched down again, watching them go over her shoulder. There was something strange about those two.

warehouse 13, author: itswhatidoes, supernatural

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