Foundations One-shot Podfic - Detestable Logic

Aug 22, 2011 22:14

So let's say, hypothetically, that someone has failed to respond to comments on some posts for a very, very long time. Not because the comments are not appreciated, mind you; just because of sheer bad management and disorganization. Is it acceptable to make a blanket apology and just go on from there? At what point is it too late to reply to the ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

pombagira August 23 2011, 10:45:35 UTC
yay podfic thank you for the link..

also i am never offended if someone in fandom is unable to get to replying on comments made.. i just figure that they have lives.. also i might be quite bad at replying to them as well.. hmm.. *ponders this*... do be do..

*skips off to listen to new podfic* whee

this comment does not need any replying as it will self destruct if replied to.. *cheeky grin*


6shotamericano August 24 2011, 03:22:41 UTC
Ok now, I can't possibly resist replying to this, just to test the self-destruct function. And yes, I am the kind of person who presses the big red button marked "Do Not Touch" just to see what happens!

Thank you so much for replying and helping to assuage my guilt.

I'm going to go off now and get cracking on the next podfic like a diligent little podficcer!


elpas_tree August 23 2011, 12:24:45 UTC
I agree with the above, and also YAY more podfic! :D (Loved the last one as always!) x


6shotamericano August 24 2011, 03:29:55 UTC
Oh, good! I didn't really think that people were pining away waiting for replies. In fact, I sometimes get replies to comments I've made and can no longer remember what I commented on in the first place. Also, I sometimes think: "What are you doing replying to people?!? Go write the next instalment!" I really shouldn't read works in progress.

At any rate, thank you for commenting and now I"m off to do some more recording!


dulcemia August 24 2011, 04:03:41 UTC
At what point is it too late to reply to the individual comments?

When the earth finally cools, slows, and topples into the sun. Seriously, it's never too late. I've both given and gotten replies many, many moons delayed, and they all prove the 'better late than never' adage. Whenever any reply comes (to a comm, or a letter from a friend, or or or), no matter how epically late, it still says "I cared enough to respond."

Commenting in fandom is a little different from other contexts, and there's a general understanding that no one's freaking out if they don't get a reply, so I'm not suggesting that you MUST reply obvs, merely that if you want to do so, it's never too late. Unless the commenter has been captured by aliens or fallen down a well in the interim. (In which case, don't fret, as they've got bigger things to worry about.)

And this concludes the Advice from Random Strangers show./


6shotamericano August 24 2011, 05:00:45 UTC
Very sage and rational advice. I think I'll take it.

And you're not a stranger; you just friended me. Also, I've just friended you back. So there you have it!

Now I should go write replies. Or possibly go to bed, since tomorrow is (unfortunately) a work day.



lordes August 25 2011, 13:48:05 UTC


Don't worry, I love comments AND replies! So you better get your arse back 40 weeks and reply! If... I gave youa comment back then, if not, well, no harm done XD


6shotamericano August 28 2011, 18:01:01 UTC
Oh, I've never ignored one of your comments! (At least I don't think I have. And if you don't remember, well, I'm not gonna remind you!).

And I am going to go back and reply to the old comments, but I thought I should probably reply to new comments first and keep my current life a bit more tidy.

p.s. Hope things are going better in your world since your last post. Big hug <3


lordes August 28 2011, 18:53:25 UTC
Aw babe that's so sweet of you! YEs, things are going a bit better :) *hugs tight*


Thank you! zeta_zu September 1 2011, 22:20:09 UTC
I love the podfics you have done of saras_girl's fics. I've just about maxed out my wireless capacity to download all of them over the last few days. (I've actually started looking forward to housework since I get to listen to the podfics while I do it.) Thank you so much for sharing them with the rest of us.



Re: Thank you! 6shotamericano October 31 2011, 03:28:14 UTC
Thank you for the lovely comment (and my apologies for the dreadful delay in responding!). Podfics are actually my second favourite way of dealing with housework (my favourite is paying someone else to do it.)


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