Foundations One-shot Podfic - Detestable Logic

Aug 22, 2011 22:14

So let's say, hypothetically, that someone has failed to respond to comments on some posts for a very, very long time. Not because the comments are not appreciated, mind you; just because of sheer bad management and disorganization. Is it acceptable to make a blanket apology and just go on from there? At what point is it too late to reply to the individual comments?

Right, so it's not a hypothetical case, and I have comments from 40 weeks ago (40 weeks! Epic fail!) that I never responded to.

The really pathetic thing is that I love comments. Absolutely dote on them. But I get them in my gmail and if I don't reply to them right away, they wind up way down the page, then I get distracted by other things (oooo, shiny!), and I never get back to do it. I am a bad social networker.

I have diligently gone back and replied to the comments from my last post a couple of weeks ago as well as a couple of comments I missed on my Glompfest fic (which I should probably post here sometime, eh?), but I'm not quite sure how to handle the massively old unanswered comments.

Any advice is welcome.

Oh, and if you wrote one of those comments: I'm so sorry!

Also, as the Subject line indicates, I have another Foundations!Verse podfic for you. This one is utterly charming and features a mildly petulant Harry, a persistent and perceptive Draco, and a very opinionated cupboard. I would never have believed that I could become attached to a kitchen fitting as a recurring character, but that's the miracle of Nat. Even her inanimate objects are riveting.

You can find it at: Detestable Logic Podfic.

More to come soon...
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