(no subject)

May 13, 2008 21:13

Chapter 4, The Beginning of the End: Part A

The night was impossible for me to fall asleep to.  Down stares, the party was still lively and it had felt like it would never end.  Brandon, or as he said ‘Master’ had gone back down stares.  I had gone down once or twice for some warm vodka to lull me to sleep.  That had helped, but only for a short while.

Now, after around two hours of sleep, I was once again awake.  During those two hours, the party had apparently ended.  They had all probably gone home, or were down stares, passed out and drunk.  Deciding to start the day, I got out off the bed and put on some baggy jeans, and walked out of the room.  I didn’t bother to put on a shirt because there is probably no one except for me up.

Making my way down stares, I noticed that there was no one down stares, so that means everyone had left and the people who lived where were probably still asleep.  I made my way to the kitchen, think it would be wise if I did as master had told me to do, and that was make him breakfast.

‘He needs a nick-name.’  I thought to myself.

‘I don’t like calling him master, and Brandon is so boring, but what would I call him?’

“Hello dear.”  A kind and gentle voice said, causing me to jump.  Looking in the kitchen, hiding myself behind the door, I saw that it was an elderly, kind looking women.  She wasn’t looking at me, but she had an apologetic look to her face, as if she knew that she had startled me.

“Hi.”  I replied, walking into the kitchen, closing the door behind me.

“I’m sorry for scaring you dear.  I don’t get that much company here in the kitchen.  I guess I know why now.”  She laughed, looking up from the pan that she was holding over a burning fire.

“Oh, you don’t scare me, just startled me for a moment.  I didn’t know anyone would be down here this early, so I am sorry for not being properly dressed.”  I replied.

“Oh, that’s fine dear, I’m use to it by now.”  She said.  I smiled, walking around the kitchen, finally finding some oranges and other sorts of fruits that I had been looking for.  Picking up three oranges, I walked around the kitchen, trying to find something to make juice with.  I found a roller, and due to my lack of cooking skills, decided that it would make a great juicer.

I found a bowl and picked it up, bringing it with me to a spot by a large window that over looked the entrance to the castle.  Once the sun rises, there would be many people walking around the streets, for the market wasn’t too far away.

Looking down at what was in front of me, I tucked a strand of my un-brushed hair behind my ear and went to work.  Mashing up the oranges in a very messy matter, I licked my lips in frustration, narrowing my eyes as the liquids squirted and hit my chest and stomach.


After ten oranges, five eggs, and fifteen pieces of bacon later, I had finally made masters breakfast which was rather small even though I had used so much food to begin with.  A lot of the bacon had been burned, and I only had five pieces for him.  There was only one egg, and even though I had used ten oranges, it had only made enough for half a glass due to most of the juice either going on the floor, the counter, or on me.

Even though it had seemed that I had taken years to make one breakfast, and clean up after making it, it was still dark outside.  Making my way up the winding steps, I walked towards where the kook down stares had told me was masters room.  Opening the door quietly, I stepped carefully into the room, not wanting to trip and fall over anything.

I followed the soft sounds of breathing, and then saw a dark lump in all the darkness that surrounded me.  Realizing that it was master, I walked over and placed the food tray by a desk that was besides his bed.  I couldn’t help but notice how large the bed was, and how he was only sleeping on one side, leaving plenty of room for another person.  Plenty of room for me.  I blushed, hating myself how my mind had traveled to such thoughts, and shook my head, wanting to forget them.

I walked over to the window and pushed the curtains back, letting in some of the dim light.  The room had a grayish glow to it, but I could see where everything was, and that made me want to shut the curtains again.  Clothes, food, and only God knows was lying all over the floor.  Shaking my head, I knew that when I had to be Ankea, I would be cleaning this room on a daily basis.  Even as myself, he would probably make me clean it.  The thought repulsed me beyond belief.

I walked over to the bed, and was about to wake up my master, but something caught my eye.  It was a folded piece of paper, and it was lying on the top of the blankets on the space that master wasn’t sleeping on.

Good morning Ville.  I know you have woken up at an un-Godly hour, and you are probably tired.  Don’t be shy; there is plenty of room for you in this bed with me.  If you get cold, don’t be afraid to get as close to me as you would like.  I don’t bite.... unless you want me to.

~Love, your dear master

I blushed as I read the letter that my master had written me, and looked at the bed.  He was sure right about one thing.  I am tired, and the bed is looking more inviting every second I look at it.  Crumpling up the piece of paper, I threw it on the ground, and continued to stare at the bed.

“Well, are you just going to stare at the bed all day, or are you going to get in with me?”  A sudden, tired sounding, voice said, interrupting me and my thoughts.  I jumped slightly and saw two icy blue eyes looking back up at me.


“Don’t deny it.  You were thinking on joining me, weren’t you?”  He asked, smiling up at me.  It was a different kind of smile though.  It wasn’t an evil one.  In some ways, it looked like a hopeful one. 


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