(no subject)

May 17, 2008 22:07

The Beginning of the End: Part B

My heart was pounding.  How careless am I?  Why did I let it get this far?  I could have just put his breakfast down on the table and woken him up, or better yet, just sat at the table.  It would have been so much easier, but I had to think about going into a bed with him.  It shouldn’t have even crossed my mind.  I am just tired, that’s all.  My mind is so tired that it isn’t thinking properly.

“Well, let me tell you what’s going to happen.  I’m going back to sleep for another three or so hours.  You can’t go out of this room, so you are either going to sit somewhere and be board, or you are going to sleep like you want to.  There is plenty of room besides me, so why don’t you do something that you know will be good for you?”  Master asked, grinning at me sleepily.

“How is sleeping with you going to help me?”  I asked, feeling my lungs tighten.  My breathing became harder, and I prayed to whomever is up there that I’m not having an azmaph attack.  Even though I am immortal, I can still suffer things that humans can.  Everything but death obviously, unless someone burns me or hacks off my head that is.

“Well, you will be getting the sleep you desire.  Sleep is very important to ones health you know.”  Bam grinned, all incense that was there before completely vanished.

“Will you be touching me?”  I asked, biting my bottom lip nervously.

“Depends on how I’m feeling, darling.  You might be lucky.”  He winked.  Why do I feel like he is saying that he will be touching me?  I do need more sleep though.  Maybe he would get tired of me quickly and will just let me sleep.  Maybe he won’t even touch me.

I sighed and stepped forward, slowly making my way to the bed.  He grinned and pulled silken sheets back.  I bit my lip harder and slipped in besides him, tensing when he drew the covers over our bodies.

‘Maybe this won’t be that bad.’  I thought, feeling my body relax slightly.  Just as I felt myself start to drift off, I felt him wrap his arms around me, pulling me roughly against him.  Both of his arms were around me now, and he turned me over so that I was staring into his icy blue eyes.

“You made the right choice, sweetheart.”  He smiled.  My heart leapt to my throat, making it hard for me to breath once again.  He is actually smiling.  Not an evil grin, but an actual smile.  he sudd3ntly looked much younger, and dare I say it?  Somewhat attractive.  I couldn’t help the smile that formed on my own lips.

I closed my eyes and felt my body relax.  Fort a stage reason I felt safer then I had ever felt before.  I then felt something grace along my pelvic area, almost going below my pant line.  My eyes snapped open and I looked to see master staring down.  Looking down as well, I saw that he is touching and looking at my tattoo.

“Master?”  I questioned.  For reasons unknown, I didn’t mind him looking and touching me the way he was.  I had thought that it would repulse me or scare me, but it wasn’t.  I liked it, and that is the scary fact about what is happening.

“Sorry, sweetheart.  You have one of the most beautiful engravings on your skin.”  Master said, stroking it even more.


Never in my life have I seen such a beautiful creature.  It amazed me that he was so shy for being so beautiful.  All of the beautiful people I have seen in my years have all been foul and whorish.  Not Ville though.  None of the beautiful people I have seen in my life even had a chance at being as gorges as the man lying besides me.  He is so feminine, yet masculine at the same time.

His wavy brown hair, green eyes, rosy plump lips, skin whiter then the snow, and an angels smile, Ville had instantly gained my interest the first second I had seen him at dinner last night.  His voice, yet timid, is the most erotic sound I have ever heard.

Now, here I am, touching his perfect skin that holds a marking of his choice.  The ink that tainted the whiteness of the soft, warm skin.  If anyone heard me speak my thoughts, they would think I fancy the man.  I don’t though.  He just is beautiful and nothing more.

“Thank you master.”  He smiled, his eyes shining.  I couldn’t help what my body does when he calls me master, or when that smile graces his lips.  I looked into his eyes and felt myself start to change.  Even though I don’t know what is changing, I can tell it isn’t good.  Something is going to happen between this man and myself, and the only way I can prevent it is to close myself off from him.  Another option would be to scare him off though, and that one seems like the easier of the two.

I can tell now that one day in the future I will not be able to say that my affections for him are only skin deep.  I will soon be saying that they are much, much deeper.  I can’t let that happen.  Grinning at him evilly, I decided that instead of mourning in what is to come, to play with the outcome.  From this moment on, I am going to start playing a dangerous game.  A game that will possibly lead to death.


I didn’t know that getting in a bed with someone I hardly knew, but am afraid of could lead to so many emotions for the both of us.  I can see the emotions running through the cold, icy blue eyes.  I can see his lips change from smiles to frowns.  What scared me the most is that he is probably doing the same things that I am.  We are both thinking about what is in the future.

We both have knowledge that there will be pain, fun, and man other things happening in the game that Bam has just begun.  He hasn’t verbalized that he is starting a game, but I can tell that he has just started it.  The invitation to this life changing challenge was when he had given me the option to join him in his bed.  If I had said no, the game would never have begun.  It would never have existed.

I had started the game by saying ‘yes’ by going into bed with him.  The next time in bed with him will probably not be as innocent as this, for now, it was the beginning of something that is now out of our control.  This life changing game will lead to many things, but happiness is most likely not going to be one of them.

This game that we have both just entered could possibly be leading to love.  Me accepting was what lead us to something that I have never experienced or thought I would ever.

“You’re welcome, sweetheart.”  Bam grinned at me.  He pulled me closer to him and put his chin on the top of my head, stroking my back with his hands.

“Has it begun?”  I asked.  There was silence for a while, but then he must have figured out what I was talking about.

“Yes, darling.  It is the beginning of the end.”  


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