(no subject)

May 17, 2008 22:20

Seven Deadly Sins

Snow was pilling on the ground outside of the window that Bam was currently looking out of. How could he possibly be concentrating when winter break was seven weaks away, there was snow that looked like it was going to be five feat deep, and the teacher was talking in a monotone voice? Then again, he never really did pay attention.

You didn't even need to check his grades, more like checking his 'notes' that only had pictures of absolutely random nonsense. Yawning, Bam turned to the front of the room, seeing that Ryan was passed out on his desk. Grinning, Bam folded up a pice of paper and threw it at his head, causing Ryan to jump out of his seat and fall to the ground.

Everyone broke out into laughter as Mr. Callen turned around from one of his lectures to see the wadded up ball that Ryan was currently opening up.

"What is that Mr. Dunn?" The teacher asked in his monotone voice, grabbing the paper from Ryan's hands. The whole class was interested now, even Bam was who as trying not to laugh. Bam had drawn a pretty vivid picture of Ryan giving Mr. Callen a blow job. He had written their names over the figures.

He looked out the window again after seeing Mr. Callen's face turn two shades redder.

"Mr. Dunn, I would like you to go to the office. You will have detention for this." Mr. Callen said, ripping up the picture and throwing it away, pointing towards the door. Ryan sighed and grabbed his books. This had become somewhat of a routine for him. Especially in science, which he would have been going to next period.

"Caring on now, we are going to have a change in course. Since you have not been learning anything about World History, we are going to change it slightly. We are going to be learning about some religions. First off, we are going to be starting with the Seven Deadly Sins."

Bam didn't know or care fuck about whatever Callen was saying, but continued looking out the window. He saw a car screeching into the parking lot, and a door got rammed open. Bam cocked his head, highly amused. The sad truth, this was the most interesting thing Bam had seen all day.

Someone got out of the car and was wearing all black. He couldn't tell if it was a women or man, but he was highly interested. Said person was walking towards the other side of the school towards the entrance and was cut out of Bam's vision as he went around the corner of the school.

Bam's attention got caught as the whole class cheered and he looked around, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Yes class, that means there will be no tests for the rest of the year. That is if we stay with this unit." Mr. Callen said which caused Bam to grin. "There will be some homework though, but not to much."

Bam started to tune out all the plans his class mates were making with another, seeing that they had no homework for this class. Bam could have cared less though, he was getting by in school. Getting by with C's and B's due to the people he copied homework off of.

"We are going to be having a guest speaker coming in today to start with the Seven Deadly Sins. He is only three years older then you, so I thought you would appreciate someone that shares more in common with you. He's running a bit late-"

"Yes, sorry about that Mr. Callen, but my flight was a little late." A deep, accented voice said from the door. Bam looked up and had to take a double take. The man was stunning. He also noticed that it was the man that came out of the car. He didn't know why, but he couldn't take his eyes off of the young looking man.

"Oh, that's alright. Class, this is-"

"Ville Valo. I come from Helsinki Finland and I am in a band." Ville said, introducing himself. Mr. Callen smiled and sat down, seeing Ville could take care of himself.

"What's your band called?" Jennie asked from the front row. Ville smiled at her and Bam could hear many more girls sigh.

"HIM which stands for His Infernal Majesty." Ville stated proudly. "Now, I don't think I am getting paid to talk about me. Does anyone know the Seven Deadly Sins?" He asked, now sitting down on the front desk. Bam noticed that he was wearing skin tight black leather pants, a black top that had four buttons undone, and black converse that covered his feat.

His green eyes that were outlined with black eyeliner and red eye shadow were scanning the room, some of the girls fluffing their hair. Bam noticed that no matter what the women did, their hair didn't compare to Ville's which was slightly past his ears, brown and wavy.

Ville's eyes then stared back into Bam's, causing his stomach to flip for reasons that Bam didn't know. Ville smiled at him and got off of the desk, walking over to Bam. Bam could feel his blood running up to his cheeks, making him feel warm. He could tell he was starting to blush as Ville sat down on his desk and looked down at him.

"How about you? Do you know any of the sins?" Ville asked. Bam started trying to remember something. He had watched some T.V show, well, more like saw it while he was channel surfing. It was about this subject. He had heard only one though, and it was lust. He couldn't say that and have it be the only one though.

Bam didn't want to say nothing though. For some reason that he didn't know of, he wanted Ville proud of him. Another part of his brain wanted to stall longer and have Ville sit by him, looking down with those eyes. The bell rang, causing joy and sorrow to flood through him at the same time.

"Well, I am sorry, but we will have to continue this tomorrow. Bam, would you care to tell me and the class tomorrow, or would you like me to pick someone else?" The women in the class all had their hands up, wanting to make Ville proud of them tomorrow. Bam grinned and nodded his head.

"I'll do it tomorrow." He said, hearing moans of disappointment come from all angles of the room. Ville smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Fantastic. I will see you all tomorrow." Ville said and waved off the class. As everyone started leaving, Bam gave a last look behind him, seeing the back of Ville as he leaned over Mr. Callen's desk, talking with him. He couldn't help but have his eyes linger on the perfect leather clad ass that was just steps away from him.

Bam knew that he was defiantly going to start paying more attention in class now. Well, at least this class.


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