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Comments 17

mierke November 1 2011, 19:37:12 UTC
Word count for today: 197

Okay... not much, but still, I'm glad to have been able to write anything. The picture helped! Though mostly because my being distracted by it gave me an idea for a distraction for my main character xD


lar_laughs November 2 2011, 02:50:38 UTC
I love how prompts can work in different ways!


kiramaru7 November 2 2011, 00:25:33 UTC
I got 617 words for Written in the stars.


lar_laughs November 2 2011, 06:10:49 UTC
Sweet! A good start for the month!


kiramaru7 November 2 2011, 19:06:23 UTC
Thanks! ;D


lynx212 November 2 2011, 00:57:09 UTC
These are great! Thank you ^_^


lar_laughs November 2 2011, 06:06:32 UTC
Hope they help!


ocvalkyrie November 2 2011, 02:18:06 UTC
Hehe... I'm at 5866 and still going for another two hours. I had a long, empty day ^^;

And I will be using the DARE later on... To an extent... It's not the main character, but it's the idea. It's the attempt that counts, right?


P.S. What's everyone's username on NaNo? Buddy me! My NaNo


lar_laughs November 2 2011, 02:48:03 UTC
I'm Larinzia Hope and I added you as a buddy.


shuriken7 November 2 2011, 03:29:43 UTC
Calling it a day at 4,115 because I ran out of steam and my characters wanted to go on self-reflective rants... xD

I think that's the most I've ever written in one day (although as soon as I wrote that I'm sure there was one), and I'm even more proud of myself that I did it after a 8 hour workday. :)

If anyone wants to add me as a writing buddy my username is the same as over there.


lar_laughs November 2 2011, 06:06:16 UTC
Added you as a buddy!


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