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Comments 17

lar_laughs November 2 2011, 06:05:58 UTC
I'm at 2205 for Day 1. I'm undecided if I should try to get a few hundred more or if I should go to bed.

Tomorrow I have more time in the evening to write so I'm hoping to add a least another thousand to that daily average of 2000.

I've successfully procrastinated by playing every game possible on Facebook, making ANOTHER list of possible prompts for this challenge, and doing a load of laundry.


meridian_rose November 2 2011, 10:56:35 UTC
Meant to post yesterday; I did 819 words. Time to start today's writing now :D


lar_laughs November 2 2011, 14:25:05 UTC
That's okay. You don't have to post on the same day.


schreibdochwas November 3 2011, 09:12:15 UTC
Word count for day 1: 1672

I was happy to have met quota for the day but it's been a bit downhill since then...I like your prompts here so I'll be sure and check them out every day :)


lar_laughs November 7 2011, 16:20:39 UTC
Sometimes it's the simple act of having a quota that keeps us writing! I know it's driving me right now! Hope the prompts help.


angstytimelord November 5 2011, 19:24:09 UTC
Got off to a late start with posting my word count, but I went back & got the word counts on the fics I wrote for the first four days of the month.

I didn't write anything for the challenge prompts until the 4th day, but I'm catching up with those now!

On Day 1, I wrote 3,458 words.


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