For our first STC with the new rules, our theme is:
School Dance Challenge
Requirements for Submission:
-Post or link to an original iCarly fanwork of any type that utilizes the theme of "School Dance".
ashisfriendly came up with this one as a way to let people who wanted to make shmoopy seasonally appropriate Valentine's Day fanworks do so, while at the same time letting those of us who would rather ignore the holiday's existence entirely work with the theme, too. I'm hoping to see some sweet dance battles, at the very least! But it's totally up to you, as long as it's got something to do with a school dance, you're good.
-Tag your post with the tag, "challenge: school dance", as well as the relevant fanwork tag (like "fic" "graphics" "fanmix" etc)
-Per our
new STC Rules, there are no word, dimension, or filesize limits anymore, but remember that you only have two weeks to complete something!
NOON, iCarly Time (PST), February 21st. That's TWO WEEKS!
Please don't forget to review the
new STC Rules so you don't get confused. And if you have any new ideas for Short Term Challenges, please let us know!