Title: Breakdown VIII
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Theme no.: 31. And it is only my longing / That saturates the colour of apples / That turns a passing scent into form / Like breaths sculpted in cold weather.
Character(s)/Pairing: Kaiba Seto/Mazaki Anzu
Rating: PG-13 (for implications)
Notes (if any): A possible future to
Foster Care.
It’s very late at night, and he’s sure he’s woken up the hotel’s desk clerk. She’s checked in under her maiden name, but then she always does that when she’s traveling in her private capacity and not for the corporation.
The desk clerk connects him, and she answers, voice all sleep-coated.
His blood is itching just underneath his skin, and he can’t think straight, just concentrate on the sound of her voice and the way her breath is slow and even through the phone line.
(And he’s reminded of all the times he’s done this: whenever he’s away on business and the restlessness starts to take over, away from her and all the reasons why he shouldn’t.)
He wishes he were a stronger person.
Title: Breakdown IX
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Theme no.: 23. walk this way / we have been set free
Character(s)/Pairing: Kaiba Seto/Mazaki Anzu
Rating: PG-13 (for implications)
Notes (if any): A possible future to
Foster Care.
She told him to stay clean a week.
He makes it three-and-half days.
He had flushed the baggie down his office toilet in his haste to get her back, and now he’s paying the cost.
Paying for it in filthy American dollars.
The junk he bought yesterday was chickenshit, and he realized that if he wanted anything good, he’d have to come down here. And really, isn’t this where he belongs, among all the trash and the whores?
“Why do you do this to me?”
He closes his eyes and leans back against the alley wall. She’s not here. She’s not here, and he came here to feel good, not remember the way she bit her lip and her white, white face.
There are little fists pounding on his chest, and maybe she’s here, after all. He opens his eyes and stares down at her. She’s close enough for him to reach out and touch, but he doesn’t, even though she’s touching him. He wonders where she’s hiding her wings. Thinks he asks and hates the way her eyes tear up.
He lets her lead him to the waiting taxi.
Title: Breakdown X
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Theme no.: 33. This is how your desire tangles with a desired one.
Character(s)/Pairing: Kaiba Seto/Mazaki Anzu
Rating: PG-13 (for implications)
Notes (if any): A possible future to
Foster Care.
“You shouldn’t be here,” he says. And he means here as in right here, right now, in a taxicab in this foul part of the city at a dangerous time of night. And he means here as in America, following him when she should be safe at home with her mother and her father.
She knows he’ll pay for the baby, doesn’t she? And it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t want him involved in the baby’s life, he’ll still happily pay. He’ll pay for her, too. Give her the house and the jet and the limo and an allowance.
Even if (when) she finds someone new and lets him in (to her heart, her bed, her life), he’ll still pay. Even if it’s Yugi.
So she doesn’t have to do this, doesn’t have to feel obligated, and he knows that he told her not to leave him, but he takes it back now. Takes it all back. He was going to sleep with his secretary, anyway, just to prove how worthless he was and -
“Shut. Up,” is all she says, and the taxi comes to a stop.
They’re in front of her hotel, and she’s pushing him out of the cab and past the concierge and into the elevator.
“I’ve been going about this all wrong,” she tells him once they’re safe in her hotel room. “I just couldn’t take it. Not now. Not again. And I thought if I left you, you’d get your shit together.
“But that obviously isn't working,” she continues. “So we’re going to try something different.”