Title: Breakdown VIII
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Theme no.: 31. And it is only my longing / That saturates the colour of apples / That turns a passing scent into form / Like breaths sculpted in cold weather.
Character(s)/Pairing: Kaiba Seto/Mazaki Anzu
Rating: PG-13 (for implications)
Notes (if any): A possible future to
Foster Care.
It’s very late at night, and he’s sure he’s woken up the hotel’s desk clerk. )
Comments 4
Heh. That has so many implications. XD
And we all know that he'd pay even if it was Yugi, but that he'd make her pay during their adultery sessions. *sigh* I do love these guilty pleasures.
Go on. Rock the house. You deserve it for this. This means we'll be seeing more, right? *hopeful*
and um...yes, implications....heh...I often wonder if Kaiba would like the whip, actually XDDDD
And yes, dude, you know he'd make her earn that alimony payment!
But ♥ to you for commenting! And yes, there shall be more! I'm pumped to get this finished! =D
YES!!! Yes, yes, yes!!! I love you! :D
I've been having a really shitty week and this has totally birghtened up my day. There are no words for the amount of awesome this is because they're not breaking up anymore ... er, well, at least they're together for the time being (because I know your Seto/Anzu and shit happens when we least expect it, doesn't it? XDDDD).
I seriously ♥ you right now ^__^
And I love you! :D :D :D
And I'm sorry you're having such a shitty week! *sends ♥ and hugs* And of course they're not breaking up! They can never break up err...permanently XDDD (And actually, there probably won't be any bad shit for them for a bit...at least in "Breakdown" *thinks of Foster Care and grins evilly*)
So, in conclusion, ♥
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