Title: Breakdown III
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Theme no.: 26. the strong and ephemeral
Character(s)/Pairing: Seto, Seto/Anzu (implied)
Disclaimer: So very much not mine.
Rating: R for drug use and language.
Notes (if any): A possible (not so happy) future to
Foster Care. Previous parts may be found
There are some things Seto is very sure of. He’s twenty-four and a junkie. He’s flushed his marriage down the drain, and he’s about to do the same with his company. And his secretary wants to sleep with him, and he’s almost to the point of letting her. Just to have it over and done with and so the office can get back to something like normal.
Seto used to be sure of other things.
He used to think he was finally (oh finally) off smack. That the horrible craving, deep in his blood, had faded to a dull sort of ache. That when he woke up in the middle of the night, heart pounding and fingers twitchy, Anzu would be there, her soft voice a constant reassurance.
And he had thought that maybe, just maybe -
But he’s not strong enough, and her love (if he ever had it) was ephemeral, anyway, and he hates himself for thinking it would be forever because nothing is forever. He knew that when he was ten, and he knew it again when he was sixteen, and for some reason, he got stupid in his old age.
(Stupid from the warmth of her smile, the touch of her hand, the way her face never hides anything, the way she says Kaiba-kun when she -- )
Still, when his secretary brings him coffee and a simper, he finds himself clutching at his locket like it can somehow save him.