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Comments 15

kilinka August 19 2008, 20:08:46 UTC
That my friend is brilliant! That Sad!Voc made me laugh til I teared up!
This definitely made my day brighter!

I love the detail right down to the tiger striped chair, you just know those silly Kaldor people have no taste in furnishings lol
(went to check the google image search and yep, you were right! :D )

Ahh I just love it to pieces! (now to go fav the hell out of it on dA ;) )


wulfae August 19 2008, 20:11:00 UTC
XD Iconlol.

They actually have a tiger striped couch in the ship somewhere, I saw it when I was watching for what the Voc's legs looked like. And knew that chair had that design on it.

I'm glad you like it!


kilinka August 19 2008, 20:13:46 UTC
Yup this is true! Not to mention the furs draped in some places lol I'm glad you added that in there :D

I love it! <3


kowarth August 19 2008, 20:14:19 UTC
Brilliant! poor sad Voc needs hugs and cookies. just keep him away from probes and knives


wulfae August 19 2008, 20:29:42 UTC
And those ruddy great needle things that can take apart snowflakes! Vocs seem to get those stuck in the back of their head with alarming frequency.

mmmm... Cookies. *eats her last chocolate chip cookie*


kowarth August 19 2008, 20:33:23 UTC
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooo!!! not the LAST cookie!

*hands you more cookies*


wulfae August 19 2008, 20:48:41 UTC
YAY! More cookies! *munches on them*

Your icon is also make of win. XD XD XD


van August 19 2008, 21:11:34 UTC
Ahahahahaha, this is too hilarious. Poor Poul.


wulfae August 19 2008, 23:57:37 UTC
He's a poster child now. :`(


sarah_jane_s August 20 2008, 10:39:14 UTC
I love this!!
*Feels ashamed about having no idea who Voc is... but tis cool*
Hehe so cute... I want one!


wulfae August 20 2008, 15:08:21 UTC
Darnit! I was going to link you to Robots of Death on youtube, which I just watched *yesterday*, but it seems the beeb found it. :(

Vocs are from the Fourth Doctor serial, Robots of Death. If you can find it at your local library or vidja store or something.



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