For kilinka

Aug 19, 2008 15:04

I like how the Voc came out, though I'm not super sure that I got all the details of his costume right. I only realised at the last second that there was a silver band around his legs, and then I saw that there were two!

Just a normal Voc, not D84. I guess this is the sad!Voc model?

I like Poul's body posture, but am still iffy on his face. *siiiiigh* I need to work on caricatures like whoa. David Collings also has the sharpest nose I think I've ever seen. XD Also, I have no idea what colour Poul's boots are, I could never find any reference images.

While I was drawing this, there were six songs on the radio that played in a row with the word 'Silver' in them, in honour of all of Canada's silver medals at the olympics. Of course, I had to laugh quietly to myself.

And when I was searching for reference images on google, the sixth one that comes up is David Collings singing your picture, Kilinka. Which also made me laugh.

That's all the rambling I have! Sorry. ^^;

Posted here and on my DA.

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