As per Jan 1 2012, I have to find another provider. I currently use ADSL from Greenlinks. My current provider's contract with Telkom (the national telecom dept) has ended since Telkom has new program: internet TV (coming from them, I wonder what's that suppose to mean...), so they need more bandwidth, thus terminating the contract, etc etc.
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Comments 4
Oh yes, Totchi and Kao pics^^*excited* Actually both of them have curly hair now...*sigh* I like them with straight hair better.
I hope they'll find a way to fix that signal problem (oh please, just piggyback to some nearest radio transmitter or something??). They have other account, but it costs twice as much >_<;;
Yea, straight hair looks better on them, though Totchi looks good in any kind of hairstyle IMO (except the last half-bald, of course!). Kaoru looks like he falls into a gutter and comes to practice/interview soaking wet XD
HahaXDD Totchi's half bald look is quite...cute, actually! Yeah, it was shocking to begin with(like...Toshiya, what the hell are you thinking!!) but at least it wasn't all bald...I don't even wanna imagine it.
GL will have a new BTS next month, and the tech said that, they will test the signal again by shooting to this new BTS. Yay! *dances around*
But until they do it, I'll still have to wait =3= Hopefully not for long...
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