As per Jan 1 2012, I have to find another provider. I currently use ADSL from Greenlinks. My current provider's contract with Telkom (the national telecom dept) has ended since Telkom has new program: internet TV (coming from them, I wonder what's that suppose to mean...), so they need more bandwidth, thus terminating the contract, etc etc. Since I had tried several major providers (which are mostly slow & sucked) , I still want to continue subscribing as GL's client.
Yesterday, GL's survey team came to my house to test signal availability for wireless account... and they couldn't find any! The hell?? My house is located on upper part of the town, so it's unbelievable they couldn't shoot to downward BTS for signal
What am I suppose to do now? Subscribe to Telkom's Speedy...?! GL's DL & UL speed is far better than Speedy. Actually I don't want to, but I don't seem to have any other option right now. Ugh.
Meanwhile, to entertain myself, I found this hottie to be seriously smoking... None other than our sexy, mouthwatering, droolworthy, turns-fangirls'-knees-to-jelly bassist. The caps is from Dum Spiro Spero DVD.
Everyone looks skinnier (then again, I compare their look with 2008 tour photos ^^;;), but Toshiya still looks smoldering. I don't know how he wears dorky glasses but manages to look so frickin' h.o.t
*dies from hotness overload*
And then, the nottie almost hottie.
Oh Kaoru, why don't you let Toshiya groom you?? Just the hair...? I miss seeing your straight silky hair...