Recent Contributions to Comment Fic

Feb 21, 2022 16:36

So I hosted comment_fic last week, and it went pretty well as far as participation.

I actually wrote something! Just a handful of 14-word fills, but at least it's something.

Usually, I will have a new document each year for my comment fics, but I decided to combine this year with last, because, well, yeah. So little written in 2021.

Anyway, here are those ( Read more... )

this week in comment_fic

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Comments 3

lil_1337 February 25 2022, 21:30:44 UTC
All of those are awesome! I really liked the humor in the romantic dinner one and can so relate to the one about the pocketbook disagreeing.

I'm sorry I didn't get more written. The week snuck up and knocked me flat.


4bdnsn0wflake February 26 2022, 03:05:58 UTC
Thanks for reading!

No worries. Some weeks it just doesn't happen. I appreciate the lovely fill you did for BDS.

Are you okay, though? Feeling alright?


lil_1337 February 26 2022, 19:08:33 UTC
I've been really tired. Between my allergies kicking the asthma into high gear and the mental exhaustion of work I mostly come home, eat, and sit in a chair watching tv until time to go to bed. But I am in the middle of a four day weekend right now and that is helping a lot.

This year has been wearing, but we are on the downhill slide now which is awesome.


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