Recent Contributions to Comment Fic

Feb 21, 2022 16:36

So I hosted comment_fic last week, and it went pretty well as far as participation.

I actually wrote something! Just a handful of 14-word fills, but at least it's something.

Usually, I will have a new document each year for my comment fics, but I decided to combine this year with last, because, well, yeah. So little written in 2021.

Anyway, here are those 14-word fills.

Prompt: Supernatural, Sam/Dean, taboo

Fill: They should feel guilt at engaging in the taboo, but couldn’t seem to care.


Prompt: Any, any, hickeys [DCU, Poison Ivy/Harley Quinn]

Fill: Were these bruises from fighting, or hickeys from Ivy’s eager lips? Hard to tell.


Prompt: Any, any window shopping [Unspecified]

Fill: The dress would be perfect for her. Alas, her pocket book does not agree.


Prompt: Any, any, flowers [Unspecified]

Fill: Forgot she didn’t like bouquets, until she reminded me - between sneezes - she was allergic.


Prompt: Any, any, romantic setting [Unspecified]

Fill: Burning candles, fragrant roses, an elegant meal; the perfect setting.

Until the baby-sitter cancelled.


Prompt: Trueblood, Eric Northman/Jason Stackhouse, take care of me

Fill: “What about when I’m ninety?”

Eric leans down to kiss Jason’s forehead.

“Even then.”


And that's all she wrote. (Ha, ha.)

this week in comment_fic

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