Fandom 21

Mar 30, 2009 22:54

Title: The Same
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Willow/Tara
Summary: It's Willow and Tara's first time together since Buffy's death.

It was the first time they’d had sex since Buffy had died.

The first time in months really. Tara had been crazy and Willow had taken the role of carer, not lover. They hadn’t thought about sex for a long, long time. At least, Tara hadn’t. She supposed Willow might have done but Willow would also have known that it was pointless to think. And so much else had been going on. Sex had been at the back of their minds. Or at the back of Tara’s at any rate. She wasn’t always sure what was going on in Willow’s mind. It was one of the things that sometimes vaguely worried her.

It had been some weeks now and Tara had almost managed to forget that they were in Joyce Summer’s old bed. It shouldn’t have felt wrong with different sheets and with their things in the room but somehow, it still did to her. Perhaps it was due to the ambience of the room. It still felt like it belonged to someone else. Still felt like someone else owned it and they were only visitors.

Willow clearly felt the same. She shrugged her robe off looking shy, embarrassed, virginal. When Tara touched her arm, she trembled slightly. Tara kissed her and ran her fingers through the glossy red hair, trying to be reassuring, trying not to reveal her own worries. Trying to show that she was still Willow’s loving partner and that everything was all right.

As they slid into the bed, kissing, touching, seeking out familiar places, it occurred to Tara that some things hadn’t changed. Willow’s body was the same. What pleased her, what she felt like, what she tasted like, her sound, her scent. They were still the same. Even without Buffy, they hadn’t changed.

Tara hoped it would always be that way.

lycoris, buffy the vampire slayer

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