Happy holidays, geekmama! - Christmas Beads [PotC]

Dec 17, 2012 14:42

Title: Christmas Beads
Author: TBD
Recipient: Geekmama
Fandom: POTC
Characters or Pairing: Jack Sparrow/Anamaria
Rating: PG
Summary: Just because you don't believe in Christmas doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.
Notes: Happy holidays, dear Geekmama! Hope you have a lovely Christmas and like your fic-present.

They've come into port in Tortuga for Christmas. There's several successful raids on unsuspecting merchants to celebrate and the men have gold to spare, so they're ashore spending it on rum and girls.

Anamaria has not gone ashore. She sees no reason to celebrate a festival which she does not believe in, and anyway someone has to stand harbour watch. It's a balmy night, so she's content in a hammock slung on the maindeck, a bottle of grog to hand and the stars to look at.

Footsteps on the deck stir her, and she swings to her feet, hand going to her cutlass.

"Only me, love."

"I thought you were ashore," Anamaria says, getting back into the hammock and eyeing her captain suspiciously.

"Went ashore. Found it not to my liking. Came back." Jack Sparrow shrugs. "Funny thing, Christmas, ain't it? All these folk drinking away their sorrows on account of it being a particular date in December."

Anamaria nods. "Aye. True enough."

Jack fumbles in his sash. "Still, seems to be the season for gifts. Thought you might like this."

He holds out a package wrapped in bright cotton. Anamaria takes it, eyeing him suspiciously. "I haven't got you anything," she says.

"No matter." He gestures. "You going to open that, love?"

She unpicks the bit of string holding the package closed and pulls out a necklace, beads of amber interspersed with bits of silver. It is beautiful, even in the half-light of the moon. She slips it over her neck and feels the beads cold against her skin.

"Looks good," says Jack, awkwardly. "Happy Christmas, Ana."

Anamaria leans out of her hammock, and, daringly, kisses him on the cheek. "Happy Christmas, Jack." She lies down again, one hand touching the smooth amber beads. "Now get along with you, cap'n. I'm on watch."

"Aye, aye, ma'am." He sketches her a bow, grins, and saunters off towards his cabin. Anamaria smiles, and settles back to look at the Christmas stars.

2012, rating: pg, fandom: potc, genre: het

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