Title: we'll be closer than the stars
Day/Theme: 5. we'll be closer than the stars
Series: Naruto
Character/Pairing: somewhat SasoDei
Rating: G/K
Just a drabble. To be formatted prettier on FanFiction.
And it occurs to him that this flash and quickly building ecstasy is the closest to heaven that he'll ever get. Deidara remembers wishing for an exhilaration like this with someone, but he can't recall the name anymore.
The last things he sees aren't even real, and this is a bittersweet realization. He makes out dull red hair and finger joints, and he mentally reaches out his own hand for no reason he can understand. This is his moment, Deidara thinks, and the textured hands whose owner he can't even place anymore shouldn't even be in his mind. (He wants to touch them, just a little bit, badly.
He wants to be a little closer to them. To him?)
The energy takes his vision, and just like that, his sight is cut in his brightest moment. (It is a relief, because then he can pretend he's blind to the amber-brown eyes that mock and beckon him.)
All his senses are gone and he'd feel like he was slowly fading if he could still feel, but he thinks―
And he's gone.
[in the most violently ephemeral way he can manage, and he becomes art]