Title: Buying Produce Together Does Not Equal a Relationship
Day/Theme: April 5, 2010 "We'll be closer than the stars"
Series: Original (Navigator)
Character/Pairing: Stuart & Julian
Rating: G
"Do you know what we need to do together? We need to go grocery shopping," Stuart declared firmly, like that simple act would be enough to transform their entire relationship.
"Are you out of your mind? What would we even shop for?" Why did Stuart always have to do things like this? Sure, people onboard might buy some groceries of their own so they were able to have personal food that they liked, but Julian didn't bother with that kind of thing. It was too much trouble. He didn't like going out to the store anyway. Anything to avoid being looked at. The things they stocked officially on the ship were just fine. He'd just make sure to avoid anything of the items that bothered his delicate stomach.
"...Well, it's, uh, fun to go and look at all the neat food." Stuart felt like he was up against the wall again. The firing squad was staring him down and he always turned down the blindfold. "You might find something you like that you've forgotten about for months or find something new to like. That's the kind of thing that always happens to me." He forced a bigger smile than he felt. Julian's yellow eyes were hard to handle, even at half intensity.
"Are you going to buy anything?"
"I don't have a list made up, if that's what you're asking, but I assume I'll find something. Last time we came through here, they were remodeling, and it seems like that always leads me to finding something new."
"Because you can't find what it is you really want."
"Then let's go, not just argue about it." Stuart slickly tried to turn things around, acting as if it wasn't that Julian had never wanted to go, but that he hadn't liked Stuart's reasons for going.
"Oh, I'm not falling for this again." The doctor turned away, back to his computer and his work. Stuart was so much savvier than him when it came to people and he wanted to smooth the relationships between other people on the ship whenever they came to him with problems. It just wasn't right for him to use all these tricks.
"Don't fall for it then. Come because you want to." Stuart had relaxed. His smile felt easier. He held out his hand.
And Julian, despite reservations, accepted it. "I want to look at the bakery section," he explained.