so acknowledging that i am one of those people who types in all lower-case letters when i am not writing professionally, i am still a grammar nazi at heart.
which is why i have a deep and abiding love for
this post i am going imagine monsters whenever i see "alot."
Comments 5
yay compulsive grammar nazis!!!
one time when i was working at origins, erin had this flyer about some new approach to selling something-or-other, I dunno, but I sure as hell went through a copy of it with a red pen and corrected every little thing. i was like "here, fax this to corporate." lol she was like "UH NO KATHLEEN you know I can't do that." "Then they should be paying someone to check their grammar and spelling before they send stuff like that out."
i glanced down at a chart for this girl that had come in to confirm her pregnancy, and in the "reason for today's visit" line on the form she wrote "pregnate" ... -_-;;
i think the 'alot' monster is going to become very handy. thanks for sharing!!!!
<-- more giggling
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